International standards for fetal growth based on serial ultrasound measurements: the Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project. It may be present at birth or develop postnatally. If this is not feasible due to the study design, the study periods during which safety data are being collected should be clearly defined. In cases of worsening microcephaly or neurological signs or symptoms, neuroimaging, metabolic, or genetic testing should be strongly considered. The additional guidelines have been developed as guidance for the collection of information to allow for a more comprehensive understanding of congenital microcephaly following maternal immunisation. Angelo M.G., David M.P., Zima J., Baril L., Dubin G., Arellano F. Pooled analysis of large and long-term safety data from the human papillomavirus-16/18-AS04-adjuvanted vaccine clinical trial programme. What are the different ways a genetic condition can be inherited? The size of the cranial vault is an indicator of the size of the underlying brain. Kohl K.S., Walop W., Gidudu J., Ball L., Halperin S., Hammer S.J. Therefore, it is important to repeat the measurement three times and to select the largest measurement to the nearest 0.1cm [56] (see Fig. More than 1100 clinical syndromes associated with the clinical sign, microcephaly, were recorded in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM as of June 2016 [25]. Genetic causes of microcephaly and lessons for neuronal development. Microcephaly is a condition defined as a small head circumference present at birth (congenital microcephaly, Figure 1) or later in life (postnatal or acquired microcephaly). Ventriculomegaly (more than 15 mm), microcephaly (a decrease of less than two standard deviations), high echogenicity in the periventricular areas, and hydrocephaly may . Rubella and varicella are also known congenital infections causing microcephaly and intellectual deficits but are less common following the implementation of rubella and varicella vaccines. de Onis M., Garza C., Onyango A.W., Rolland-Cachera M.F. How are genetic conditions treated or managed? Epub 2009 Dec 2. Review. Diagnostic approach to microcephaly in childhood: A two-center study and review of the literature. Since brain growth is correlated with head growth, people with this disorder often have an intellectual disability, poor . 22 Data were analyzed with Stata 14.0 software (StataCorp, College Station, TX). While outcomes in microcephaly related to Zika virus are unknown, the known association with decreased developmental scores and IQ in cases of other infections and teratogens, as well as the emerging understanding of the mechanism of neuronal involvement from Zika virus, will likely lead to recommendations of close neurodevelopmental follow-up of children known to be affected. Rump P., Jazayeri O., Dijk-Bos K.K., Johansson L.F., van Essen A.J., Verheij J.B.G.M., Veenstra-Knol H.E., Redeker E.J.W., Mannens M.M.A.M., Swertz M.A., et al. Thus, congenital microcephaly can be classified as diagnosed postnatally or prenatally, based exclusively on the timing of when the diagnosis of microcephaly is made [5]. Making comparisons to parents' HCs may be important as familial forms of mild microcephaly have been described. Trotta F, Da Cas R, Spila S, Gramegna M, Venegoni M, Zocchetti C, et al. 0 The landmarks are seen with a centrally positioned and continuous midline falx cerebri (1), the midline echo is broken anteriorly at one-third of its length by the cavum septi pellucidi (2) and the thalami are located symmetrically (3). Microcephaly has become much more prevalent in the news and scientific community with the recent emergence of Zika virus as a cause of congenital microcephaly. This document is only valid for the day on which it is accessed. GA assessed based on certain LMP with confirmatory 1st trimester or 2nd trimester US scan, IUI, or embryo transfer date, Live birth, stillbirth, or spontaneous or therapeutic abortion of at least 24weeks of GA, Measured >36h and up to 6weeks after birth or end of pregnancy with no apparent post-natal insult resulting in microcephaly, GA assessed based on uncertain LMP with 2nd trimester US scan, Take into account the variability in this period based on molding of the head, Measured up to 6weeks after birth or end of pregnancy with no apparent post-natal insult resulting in microcephaly, GA based on LMP without confirmatory 1st or 2nd trimester ultrasound, Live birth, stillbirth, or spontaneous or therapeutic abortion, Case meets criteria for microcephaly using a validated algorithm: 1 inpatient diagnosis OR 2 outpatient diagnoses OR 1 outpatient diagnosis AND death in first year using the following diagnostic codes ICD-9-CM code 742.1 or ICD-10-CM code Q02, Diagnosis of congenital microcephaly based on physical inspection without HC measurement. FOIA Diagnostic approaches to congenital, postnatal, and proportional microcephaly are proposed in Figure 2. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Low weight and proportionate microcephaly were similar among newborns from both periods. . Cauchemez S., Besnard M., Bompard P., Dub T., Guillemette-Artur P., Eyrolle-Guignot D. Association between Zika virus and microcephaly in French Polynesia, 201315: a retrospective study. Obican S., Scialli A.R. Congenital microcephaly should be diagnosed either prenatally or during the first 6weeks of life. To diagnose microcephaly after birth, a healthcare provider will measure the distance around a newborn . Since the involvement of the CDC, World Health Organization (WHO), and the emergence of more cases of congenital Zika virus infections and microcephaly, extensive research in the mechanism of microcephaly has been explored. Even if MRI performed early in infancy is normal, repeated MRI after two years of age is recommended given complete myelination at this age [5]. de Oliveira-Szejnfeld P. Soares, Levine D., Melo A.S., Amorim M.M., Batista A.G., Chimelli L. Congenital brain abnormalities and Zika virus: what the radiologist can expect to see prenatally and postnatally. Teratogenic conditions with microcephaly include congenital rubella, CMV, congenital Zika infection and congenital toxoplasmosis. What width ties are in style 2020? No cases of congenital microcephaly were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following maternal immunisation with the tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) during pregnancy for the time from 2011 to 2015 [52]. Fetus of at least 24weeks GA based on certain LMP with confirmatory 1st trimester or 2nd trimester US scan IUI, or embryo transfer date, HC 2 SD below mean or <3 percentile according to fetal US scan using appropriate standardized reference charts according to GA and gender for the population (e.g., WHO growth reference charts if GA 37weeks and Intergrowth-21st reference charts for GA 2436weeks), Confirmation of microcephaly (i.e., HC 2 SD below mean or <3 percentile) in fetus by at least one additional US scan after 24weeks and at least one week after first US, Confirmation of microcephaly by HC measurement with standard tape measure at birth or autopsy, Fetus of at least 24weeks GA based on uncertain LMP with 2nd trimester US, HC 2 SD below mean or <3 percentile according to fetal ultrasound (US) examination using appropriate standardized reference charts according to GA and gender for the population (e.g., WHO growth reference charts if GA 37weeks and Intergrowth-21st reference charts for GA 2436weeks), Fetus of at least 24weeks GA based on certain or uncertain LMP with fundal height and no confirmatory 1st or 2nd trimester US scan, HC 2 SD below mean or <3 percentile according to fetal US scan using appropriate standardized reference charts according to GA and gender for the population (e.g., WHO growth reference charts if GA 37weeks and Intergrowth-21st reference charts for GA 2436weeks) with femur length and abdominal circumference concordant with GA assessment, Confirmation of microcephaly (i.e., HC 2 SD below mean or <3 percentile) in fetus with at least one additional US scan after 24weeks and at least one week after first US, Fetus of at least 24weeks GA based on certain LMP with confirmatory 1st trimester or 2nd trimester US scan, uncertain LMP with 2nd trimester US, IUI, or embryo transfer date, No additional data to confirm microcephaly (i.e., No additional prenatal US scan or confirmation of microcephaly by HC measurement at birth or autopsy), Fetus of at least 24weeks GA based on certain LMP with confirmatory 1st trimester or 2nd trimester US scan, uncertain LMP with 2nd trimester US, IUI, embryo transfer date, or certain or uncertain LMP with fundal height and no confirmatory 1st or 2nd trimester US scan, HC at birth or autopsy is in the normal range using appropriate standardized reference charts according to GA and gender for the population, which means that this is NOT a case of prenatally diagnosed congenital microcephaly, Name and contact information of person reporting. In young infants, postnatal head growth could be affected based on evidence showing that Zika virus disrupts the vascular development of the blood brain barrier leading to exaggerated immune response, and gliosis leading to brain cell damage [32]. In this way it is hoped that all possible cases of congenital microcephaly can be captured. Neurodevelopmental and neuroimaging correlates in nonsyndromal microcephalic children. Investigators developing a data collection tool based on these data collection guidelines also need to refer to the criteria in the case definition, which are not repeated in these guidelines. Cookies used to track the effectiveness of CDC public health campaigns through clickthrough data. These guidelines represent a desirable standard for the presentation and publication of data on congenital microcephaly following maternal immunisation to allow for comparability of data, and are recommended as an addition to data presented for the specific study question and setting. In addition to congenital microcephaly, studies have also shown a mechanism in which Zika virus could contribute to postnatal head growth, independent of the time of infection (congenital vs. postnatal). Nine articles with potentially relevant material were reviewed in more detail, in order to identify studies using case definitions or, in their absence, providing clinical descriptions of the case material. Guangzhou is a large city with a climate that is conducive to transmission of the dengue virus, and it is also at high risk of a zika epidemic. Distinguish microcephaly from craniosynostosis. See our, URL of this page: Microcephaly comes from "micro," meaning small, and "cephaly," meaning head. Motor skills, such as sitting, standing, and walking, may also be mildly delayed. to 5y). Head circumference should be measured and compared to previous measurements. Prenatal head growth and child neuropsychological development at age 14 months. Cytomegalovirus is the most recognized and common TORCH infection causing microcephaly [26,27]. Further diagnostic evaluation may include neuroimaging, and metabolic or genetic testing. 11. A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of cortical development. The 12The date and/or time of onset is defined as the time post immunisation, when the first sign or symptom indicative for congenital microcephaly occurred. Proportionate (symmetric) microcephaly describes a child with a head circumference, height and weight that are similarly below average for age. Proportionate congenital microcephaly might result from an intrauterine dystrophy [ 11] that impacts both head and body growth, whereas disproportionate microcephaly presents head growth lagged behind somatic growth or weight gain [ 12 ]. These include intellectual disability, developmental delay, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, as well as ophthalmologic and audiologic disorders. Microcephaly (from New Latin microcephalia, from Ancient Greek mikrs "small" and kephal "head") is a medical condition involving a smaller-than-normal head. Reported congenital microcephaly with insufficient evidence to meet the case definition, The interval between immunisation and reported congenital microcephaly could be defined as the date/time of immunisation (with regards to gestational age) to the date/time of clinical recognition. An official website of the United States government. Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (often shortened to MCPH, which stands for "microcephaly primary hereditary") is a condition in which infants are born with a very small head and a small brain. The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Souza B.S.F., Sampaio G.L.A., Pereira C.S., Campos G.S., Sardi S.I., Freitas L.A.R., Figueira C.P., Paredes B.D., Nonaka C.K.V., Azevedo C.M., et al. Birth prevalence of microcephaly in India. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. The causes of congenital microcephaly are extensive, highly variable and heterogeneous, and include both known and undetermined aetiologies. MAIL. For the mother, pre-conception medical history, including hospitalisations, underlying diseases/disorders, and medications as well as medical history during pregnancy such as exposure to substances related to congenital microcephaly, tobacco use, alcohol use, illicit drug use, pre-immunisation signs and symptoms including identification of indicators for, or the absence of, a history of allergy to vaccines, vaccine components or medications. In humans, primary recessive microcephaly (MCPH) is a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by a proportionate reduction in brain size at birth. There are currently several fetal growth standards in use for head circumference measurements including those from the Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project, the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study (MGRS), the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Fetal Growth Studies, and those referenced by the United States Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) based on Hadlock growth curves [61], [62], [63], [64]. In patients with microcephaly and global developmental delay, the prevalence of an underlying metabolic disorder ranges from 15% but evidence is limited due to the rare nature of most metabolic disorders [23]. Data on possible congenital microcephaly events should be presented in accordance with data collection guidelines 123 and data analysis guidelines 3034. Incidence rates of congenital microcephaly have been estimated to vary between 0.58 and 1.87 per 10,000 live births in studies conducted in the United States and Europe [9]. There are over 800 known syndromes with microcephaly as a known association and over 900 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) conditions linked to microcephaly [1,10,20]. The distribution of data (as numerator and denominator data) could be analysed in predefined increments (e.g., measured values, times), where applicable. Careers. Conclusion: Head circumference showed highly . Congenital severe microcephaly is very rare, and NDE1 deletion and genetic mutations are important contributors. Facts about microcephaly; 2016. 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2009.11.002. 2006 Aug;12(8):358-66. Evaluation of patients with microcephaly begins with a thorough history and physical examination. two SD below the mean). Record the measurement to the nearest 0.1 cm. Neurology. A fetal HC measurement can be obtained starting at approximately 14weeks estimated gestational age. 2002 Organization WH. Papageorghiou A.T., Sarris I., Ioannou C., Todros T., Carvalho M., Pilu G. Ultrasound methodology used to construct the fetal growth standards in the INTERGROWTH-21st Project. An increase in the reported prevalence of microcephaly was noted in some areas of Brazil during 2015 where there was confirmed Zika virus transmission [13]. Birth Defects Res (Part A): Clin Mol Teratol 2013;97:S1S172. M, Gressens P, Gerard B, Verloes A. Studies suggest that the proteins produced from many of these genes help regulate cell division in the developing brain. Russell K., Oliver S.E., Lewis L., Barfield W.D., Cragan J., Meaney-Delman D., Staples J.E., Fischer M., Peacock G., Oduyebo T., et al. Any further studies and workup should be directed by the presence of signs or symptoms pointing to an underlying diagnosis and are usually used as confirmatory testing for certain conditions. Shakib J.H., Korgenski K., Sheng X., Varner M.W., Pavia A.T., Byington C.L. In addition to microcephaly, children with these intrauterine infections often have other abnormal clinical findings which can include hepatosplenomegaly, rashes, chorioretinitis, and intracranial calcifications. Head circumference is the distance around the widest part of the head, measured by placing a measuring tape above the eyebrows and ears and around the back of the head. Many genetic syndromes are associated with microcephaly: Autosomal recessive microcephaly; trisomy 18; inborn errors of metabolism; Rett syndrome, etc. Microcephaly clinical guideline 1951-55927_116F32.doc Sep2019 Datix Ref: 1951-55927 8 For Looked After Children and adopted children with relative/proportionate microcephaly it needs to be stated in their health care plan for their OFC to be remeasured at their next annual review. Later in life errors of metabolism ; Rett syndrome, etc diagnosis is usually A hospital-based case-control study of the event met the case definition has been and. Ct and is being studied in the first year of life mean and Deviation. Indicate relationship ], and acellular pertussis vaccine during pregnancy: a population-based study in Taiwan Michelson,! 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