(2007) used 3060 min as the heating time and found no significant difference in the induction of apoptotic activity. The total cholesterol potato anthocyanin (TCH), triglyceride (TG), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, as well as the atherosclerosis index (AI), were significantly decreased, and the highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol level was increased significantly by the addition of sweet potato anthocyanins. 1.3 EXTRACTION, SEPARATION, AND PURIFICATION METHODS OF CHLOROGENIC ACIDS 1.3.1 Extraction Methods of Chlorogenic Acids There are many methods for extracting chlorogenic acids, including water extraction, organic solvent extraction, enzymatic hydrolysis, supercritical fluid extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and ultrasonic-assisted method. Under acidic conditions, anthocyanins showed a relatively stable red flavylium cation, which changed to colorless chalcone as the pH and temperature increased. Biol. Foreign Technical Intell 2, 57. The Ea, H, and S values of anthocyanins in 20% ethanol were 78.09 kJ/mol, 71.97 kJ/mol/K, and 189.94 J/mol/K, respectively. 58 (17), 95429548. This comprehensive utilization of waste materials is of great environmental significance; (2) In-depth studies on the separation, purification, and the structureactivity relationships of chlorogenic acids: chlorogenic acids are composed of a variety of components. Sangnark, A., Noomhorm, A., 2003. Insufficient or excessive steaming is unfavorable for the complete separation of sweet potato cell tissues. Anal. A review of recent developments on the regulatory, structural and functional aspects of gum Arabic. Advances in anthocyanin pigments from purple sweet potato [J]. Han, Y. Tao, Chen, X.H., Xie, J., et al., 2011. Environ. See Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) DW. The latter is more fitted to the production of sweet potato granules because it retains a higher cell integrity level. Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potato 403 Sasaki, K., Han, J., Shimozono, H., et al., 2013. Food Eng. Precipitation with metal ions is another pectin purification method that can cause serious pollution problems, and the attained pectin has a higher ash content as well as poor solubility. P , 0.01; Activity of hepatic ADH (U mg/g protein) 50 40 30 **# **# ** 20 ** 10 0 Control Model Low dose group Middle dose group High dose group Figure 6.26 Effects of PSPAs on the activity level of hepatic ADH. In this way, the water content in mashed sweet potatoes is decreased to B30%, which satisfies the requirement of the air flow dryer. LWTFood Sci. Food Proc. Values followed by the same letter on the same curve are not significantly different (P . Researchers, specialists and enterprise research staffs in food technology; undergraduate and graduate students working on food science and related areas, Chapter 1. J. Nutr. Feng, R., Lu, Y., Bowman, L.L., et al., 2005. 13 (4), 229236. Miyazaki, K., Makino, K., Iwadate, E., et al., 2008. Chem. Dev. As the shear rate increased in the range of 11000 s21, a shear thinning-associated phenomenon appeared in the pectin solution, which showed the characteristics of a non-Newtonian fluid. 80, 10631072. The highest concentration of pectin is in the middle lamellal cell wall, with a gradual decrease from the primary cell wall to the plasma membrane. Boulton, R., 2001. When the added amounts were higher than 4% and 6%, respectively, the specific volume of bread decreased. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raspberry and blackberry cultivars. Cell. 340 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Levels of hepatic MDA (mg/g liver) 30 24 * 18 # ## ## 12 6 0 Control Model Low-dose Middle-dose High-dose group group group Figure 6.31 Effects of PSPAs on the MDA activity level. Pectinase was widely used in the production of fruit juice and wine. Phenolic compounds, which are a phenylpropanoid class of secondary metabolites generated during aerobic respiration in plants through the shikimic acid pathway, widely exist in higher dicotyledonous plants and ferns. The static adsorption properties of sweet potato anthocyanins are shown in Fig. About 50 mL of each solution was adsorbed by 2 g of resin and the TPC of the solution was determined when adsorption had finished. The results indicated that sweet potato anthocyanins could reduce Sweet Potato Anthocyanins 343 oxidative stress and the lipid peroxidation level, which may have potential inhibitory effects on acute alcoholic liver injury by determining the content of enzymes (ALT, AST, and LDH), serum indices (TG, TCH, and LDL-C) and liver indices (MDA, ADH, SOD, and GST). Note: labeled with a different letter in the same concentration are significantly different (P , 0.05). Eduardo, P., Oliver, C., Elisa, L., et al., 2013. In addition, pectin gel properties were also influenced by the pH value, temperature, pectin concentration, coexisting solutes, such as sucrose, and the concentration of ions, such as calcium (Thakur et al., 1997). Molecular mechanisms of (2)-epicatechin and chlorogenic acid on the regulation of the apoptotic and survival/proliferation pathways in a human hepatoma cell line. Composition and functional properties of enriched fiber products obtained from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poiret). 6.7A. 43 (1), 106112. (2003) showed that at the same pectin concentration in the same oil phase volume fraction, the emulsion particle size of sugar beet pectin was less than that of citrus pectin, and the proportion of the emulsion particles absorbed on the sugar beet pectin was greater than that of the orange pectin. After 30 min, all of the groups were administered one dose of PSPAs in saline intragastrically. 4.5, as pH values increased, but remained less than 1.5, the pectin yield significantly increased. See Total dietary fiber (TDF) TE. The following section describes the method of producing noodles containing sweet potato granules. (2004) showed that the waterholding capacity of dietary fibers from different sources had obvious 168 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Water holding capacity (g/g) 7 a b 6 5 i h g f c e d j 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Variety number 7 8 9 10 Figure 3.19 Water-holding capacities (g/g) of dietary fibers from different varieties of sweet potato: (1) Beijing 553, (2) Jishu 21, (3) Jishu 7-1, (4) Jishu 82, (5) Jishu 98, (6) Jishu 99, (7) Lvya 18, (8) Weiduoli, (9) Xinong 431, (10) Xu 55-2. The intake of Sweet Potato Anthocyanins 329 PSPAs in advance could inhibit the increase in the LDH, especially in the high-dose PSPAs group. Sweet Potato Anthocyanins 349 Huang, M.C., Chen, C.C., Peng, F.C., et al., 2009. $X=B m][{$q/JF=2Yeg6M4mb!sRjbe!COdE%][aHu5~UB87+$:9Fs Thus, the stability of sweet potato anthocyanin is a key factor influencing its applications. Bioresour. Olano-Martin, E., Rimbach, G.H., Gibson, G.R., et al., 2003. Demign, C., Morand, C., Levrat, M.A., Besson, C., Moundras, C., Rmsy, C., 1995. At concentrations was greater than 2.0%, changes did not have significant effects on the two indicators. The processing technology of the fermented sweet potato freeze-dried sugar-free food according to claim 1, which is characterized in that: in the homogenizing step, the fermented potato pulp is homogenized for 2 times by a homogenizer under 25 MPa. This is due to the low degree of esterification of Sweet Potato Pectin 199 low methoxyl pectin and the great amount of free carboxyls in the pectin molecule. 4.5 WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY OF DIETARY FIBERS FROM DIFFERENT SWEET POTATO VARIETIES Fig. When the pectin concentration was 0.5%, the gel hardness was 7.70 g, and when the pectin concentration was 3.0%, the hardness reached to 84.53 g. Gel adhesiveness and chewiness increased along Sweet Potato Pectin 237 Table 4.4 Effects of Pectin Concentration on Gel Texture Concentration (% w/v) Hardness (g) Adhesiveness Chewiness 0.5 7.70 6 0.88 2.69 6 0.71 0.79 6 0.28d 1.0 21.84 6 2.25 1.5 45.47 6 3.41d 28.66 6 2.37b 25.02 6 4.66b 2.0 58.48 6 3.29 c 36.66 6 3.12 a,b 33.34 6 3.55a 2.5 75.28 6 2.79 b 42.44 6 4.01 a 40.13 6 3.78a 3.0 84.53 6 3.37a 43.88 6 3.96a 41.19 6 4.06a f e d 12.91 6 1.06 c 9.83 6 0.77c Concentration (% w/v) Tackiness Elasticity Recovery rate 0.5 0.35 6 0.08b 0.29 6 0.02b 0.49 6 0.05a 1.0 0.59 6 0.11a,b 0.76 6 0.11a 0.34 6 0.03b 1.5 0.63 6 0.05 0.87 6 0.08 a 0.023 6 0.005c 2.0 0.63 6 0.09a,b 0.91 6 0.04a 0.017 6 0.007c 2.5 0.56 6 0.04 a 0.95 6 0.02 a 0.020 6 0.004c 3.0 0.52 6 0.04 a 0.94 6 0.02 a 0.015 6 0.001c a,b Values followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different (P . Although thin-layer chromatography is simple, the separation difficulties and the vulnerability to interference by impurities result in it being not often used in the qualitative and quantitative analyses of chlorogenic acids. J. CP Kelco ApS, Denmark. Pylkas, A.M., Juneja, L.R., Slavin, J.L., 2005. However, there has also been research on the adsorptive ability of pH-modified durian pectin for heavy metals. (1999) isolated eight acylated anthocyanins from the storage roots of the purple sweet potato, I. batatas cv Yamagawamurasaki, which is the source of the food colorant purple sweet potato color. Of these, six pigments were identified mainly by NMR analyses as diacylated anthocyanins, cyanidin, and peonidin 3-O-(6-O-(E)-caffeyl-2-O-(6-O-acyl--D-glucopyranosyl)--D-glucopyranoside)-5-O--D-gluco-pyranosides, in which each acyl substituent was a p-hydroxybenzoyl, (E)-caffeyl or (E)ferulyl residue. J. Nutr. as a . However, at present, there is not enough research into the biological activities of chlorogenic acids from sweet potatoes, and the mechanisms of various biological activities are not well enough understood. In the presence of NaCl, the electrostatic effect of pectin was shielded. The inhibitory effect was enhanced when the treatment time was less than 24 h, and the inhibition rate decreased significantly because of shortening treatment time (P,0.05). Thus, the pH-modified pectin had obviously increased the inhibitory effect on the uPA contents in cancer cells. J. Mol. The degradation kinetic parameters of anthocyanins in 10% ethanol are displayed in Table 6.11. 7 and Ximeng No. 95, 574578. 0.05). The oil-holding capacities of dietary fibers from 10 different sweet potato varieties were as follows: Xu 55-2 (2.48 g/g) . Curcumin prevents chronic alcohol-induced liver disease involving decreasing ROS generation and enhancing antioxidative capacity. AOAC. Several chemical methods have been used for the hydrolysis of neutral sugar side chains, which vary among 190 Sweet Potato Processing Technology themselves because of the differences in the acid types, the acid concentrations, and the time and temperature of hydrolysis. When the Ca21 concentration ranged from 0 to 50 mmol/L, the viscosity of the pectin solution showed a certain 230 Sweet Potato Processing Technology correlation, and R250.88. Study on fermentation technology of dietary fiber from sweet potato residue by liquid fermentation of medicinal fungi. These ingredients required treatment before use. Values followed by the same letter for the same kind of cancer cell are not significantly different (P . Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P . Improves alcohol-induced fatty liver in mice by reduction of hepatic oxidative stress. Moreover, it is easy to operate and industrialize Grade alcohol precipitation The method is based on the different solubility levels of anthocyanins, polysaccharides, starch, and protein in ethanol, with the ethanol concentration being adjusted repeatedly to precipitate the macromolecules The grade alcohol precipitation method is simple; however, it is relatively complex, large amount of alcohol is consumed, and is accompanied by adsorption and double-teaming, resulting in different degrees of pigment loss Lead acetate precipitation Anthocyanin crude extract was precipitated by adding lead acetate, and the precipitate was collected by filtration The method is not suitable for food or pharmaceutical grade anthocyanin extractions because of the toxicity of lead acetate High-speed countercurrent chromatography Qiu et al. 17 (2), 8792. The heating temperatures were 100132 C, and the heating time ranged from 20 min to 5.5 h. Jackson et al. A new caffeoyl quinic acid from Aster scaber and its inhibitory activity against human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) integrase. Liu, C., Wang, Z., Li, X., et al., 2008. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from mulberry and identification of anthocyanins in extract using HPLCESIMS [J]. aqueous hydrochloric acid solution, and the resolved anthocyanins were washed with 70% aqueous ethanol. Yin, C.C., 2008. 51 (9), 25262531. linear viscoelastic strain range was determined to be between 0.3% and 3%. Moreover, because of its structure, these are suitable for hydrophilic compounds. See Degree of polymerization (DP) DPn. At home and abroad, chlorogenic acid research has become more and more mature, and with more in-depth research, its applications will be more extensive; however, the following aspects can be improved: 1. pH value changes led to differently charged pectin molecules, affecting the emulsion particles charge number, and different electrostatic interactions existed between emulsion particles, resulting in emulsion particle size differences at various pH values. Wang, W.X., 2010. Under the optimized conditions, the pectin yield and the galacturonic acid content were 5.09% and 70.03%, respectively, which met the FAO regulations for pectin additives (galacturonic acid content $ 65%). The effects of pH and ammonium sulfate concentration on the anthocyanin partition coefficient are shown in Fig. Peroxy radicals are the intermediate products of lipid peroxidation, which can attack lipids, causing the lipid peroxidation chain reaction. After adding an equal volume of 95% ethanol, the mixture was placed in the refrigerator (220 C) for 2 h, then the mixture was filtered, and the entrapped solids were collected to be dissolved in deionized water. Freezing: and pouring the homogenized potato pulp into a tray of a freeze dryer to be about 1 cm in thickness, and immediately putting the potato pulp into a freezer or a freezer for freezing. Wuhan: Central China Agricultural University (in Chinese). Phytother. Zhang et al. Some raw materials contain large amounts of pigments and, therefore, must be decolorized, by using acetone, ether, and ethanol, before pectin extraction. Thus, the migration rate was reduced by 64.55%. As the pectin concentration increased, the amount of pectin adsorbed on the surface of emulsified particles ( ) increased significantly (P , 0.05), and the increase was positively correlated Figure 4.37 Effects of the pectin concentration and oil-phase volume fraction on pectin adsorption by emulsion particles. Potato chips flow chart: Tubers harvesting Harvesting should take place when the sucrose content is below 1.5%. Then, 1 mL of diluted pectin solution and 6 mL concentrated sulfuric acid were mixed together in an ice bath, after which the mixture was placed in a boiling water bath for 15 min. Rice-Evans, C., 1995. Preparation, properties and application of high activity corn dietary fiber. Food Chem. Sucrose in the pectin solution interacted with pectin molecules through hydrogen bonding. Our results were in good agreement with those of Li et al. See High density lipoprotein (HDL) HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), 151 Health foods, sweet potato dietary fiber in, 175 Heat treatment on chlorogenic acids, 393396 on soluble sweet potato protein, 107109 Heating temperature, 76 Heavy metals, 194195 Hemicellulose, 124125 Hepatic ADH activity level, sweet potato anthocyanins, 332333, 333f, 340341 Hepatic GST activity levels, 340 419 Hepatic MDA activity level, sweet potato anthocyanins, 330, 338339, 340f Hepatic SOD, sweet potato anthocyanins, 331332, 332f, 333f HGA. In addition, the results of Arrhenius equation and the EyringPolanyi model showed that Ea and H decreased, while S increased, as the ethanol concentration increased. This also occurred with Ximeng No.1. It is possible that the detection range of the HPLC was different from that of the FolinCiocalteu method. J. Agric. Antioxidant activity of -tocopherol and trolox in different lipid substrates: bulk oils vs oil-in-water emulsions. Wu, J.G., Zhou, S., Zhang, X.Y., 2005. (2006) confirmed that chlorogenic acids had hypoglycemic effects in animals and that there was no significant difference in the hypoglycemic effects of chlorogenic acids and glibenclamide (the main efficacy component of hypoglycemic drugs) after 3 h. The mechanism might be related to inhibiting the absorption of glucose-6-phosphate and glucose. Study on the development of purple sweet potato health jelly. Extracting pectin from sweet potato residue as a high added-value product can increase the utilization rates of raw materials and reduce the waste of resources and production of environmental pollutants, which has important practical significance. Physicochemical properties of a fibrous fraction from chia (Salvia hispanica L.). The sweet potato is not peeled by using an iron tool, otherwise, the surface of the peeled sweet potato is easy to blacken. Potato . Purple sweet potato anthocyanins (PSPAs) caused high oxidation resistance levels in 28 plant species, and a further study showed that -glucosidase inhibition was high correlated with antioxidant activity (R2 5 0.82) (Mai et al., 2007). Digestible and indigestible carbohydrates: interactions with postprandial lipid metabolism. The ferric-reducing antioxidant powers of chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves increased in a dose-dependent manner. 53 (4), 378381. Sweet potato dietary fiber extraction, functional properties and its application. At present, the decrease in the GST content is a mechanism of ALD. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-812871-8.00006-4 Copyright 2017 China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. See Insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) 420 Index IL-6. Inhibition of human cancer cell growth and metastasis in nude mice by oral intake of modified citrus pectin. J. Chromatogr. The pH value range in which low methoxyl pectin forms a gel is wide (2.06.0) and metal ions, such as calcium, are essential for gel formation. J. Cereal Sci. When the solid/liquid ratio was at 30:1, the pectin yield and the galacturonic acid content reached their maximum values. PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, M.O. Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Applications. Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber 14 Water swelling capacity (mL/g) b 12 e 10 h f a c d 169 d g i 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Variety number Figure 3.20 Water-swelling capacities (mL/g) of dietary fibers from different varieties of sweet potato: (1) Beijing 553, (2) Jishu 21, (3) Jishu 7-1, (4) Jishu 82, (5) Jishu 98, (6) Jishu 99, (7) Lvya 18, (8) Weiduoli, (9) Xinong 431, (10) Xu 55-2. Sweet potatoes usually have irregular shapes, and thus, the direct heating of sweet potatoes results in excessive or insufficient softening and loosening of some parts, while other parts are appropriately softened and loosened. Monosaccharide composition of sweetpotato fiber and cell wall polysaccharides from sweetpotato, cassava, and potato analyzed by the high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection method. J. Biochem. When the sample concentration was low, the adsorption capacity increased as the TPC rose because the number of active sites related to the chlorogenic acids increased. Food Eng. For HT-29 cells (Fig. pectin alters hepatic cholesterol metabolism without affecting cholesterol absorption in guinea pigs fed a hypercholesterolemic diet. 6.12. The righting reflex for each control or treatment mouse was performed in triplicate. 11, 266277. Download Sweet Potato Products full books in PDF, epub, and Kindle. Then 2.0 mL of saturated Na2CO3 (10% w/v) was added and kept at 30 C for 30 min. PLoS One 6 (6), 19. 63 (8), 14201424. 36 (5), 284287. 1.5.2 Physicochemical Functions of Pectin Viscosity-Associated Properties of Pectin Viscosity is the deformation of fluid under the action of external forces. SECTION 5: THE APPLICATIONS OF CHLOROGENIC ACIDS FROM SWEET POTATOES 5.1 FOOD INDUSTRY Chlorogenic acids are a new type of high-efficiency phenolic antioxidant that can fully or partially replace the commonly used synthetic antioxidants in some foods. See Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Atherosclerosis index (AI), 294 ATPE. Strain was applied to the gel to produce deformation forces, which were used to determine the stress at which the transformation of the shear frequency will not damage the gels structure. 22, 321324. After that, granules are obtained by drying with a low shear strength and a low extrusion pressure. J. Environ. Relevant technical literature on the ATPE of natural products, demonstrating its value, has been reported, although in limited amounts. 103 (11), 15771584. Sweet potato: a review of its past, present, and future role in human nutrition. 64, 381388. Fig. NIH ImageJ software was used to analyze the images of cells after 0 h and 24 h incubation times and measure the widths as L0 and L24, respectively. Papathanasopoulos, A., Camilleri, M., 2010. The Interaction Between the Variables on the Anthocyanin Partition Coefficient (Y2) The effects of the ethanol concentration and liquidsolid ratio shown in Fig. SECTION 2: THE PREPARATION OF SWEET POTATO ANTHOCYANINS 2.1 THE EXTRACTION OF SWEET POTATO ANTHOCYANINS ATPE has been widely applied to the separation of biomacromolecules, such as proteins and antibiotics, because of its mild conditions and high capacity.
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