Experiences and Reflections of Women after Prenatal Diagnosis and Termination for Anomaly. Lippman, Abby 1999 Embodied Knowledge and Making Sense of Prenatal Diagnosis. Authoritarian leadership refers to any situation where a leader keeps hold of as much power and authority as possible. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 18(3):675689. This article identifies the sources from which one acquires knowledge or justified belief. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 33:343365. 2009b Discrepant Feeling Rules and Unscripted Emotion Work: Women Terminating Desired Pregnancies Due to Fetal Anomaly. Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College (Available from Proquest, Ann Arbor, MI; UMI 3088602). [more authoritative; most authoritative] 1 : having or showing impressive knowledge about a subject He is an authoritative [= reliable, accurate] source for information about Islamic art. Fuchs Victor R. ed (1972) Essays in the Economics of Health and Medical Care. "Authoritarian . Syntax; Advanced Search; New. Emily Martin has produced a powerful study of the dialectic between medical metaphors for women's reproductive processes and women's own views of those processes, exposing hidden cultural assumptions about the nature of reality. Davis-Floyd, Robbie E. 1992 Birth as an American Rite of Passage. sociologists who are faculty members at colleges and universities, researchers, Westborough, MA: Genzyme Genetics. Glaser, Barney G., and Anselm L. Strauss 1967 The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. refers to our ability to do things. Browner, Carole H., and Nancy A. Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. It is not a specialized area of sociology.Instead, it deals with broad fundamental questions about the extent and limits of social influences on individuals' lives and the social-cultural basis of our knowledge . This article traces the impact of philosophical questions regarding the grounds of moral autonomy and heteronomy (rule-from-another as opposed to rule-from-oneself) on classical sociological theory, arguing that both Weber and Durkheim . During the first half of the twentieth century, out-of-wedlock pregnancy came to be seen as one of the most urgent and compelling problems of the day. Root, Robin, and Carole H. Browner 2001 Practices of the Pregnant Self: Compliance with and Resistance to Prenatal Norms. The sociology of knowledge is the study of the relationship between human thought and the social context within which it arises, and the effects that prevailing ideas have on societies. Authoritative leaders can often appear to be controlling and overbearing, which means that employees that aren't used to working under this kind of leadership model often find it very difficult to adapt to. Alternative and Authoritative Knowledge: The Role of Certification for Defining Expertise among Doulas Megan M. Henley First Published August 4, 2015 Research Article https://doi.org/10.1177/2329496515589851 Article information Abstract Doulas are maternity support workers who provide supportive care to women in childbirth. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Drisco, James W. 2006 Rigorous and Relevant: Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research. After decades of research, child development experts recognize that authoritative parenting is the best style of parenting among the four Baumrind . Rapp, Rayna 1999 Testing Women, Testing the Fetus. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Qualitative Health Research 2(13):857870. and profession serving the public good. They do this because participants seek View Notes - Ch_3_Activists as Claimsmakers_Large Slides from SOC 220 at Purdue University. Feminism and Psychology 17:3956. Negative, Being only 6% of all single mothers, never-married single mothers in Taiwan are a group of mothers which have been neglected for long time. The following are illustrative examples of authoritarian leadership. 2007 Pregnancy Interrupted: Loss of a Desired Pregnancy After Diagnosis of Fetal Anomaly. View full document In in-depth interviews with 25 young people who had experienced at least one unintended pregnancy, it was found that the stigma of unintended pregnancy led participants to selectively disclose the pregnancy to limited people, which in turn cut them off from needed sources of social support. British Journal of Social Work 40: 133153. Publication Date: 1999 ISBN: 978 1 85898 588 6 Extent: 1,344 pp This authoritative two volume collection presents both the classic articles and the most important recent literature which are essential for an understanding of the sociology of knowledge. Pregnant women prefer to refer to my baby, a reference that shows their ownership and connection, but also plays into political efforts to grant human status to a fetus for purposes of outlawing abortion services. Berkeley: University of California. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parents have rules, and they use consequences, but they also take their children's opinions into account. Intuitive knowledge is probably based on nonconsciously recalled information, such as implicit memory or procedural memory, both of which are forms of knowing that are not necessarily accompanied by verbal awareness of . Custom header code thesis. T or F. The one that derives from the application of the scientific method to the different hypotheses that arise from the observation of reality. Rothman, Barbara Katz 1988 Reproductive Technology and the Commodification of Life. knowledge that appears to be based on subjective judgment or gut feeling rather than on specific learning. option. 1 ASSIGNMENT No. Health Care for Women International 30(6): 507535. A level sociology revision - education, families, research methods, crime and deviance and more! Article Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Routledge, New York. New York: Basil Blackwell. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Charismatic authority is relatively unstable because the authority held by a charismatic leader may not easily extend to anyone else . Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. in English. Authoritarian Leadership definition This leadership style is a leadership style in which, without accepting participation, the authoritarian leader makes all the decisions themselves and delegates the tasks. In: Morgan L.M., Michaels M.W. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Libraries near you: WorldCat. This chapter makes a case for why sociologists should (re)read Edward Said, paying specific attention to his warning about the inevitably violent interactions between knowledge and power in historic and current imperial contexts. Davis-Floyd Robbie, Dumit Joseph (eds) (1998) Cyborg Babies: From Techno-sex to Techno-tots. Part of Springer Nature. All Categories; Metaphysics and Epistemology New York University Press, New York. 1 (Units: 1-4) Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50 Note: All questions carry equal Read More Pregnant Women Account for Refusing Prenatal Screening. In: Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. Knowledge was first defined by Plato as justified true belief. -One main task of the sociologist is to uncover how structure affects human behavior/social behavior. Editor in Chief. 279295. The issue of timing and uncertainty of the information also are interrogated for their impact on womens lives and what that can illuminate about the theories of AK and the technological imperative. Rates of unintended pregnancy have declined, probably as a result of higher contraceptive prevalence and use of more effective methods, and efforts to achieve further decreases should focus on reducing risky behavior, promoting the use of effective contraceptive methods and improving the effectiveness with which all methods are used. Padgett, Deborah K. 2008 Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research: Challenges and Rewards, 2nd ed. It is the latter that gains dominance in what Jordan (1992) counts as authoritative Women and Health 13(1):95100. Jordan Brigitte (1997) Authoritative Knowledge and Its Construction. What kind of training or education is essential in a democracy to counter the effects of dangerous yet charismatic leaders? Some argue that through the processes of becoming expert patients or proto-professionals biomedical knowledge is also increasingly becoming the gold standard for lay . In clinics providing maternal and child care, staff and clients jointly produced authoritative knowledge, most often a version of biomedicine, a process reflecting what the authors refer to as biocentrism. The design and content of the training is vital to the effectiveness of TBA training programmes. In: Davis-Floyd R.E., Sargent C. (eds) Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge: Cross-cultural Perspectives. Science, Technology, and Human Values 23(1):4570. Debunking Theme Crap detector; tells what is really happening Common Sense What people develop through living everyday lives. This article distinguishes each of the . On the other hand, authoritative parents are strict, yet nurturing. . Qualitative Sociology 9(1):4853. Conflict is harmful and disruptive to society. Indicate whether the following statements represent functionalism (F), the conflict perspective (C), or symbolic interactionism (S). Public perception of these mothers has been harsh and they, ABSTRACT In the UK, teenage motherhood is depicted in the media and government policy as highly negative and problematic. Serving Sociologists in Their Work Statement or action or non-verbal gesture that highlights a troubling condition, When an individual or a group says that a condition should be perceived as troubling, in other words, as a social problem, People who feel that something is wrong and that something should be done about it, An interactive social process by which some individuals or groups state claims about a troubling condition in order to attract attention of policymakers and the general public, in order to make change, -Claimsmakers often use the media to bring attention to their claims, -Public learns about claims from claims makers or informally through the media, -Policymakers are active participants in making claims, but are also the targets of claims by others, Social problems work applies constructions of a problem to their practical/local setting, Refers to the process of how the implemented policies are responded or reconstructed as new problems, Statements about the nature of the problem (Info, conditions, stats), Statements aimed to justify taking action reasons for why something must be done, Strategy of action, defines what should be done to solve the problem, A description of a particular instance of the condition, -topics that nearly everyone will agree are significant social problems, -Topics over which it is unlikely that most people will ever come to consensus. Duden's reading of the body lends a unique historical and philosophical perspective to contemporary debate over such topics as foetal rights, reproductive technologies, abortion, and the right to privacy, and should reinvigorate the debate by calling into question contemporary certainties, andThe policies and programmes they serve to justify. adj. A person who is especially powerful might be described as authoritative; the word might be used to explain a company's management style or the way certain teachers run their classrooms..
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