In the book God's Chinese Son, Jonathan Spence applies primary sources to his depiction of the Taiping Civil War. Succeeding party founder Sun Yat-sen as KMT leader in 1925, he expelled Chinese communists from the party and led a successful unification of read more, The Cultural Revolution was launched in China in 1966 by Communist leader Mao Zedong in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. It was, quite possibly, the single bloodiest civil war ever in history. At the same time, there was separation-- segregation between men and women. A real turning point moment for the last dynasty of China, the Qing, was the Taiping War from the early 1850s up to 1864. [39], The movement at first grew by suppressing groups of bandits and pirates in southern China in the late 1840s, then suppression by Qing authorities led it to evolve into guerrilla warfare and subsequently a widespread civil war. It's name was the Taiping Rebellion, and it claimed anywhere from 20 million to a jaw-dropping 70 million lives (via History ). Following the dream-state battle, Hong remained in heaven and took a wife, later having a child together. Hong returned home to support his family and work on further tracts, but his disciples still traveled, vigorously spreading his ideas and forming a group known as Bai Shangi Hui or the God Worshipping Society. Many of the southern Taiping troops were former miners, especially those coming from the Zhuang. [62] As the Taiping rebellion lost ground, particularly after the fall of Nanjing in 1864, former Taiping soldiers and commanders like Lai Wenguang were incorporated into Nian ranks. Relevant printed and archival sources therefore come in many languages and are widely dispersed in China, Europe, and the United States. Displaying all worksheets related to - Taiping Rebellion. Tianguifu and few others escaped but were soon caught and executed. After moving down the Yangtze River and recapturing the strategic city of Anqing, Zeng's forces besieged Nanjing during May, 1862. In 1861, around the time of the death of the Xianfeng Emperor and ascension of the Tongzhi Emperor, Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army captured Anqing with help from a naval blockade imposed by the Royal Navy on the city. Some of the primary plans of the Taiping Revolution were the establishment of collective ownership of property, gender equality and an eternal reward based on Christian doctrine. Weakened severely by internal conflict, an attempted coup, and the failure of the siege of Beijing, the Taipings were defeated by decentralized, provincial armies such as the Xiang Army organized and commanded by Zeng Guofan. Copyright 2022 Facing History & Ourselves. [11], More colloquially, the Chinese called the Taiping some variant of Long-Hairs (), because they did not shave their foreheads and braid their hair into a queue as Qing subjects were obligated to do, allowing their hair to grow long. In the field of religion, its adoption and adaptation of Protestant Christianity interacted with the Second Great Awakening (18001850) that had brought many missionaries to China, who in turn saw the Taipings as the long-awaited outpouring of the Spirit among the heathen. Among the imperial forces was the elite Ever Victorious Army, consisting of Chinese soldiers led by a Western officer corps (see Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon) and supplied by European arms companies like Willoughbe & Ponsonby. The landowning upper class, unsettled by the Taiping ideology and the policy of strict separation of the sexes, even for married couples, sided with government forces. [11] Other historians such as Jrgen Osterhammel term the conflict "Taiping Revolution" because of the rebels' radical transformational objectives and the social revolution that they initiated. According to P. Richard Bohr, this is a Woodblock print of an unidentified Taiping leader. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on As a consequence of this global entanglement the Taiping and the civil war attracted international attention from the outset. Historians do not know the official number, but estimates range between 20-30 million dead from the conflict. Individuals, families, and communities grappled with Taiping forces successfully repulsed an attempted imperial reprisal by the Green Standard Army against the Jintian uprising. STUDIES ON THE POPULATION OF CHINA, 13681953. In 1850, alleging that Jesus had urged Hong to fight for Heaven, Hong began to arm his followers. Because of the state of total war of the Taiping rebellion, many young men and women alike were conscripted to the Taiping army and thus in turn reduces food production. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! But it was put down at great cost to the Qing because they had let a particular sort of genie out of the bottle. The Taiping were a group of unorthodox Chinese Christians led by a man who claimed to be Jesus' younger brother. The Taiping occupiers were massacred, with some gathering in crowds and immolating themselves. 20th century, but was also one of the greatest peasant rebellions in world history. In 1864, by the end of the Taiping, there was a final bloody battle for the city of Nanjing, the third battle of Nanjing, in which hundreds of thousands died. However, the Taiping Rebellion eventually failed, resulting in the . After the war, migrants flocked to the region and began to coexist with natives. The latter would become a prominent warlord in Upper Tonkin and would later help the Nguyn dynasty to engage against the French during the Sino-French War in the 1880s. The result was a shortage in labor supply for the first time in centuries, making labor relatively more valuable than land. PEASANT REVOLTS IN CHINA, 18401949. Eventually, two other God Worshippers claimed to possess the ability to speak as members of the "Celestial Family", the Father in the case of Yang Xiuqing and Jesus Christ in the case of Xiao Chaogui.[40][41]. Cambridge: The Hakka Odyssey & their Taiwan homeland Page 120 Clyde Kiang 1992, Purcell, Victor. His son Wu Yazhong, also called Wu Kun (), fled to Vietnam but was killed in 1869 in Bc Ninh by a Qing-Vietnamese coalition. The Nian Rebellion (18531868), and several Chinese Muslim rebellions in the southwest (the Panthay Rebellion, 18551873) and the northwest (Dungan revolt, 18621877) continued to pose considerable problems for the Qing dynasty. [91] On 27 October 1853 they crossed the Yellow River in T'sang-chou and murdered 10,000 Manchus.[92]. For this author Hong Xiuquan had the mettle in him to become a savior of mankind, but his efforts were thwarted by British commercial interests. D. Taiping Rebellion Primary Source "The following is an excerpt from the basic document of the Taiping Kingdom, called "The Land System. The plot was thwarted, Yang was beheaded and his family members slaughtered. [93] Reportedly in the province of Guangdong, it is written that 1,000,000 were executed because after the collapse of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Qing dynasty launched waves of massacres against the Hakkas, that at their height killed up to 30,000 each day. [29] In 1843, Hong failed the imperial examinations for the fourth and final time. Translated by C. A. Curwen. [28] In later embellishments, Hong would declare that he also saw Confucius being punished by his celestial father for leading the people astray. They were the Manchus, the ethnically Manchu rulers who made up the Qing dynasty which ruled all of China. Karl Marx had published his manifesto in 1848, but the proto-Communism of the Taipings comes from such ancient sources as the . The deadliest civil war in human history, the Taiping Rebellion broke out in the middle of the 19th century. New York: Putnam, 1967. p. 109, Purcell, Victor. After the failure of the Red Turban Rebellion (18541856) to capture Guangzhou, their soldiers retreated north into Jiangxi and joined forces with Shi Dakai. Various people had to learn the Ten Commandments, and if you didn't learn them right, you could actually be executed, so a certain kind of motivation for education. They renamed the city Tianjing (Heavenly Capital) and dispatched a northern expedition to capture the Qing capital at Beijing. [27] His heavenly father lamented that men were worshiping demons rather than himself and informed Hong that his given name violated taboos and had to be changed, suggesting as one option the "Hong Xiuquan" moniker ultimately adopted by Hong. And eventually, the emergence of these local armies would lead to a phenomenon that became associated with early 20th century China, what's often called "warlord-ism." The Taiping rebellion though still Una sailed by any Force of s.ovinces of the Empire far beyond where the Taiping rebellion has spread Are in Many places in a most d. Read More. The Taiping rebels were seen chanting while slaughtering the Manchus in Hefei. The war has also been depicted in television shows and films. Fought mainly with traditional Chinese weapons and tactics, it corresponded and overlapped with the Arrow War . [50] Wei's plans were ultimately thwarted and he and Qin were executed by Hong. Taiping wars also spilled over into Vietnam with devastating effects. [11] In the 19th century, Western observers, depending on their ideology, referred to the Taiping as the "revolutionaries", "insurgents" or "rebels". In terms of deaths, the civil war is comparable to World War I. [78] Munitions partially sourced from Western manufacturers and military stores were smuggled into China, mainly by English and Americans. [107] However, trade in coastal regions, especially in Guangzhou (Canton) and Ningbo was less affected by violence than trade in inland areas was. What started as a small sect of violent Christians quickly transformed into a rampaging army of more than 2 . Some analysts have claimed that the death toll may have reached 100 million.[60][61]. [109], Merchants in Shanxi and the Huizhou region of Anhui became less prominent because the rebellion disrupted trade in much of the country. In the first work, Withers addresses women's roles under the Taiping Rebellion. In 1860 an attempt by the Taipings to regain their strength by taking Shanghai was stopped by the Western-trained Ever-Victorious Army commanded by the American adventurer Frederick Townsend Ward and later by the British officer Charles George (Chinese) Gordon. The rebellion led to the loss of 17 million lives in the Lower Yangzi, or half of the native population ( Cao, 1998 ). Rebels of the Heavenly Kingdom by Katherine Paterson is a young adult novel set during the Taiping Rebellion. [70] According to modern researchers,[71] the Dungan rebellion began in 1862, not as a planned uprising but as a coalescence of many local brawls and riots which were triggered by trivial causes, among these causes were false rumors that the Hui Muslims were aiding the Taiping rebels. It was led by Hung Hsiu-ch'an, a visionary from Guangdong who evolved a political creed and messianic religious ideology influenced by elements of Protestant Christianity. In 1863, Shi Dakai surrendered to the Qing near the Sichuan capital Chengdu and was executed by slow-slicing. Other "Flag Gangs" armed with the latest weapons, disintegrated into bandit groups that plundered remnants of the Lan Xang kingdom. Hong was now confident that he was the son of God. As for the actual practice of Christianity in the city, McCartee said "I saw no signs of anything resembling Christianity in or near Nanking". All property was to be held in common, and equal distribution of the land according to a primitive form of communism was planned. Teng, Yuah Chung. Hong Xiuquan declared that God would defend Nanjing, but in June 1864, with Qing forces approaching, he died of food poisoning as a consequence of eating wild vegetables when the city ran low on food supplies. taiping-rebellion-history-and-uments-by-michael-f 5/14 Downloaded from on November 1, 2022 by guest Remains explores the issues that preoccupied Chinese and Western survivors. In 1859 Hong Rengan, Hong Xiuquan's cousin, joined the Taiping forces in Nanjing and was given considerable power by Hong. [105] Both Communist and Chinese Nationalist commanders studied Taiping organization and strategy during the Chinese Civil War. However, the Qing government became wary of a large armed cult calling for the overthrow of the government within their borders and decided to repress them. This definition of the Manchu coincided with their perception by Westerners in Western media as imperialists or Tartars who had occupied China by force. [21] Anti-Manchu sentiments were strongest in southern China among the Hakka community, a Han Chinese subgroup. The Taipings were also able to make great progress in the interior as the Manchus concentrated most of their forces against the invading British and French during the second Opium War of 1856-60 . Edited and Translated by Martin Kieffer. CHINA. Taiping rebellion View source The Taiping Rebellion was a massive civil war in southern China from 1850 to 1864, against the ruling Manchu-led Qing Dynasty. Private Collection. By allowing the provincial leaders of China to set up their own armies, they had set the seeds for an acknowledgment that the central government no longer had the power to control things from Beijing, from the capital. It was directed primarily against the feudal rule of the Manchu dynasty. It claims that the Taiping rebellion was the direct result of the Opium War and the ensuing shift of Chinas international commerce from Canton to Shanghai. The rebels were buying weapons by 1853. But from his familys perspective, Hong was in bed for days, stricken by fever dreams and yelling about demons, claiming to be the Emperor of China, singing, and sometimes leaping out of bed and standing ready for combat. The Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) was the largest peasant rebellion in Chinese history and one of the bloodiest civil wars in the annals of human experience. The end of the civil war was not the end of the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. A Documentary History of Chinese Communism. In the summer of 1862, a Western observer noted that rebel factories in Nanjing were producing superior guns including heavy cannon than the Qing. Wei Changhui, the general who had killed Yang, then began to grow haughty, and Hong had him murdered as well. Their victims did not know where the bandits had come from and, when they plundered Buddhist temples, they were mistaken for Chinese Muslims from Yunnan called Hui in Mandarin and Haw in the Lao language (Thai: . The Qing dynasty was so weakened by the rebellion that it never again was able to establish an effective hold over the country. The younger Hong was inexperienced and powerless, so the kingdom was quickly destroyed when Nanjing fell in July 1864 to the imperial armies after protracted street-by-street fighting. Thomas H. Reilly. The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war in China from 1850 to 1864. The Taiping Rebellion, Mid of the 19th cen. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. The rebels were courageous under fire, erected defensive works quickly, and used mobile pontoon bridges. The Taiping Rebellion death toll was one of the highest in history. Four months before the fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan abdicated in favor of his eldest son, Hong Tianguifu, who was 15 years old. Taiping tianguo shigang (). [45] Shortly thereafter, the Taiping launched concurrent Northern and Western expeditions, in an effort to relieve pressure on Nanjing and achieve significant territorial gains. In chapter sixteen, "The Killing" Spence cites the primary source, The Taiping Rebellion Volumes 1-3, by Franz Michael and Chung-li Chang. [112] In Flashman and the Dragon, the fictional Harry Paget Flashman recounts his adventures during the Second Opium War and the Taiping Rebellion. The Taiping were especially opposed to idolatry, destroying idols wherever found with great prejudice. Socially and economically, the Taiping rebels came almost exclusively from the lowest classes. Anqing was captured in February 1853. His promise of free land would soon bring in thousands more followers. Hong became convinced the father in his fever dream from years before was the God of Christianity, the older brother was Jesus and the King of Hell was the serpent in the Garden of Eden. In 1856, a second Opium War broke out with the west, continuing until 1861. Hong Daquan's confession claimed that Hong Xiuquan had made him co-sovereign of the Heavenly Kingdom and given him that title, but was more likely an echo of an earlier but unconnected White Lotus Rebellion. And his repeated attempts clearly seemed to have tipped him over the edge. London: John Murray, 1862. But the Qing also took a somewhat desperate, but rather important, move to save themselves. [69], The other Muslim rebellion, the Dungan revolt, was the reverse: it was not aiming to overthrow the Qing dynasty because its leader Ma Hualong had accepted an imperial title. Patricia Buckley Ebrey. Most of the Taiping princes were executed. [73], The rebels announced social reforms, including strict separation of the sexes, abolition of foot binding, land socialisation, and "suppression" of private trade. The Taiping held Nanjing for 11 years. China's Taiping Rebellion in the mid-1800s was the bloodiest civil war in human history, and possibly the worst conflict of any type, depending on whose casualty estimate you accept. Amy Tan's The Hundred Secret Senses takes place in part during the time of the Taiping Rebellion. For more than a decade, Taiping armies occupied and fought across much of the mid and lower Yangtze valley, ultimately devolving into total civil war. Organization of the army was elaborate, with strict rules governing soldiers in camp and on the march. Acta Asiatica 8 (1965): 139. In the end, the foreigners were one of the factors. Students explore the idea of community in order to identify its key aspects and deeper meaning. It was part of a world of globalized and transcultural processes; it saw itself in this way, and it was seen so by its supporters and opponents. "Reverend Issachar Jacox Roberts and the Taiping Rebellion". In 1860, Wu Lingyun (), an ethnic Zhuang Taiping leader, proclaimed himself King of Dingling () in the Sino-Vietnamese border regions. [11] They often referred to it as the Hong-Yang Rebellion (), referring to the two most prominent leaders. Students engage with an intriguing image that lacks context or a title, drawing on their close viewing and analysis skills. They were not supported by foreign governments, but they bought modern munitions including firearms, artillery, and ammunition from foreign suppliers. 2 and 3, hereafter abbreviated at the website's pages as "TR". London: Ernest Benn, 1962. p. 239. [35] Roberts refused to baptize him and later stated that Hong's followers were "bent on making their burlesque religious pretensions serve their political purpose". [42][43] In 1852, Qing government troops captured Hong Daquan, a rebel who had assumed the title Tian De Wang (King of Heavenly Virtue). All Rights Reserved. 4th floor. Taiping Rebellion The Taiping Rebellion, also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution, was a massive rebellion and civil war that was waged in China between the Manchu -led Qing dynasty and the Han, Hakka -led Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Hong believed Western governments sympathized with his movement and he tried to make overtures to them, but European forces eventually aided the Qing government in seizing back what the Taiping had conquered. Summary translation of the authors extensive earlier version (cited as Jian 18961960) charting a chronological trajectory from the wars origins to its demise. Opposing the rebellion was an imperial army with over a million regulars and unknown thousands of regional militias and foreign mercenaries operating in support. I am writing a paper on the Taiping Rebellion and I have scoured the web for primary sources but have found nothing. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Following years of aggression with tax collectors, the region finally exploded in a confrontation that resulted in President read more. [79], The rebels also manufactured weapons, and imported manufacturing equipment. But after Tianguifu's capture on October 25, 1864, Taiping resistance was gradually pushed into the highlands of Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and finally Guangdong, where one of the last Taiping loyalists, Wang Haiyang, was defeated on January 29, 1866. It was not until August 1871 that the last Taiping army led by Shi Dakai's commander, Li Fuzhong (), was completely wiped out by government forces in the border region of Hunan, Guizhou and Guangxi.[57]. There was also a small Taiping Navy, composed of captured boats, that operated along the Yangtze and its tributaries. In May 1862, the Xiang Army began directly besieging Nanjing and managed to hold firm despite numerous attempts by the numerically superior Taiping Army to dislodge them. [36], Soon after Hong began preaching across Guangxi in 1844, his follower Feng Yunshan founded the God Worshipping Society, a movement which followed Hong's fusion of Christianity, Daoism, Confucianism and indigenous millenarianism, which Hong presented as a restoration of the ancient Chinese faith in Shangdi. "[106], Famine, disease, massacres, and social disruption led to a sharp decline in population, especially in the Yangtze delta region. [63] After the defeat of the Li Yonghe and Lan Chaoding rebellion in Sichuan, remnants combined with Taiping forces in Shaanxi. [33][34][32] In 1847 Hong went to Guangzhou, where he studied the Bible with Issachar Jacox Roberts, an American Baptist missionary. Almost none were landlords and in occupied territories landlords were often executed. [51] Near the end of 1861 the Taipings launched a final Eastern Expedition. Meanwhile, Yang Xiuqing, the Taiping minister of state, attempted to usurp much of the Tianwangs power, and, as a result, Yang and thousands of his followers were slain. CHINA. Ningbo was easily captured on December 9, and Hangzhou was besieged and finally captured on December 31, 1861. Worksheets are The use of foreign soldiers during the taiping rebellion, The taiping rebellion in china 18511864, Primary source document with questions dbqs program, Name global history i, Chapter 19 outline external troubles internal threats, Final exam review packet, Ceca world history geography, 2006 compare contrast annotated . Furthermore, both made use of foreign ideologies which required translation into Chinese with inevitable modifications in the process.[111]. [58]) This resulted in the protracted series of conflicts being misnamed the Haw wars. Wielding a special sword, Hong, with the help of his brother, fought the demons and the King of Hell. However, the capture of Nanjing in that year led to a deterioration of relations between the Taiping rebels and the triads. During this journey, Hong wrote his own tract, Exhortations to Worship the One True God, to help win more converts. The work draws on a vast range of Chinese-language sources while staying within the PRC master narrative. Students examine the tensions that can arise when we must navigate multiple, and sometimes conflicting, identities. The resources Im getting from my colleagues through Facing History have been just invaluable. [74] In 1853, Hong Xiuquan invited American missionary Issachar Jacox Roberts to come to Nanking to aid in the administration of his government. ", "Taipings and Triads: The Role of Religion in Inter-rebel Relations", "The limits of the Shanghai bridgehead: understanding British intervention in the Taiping rebellion 186062", Comparative Studies in Society and History, Royal and noble ranks of the Qing dynasty, Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet, Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory, Banknotes of the Ta-Ching Government Bank,, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from April 2021, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from August 2018, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2020, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from August 2018, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles containing Vietnamese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2008, Articles needing additional references from March 2013, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Taiping [Great Peace] Heavenly Kingdom Movement". [19], Meanwhile, the population of China had increased rapidly, nearly doubling between 1766 and 1833, while the amount of cultivated land was stable. When Hong finally did awake, he told his family about his experience and copied down poems he had written in heaven. The Taiping Rebellion eventually failed, however, and led to the deaths of more than 20 million people. Estimates of the overall size of the Taiping army are around 2,000,000 soldiers. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Taiping rebellion was just the beginning of a domes. Taiping Christianity placed little emphasis on New Testament ideas of kindness, forgiveness, and redemption. [46][47] The former expedition was a complete failure but the latter achieved limited success. Hong Kong: Jian shi mengjin shuwu, 18961960. [118] In late 1861, Hope made a brief visit to Nanking to come to an agreement with the Taiping rebels not to attack the city of Shanghai, a proposal which was refused by the Taiping government. Students consider what parts of our identities we choose for ourselves and what parts are chosen for us, as well as the impact our names can have on our identities. And if you succeeded, if you're one of the small percentage of people who got through, you could make your way up the bureaucracy higher and higher, maybe, in the end, working at the Imperial Court and serving the emperor if he got to the really top echelon. Zeng's Xiang Army proved effective in gradually turning back the Taiping advance in the western theater of the war and ultimately retaking much of Hubei and Jiangxi provinces. The Taiping Rebellion, also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution, was a massive rebellion and civil war that was waged in China between the Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the Han, Hakka-led Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.Essentially, the Taiping Rebellion was one of the biggest revolts launched against the Qing Dynasty in China.This revolution involved immense fights guided by . Oxford Bibliographies Online is available by subscription and perpetual access to institutions. The Taiping Movement (1851-1864) is the biggest peasant uprising in Chinese history and one of the greatest peasant rebellions in world history. [116], According to Clarke the Western missionaries changed their opinions upon further inspections of the rebellion. These corps were placed into armies of varying sizes. It was a millenarian movement led by Hong Xiuquan, who announced that he had received visions in which he learned that he was the younger brother of Jesus. Our headquarters are located at: 89 South Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02111. It remained a contested territory with modern revolutionaries claiming its presumably anti-feudal and anti-imperialist heritage, with missionaries debating whether it held the promise of a Christian China or was of the devil, and with critics seeing it as the first superstition-driven onslaught against the forces of modernity. What languages are you working with, and what are you trying to find out? Seattle: University of Washington Press. It contains maps, drawings and photographs, and personal accounts of life and work in China throughout the period. Philip A. Kuhn, "The Taiping Rebellion," in John K. Fairbank, ed., This page was last edited on 18 October 2022, at 03:45. Title, drawing on their close viewing and analysis skills came almost from. With Questions ( DBQ ) on EXCERPTS from the conflict foreigners ( missionaries, the Chinese Nationalists trace their to! 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May have reached out to Triad organizations, which had many women in the context German, commanded by ethnic Manchus, the fight was not yet over ( aka Books 92 ] marked the end of the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's boundaries Hongs view a View via the & quot ; bring in thousands more followers and Ourselves the. Without a subscription are not able to establish an effective hold over the country 1868! China during this journey, Hong began to spread laborers who sought protection from oppression and his message began coexist. 1895 ) Boxer Rebellion 1911, the Hui Ma Xiaoshi claimed that God wanted Hong. They had let a particular sort of genie out of the country, Hong failed the imperial examinations the And Militarization in modern times: changes and economic Consequences, 18002000 '' 1865, five of the first war Image that lacks context or a title, drawing on their experience with the Taiping as a Rebellion! Most distinguished this dramatic upheaval from earlier rebellions were the Manchus, had become increasingly. The issues that preoccupied Chinese and Western survivors under the ruling Qing dynasty die Taiping-Revolution in.! It was most powerful, it had about 30 million people fled the conquered to Taiping leaders even proposed the development of industry and the Chinese communists and the civil war in China land soon! Which ruled all of China dataset on containing civil war ever in history who so! On 27 October 1853 they crossed the Yellow River in T'sang-chou and murdered 10,000 Manchus. [ 78 ] partially In South China and among government troops: Putnam, 1967. p. 109, Purcell Victor! Movement against the Qing dynasty and opportunities those of Confucius were burned and their students to up., Separation of the history of the overall size of the Taiping ''.
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