One is the width of the margin, or interval. 0000004267 00000 n Note that although the AG calculation includes addition and subtraction, the standard uncertainties are combined in the same way. Should MU be routinely reported to clinicians? In the examples in this document we will use a worksheet from Excel 5.0 that simplifies these calculations and do not require any knowledge of the mathematics behind. The variation in the measurements can be quantified using the sample standard deviation. When verifying the performance characteristics of a routine measurement procedure, repeatability experiments are usually performed i.e. Enter the numbers to the template as in example 1 but add the concentration of the sample solution in a column of its own. Thus, in the MU concept, a measurement result can comprise two uncertainties (i) that associated with a bias correction ( uBias ), and (ii) the uncertainty due to random effects (imprecision, uImp ). 0000005516 00000 n UK Myeloma Forum (UKMF) and Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG): Guidelines for the investigation of newly detected M-proteins . Since 1 SD covers only ~68 % of the dispersion of obtained QC values, the uncertainty is widened by applying a coverage factor (k) to provide an expanded measurement uncertainty (symbol U). We want to make a dilution of a sample and are only interested in the final volume. The quarter weighs about 6.72 g, with a nominal uncertainty in the measurement of 0.01 g. If we weigh the quarter on a more sensitive balance, we may find that its mass is 6.723 g. This means its mass lies between 6.722 and 6.724 g, an uncertainty of 0.001 g. Every measurement has some uncertainty It is therefore more probable that any of the four dots 2 to 5 will show up than any of the two outside the smaller interval. An example for MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY Type A evaluation is the quantification of the uncertainty caused by variation in repeated measurements of the OF VALUES ASSIGNED TO diluted blood sample . WHO International Units. All modern computers and calculators have predefined routines for the calculation of the mean and SD. The diagram can be freely moved within the surface if you want to study the underlying contents of the table. 0000008930 00000 n The expanded uncertainty U provides an interval within which the value of the measurand is assumed to be determined by a defined level of confidence. The bottom up approach estimates the uncertainties associated with individual components of a measuring system, and combines them in a model to reflect their effect in the complete measuring system. The square root is because two values are compared. It expresses the fact that we are unable to make absolutely precise measurements. We want to estimate the uncertainty in an HPLC - method. This approach can be used also to estimate the uncertainty in measurements and is usually not too complicated. 0000002099 00000 n INTRODUCTION . The temptation is to report the length as 10cm. You can perform calculations directly in that cell where the value finally will be placed. Measurements that involve a calculation of uncertainty are typically rounded to one or two significant digits. When an extraction is included one must estimate the yield. The accumulated data shall then be combined. government site. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. For additions (subtractions), the combined uncertainty is the square root of the sum of the squares of the ingoing standard uncertainties. 0000091190 00000 n The approach described above is referred to as top down. Anion Gap = (Na+ + K+) (Cl- + HCO3-), Same as above. As both values used for calculating the bias have uncertainty, the bias value cannot be exactly known. In this example inclusion of bias uncertainty made no meaningful change to the expanded uncertainty as determined using just the long term QC imprecision data. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The JCGM/100 series of documents establishes general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement that can be followed at various levels of accuracy and in many fields from the shop floor to fundamental research. [VIM 1993] Note: The parameter may be, for example, a standard deviation (or a given Inappropriate reporting unit size has previously been demonstrated in clinical chemistry but not to our knowledge in routine haematology reporting.1,2 Measurement uncertainty (MU) estimates are a requirement of the latest ISO 15189 standard and are increasingly used in the clinical laboratory.3 We have previously argued that MU estimates can be . Measurement results are always intervals (range of values) within which the true value lies with certain probability. B - Glucose is used in the primary health care for diagnosis and control of diabetes. Evaluate Your Uncertainty Budget Step 1: Specify the Measurand The first thing that you should do every time you estimate uncertainty is to specify the measurand. Relative uncertainties shall be given as parts of 1, i.e. Measurement Uncertainty Course ID MUWPT Format E-Learning Metrology is the underlying mathematics for manufacturing risk assessment. Epub 2007 Jun 27. 0000080348 00000 n Just standing up can cause to up to 15 % changes of the plasma volume. Quantitative HPLC-MS/MS determination of Nuc, the active metabolite of remdesivir, and its pharmacokinetics in rat. There's uncertainty related to every test and calibration. The combination of the individual uncertainties follows similar rules as the propagation of errors in normal statistics giving the combined uncertainty for the procedure. Measurement Uncertainty (MU) relates to the margin of doubt that exists for the result of any measurement, as well as how significant the doubt is. Are Scientific Statements the Scientific Truth? 2021 Aug 14;21(16):5480. doi: 10.3390/s21165480. Never copy the contents of a cell into another, delete and input it again or unforeseeable errors may occur. It will be (0.125 ua -20 0.001 ul) + 580 nm 5 nm-560) (0.001 ul). 2016. Anal Bioanal Chem. Estimation of measurement uncertainty (MU) has become a common requirement in some regulatory environments. This new interval is created from the half - width of the initial interval divided by the square root of 3 (about 1.73) in both directions from the middle of the initial interval. Reproducibility and uncertainty of wastewater turbidity measurements. 8600 Rockville Pike The latest on Reference Values and Reference Intervals, The Nordic Reference Interval Project 2000 (NORIP), The Rong Regulation: Conflicts between NABL 112, CLSI EP23, and ISO 15189. Precision and accuracy are two significant factors connected with these. Therefore, the principles of these Guides are intended to be applicable to a broad spectrum of measurements . The dispersion of results obtained over time for the same QC batch is considered to approximate to a Gaussian (normal) distribution, so that the magnitude of the dispersion can be statistically quantified as a standard deviation (SD) from the mean value. Further, about 95 % will be found within the interval -2 SD to +2 SD and about 99 % between -3 SD and +3 SD. Uncertainty of Measurement It tells something about its quality. Laboratories make the assumption, which is not always true, that patient samples behave as do QC samples in a measuring system, so that the dispersion of results is expected to be similar if a patients sample was to be repeatedly measured i.e. This approach is best suited to the needs of IVD medical device manufacturers validating new measurement procedures or seeking technical steps where MU might be reduced, and also for labs developing in-house measurement procedures. It is about twice as common that results will be within this interval as outside these limits. The laboratory shall define the performance requirements for the measurement uncertainty The edges are measured using a ruler with an uncertainty of 2 %. One is as good as the other but the central value has advantages from a presentation point of view. Accessibility the combined standard uncertainty of the bias value ubias = (0.0142 + 0.0192) = 0.0236 mmol/L. 2016 Oct;36(5):752-757. doi: 10.1007/s11596-016-1657-9. 0.06/10 = 0.019 mmol/L. Careers, Dept. The SD is therefore a measure of the random error (the width of the distribution). An accepted scientific approach to solve a problem is to break it down into smaller entities and study each of them. Check the result if the uncertainty of measurement in the interval is 0.5 cm! Once the sources of uncertainty have been identified and the sizes of the uncertainties estimated then we face the problem to combine the contributions to an uncertainty for the entire procedure i.e. Enter the nominations Sample and Dilution in the correct cells in row 3 and the volumes 10 and 490 respectively in row 4. Together with the mean, the SD fully defines the shape of a Gaussian distribution. Trueness, agreement between the average value from many observations and the true value, Precision, agreement between independent results of measurement, Accuracy, agreement between the result of a measurement and a true value of the measurand. In the September 2020 digital issue, Pathology in Practice concatenates seven articles written by Dr Stephen MacDonald on various aspects of measurement uncertainty evaluation, and their importance commercially and professionally. The formula will be: =sample x concentration/(sample + dilution). ISO, Geneva, 1998. reagent and calibrator batch changes, different operators, routine maintenance etc. The site is secure. Most measurement procedures are sufficiently robust that imprecision generally changes little between reagent batches, so imprecision can be calculated by combining their SDs (see below on how to combine SDs). The coverage factor shall always be given in the answer together with the uncertainty. 0000002009 00000 n For example: A vial weighed on a scale measures 10.2 ml, but depending on relevant variables like scale sensitivity and precision, the result could actually be 10.2 0.1 ml. Epub 2007 Mar 15. 0000063107 00000 n All types of measurement that have a magnitude expressed as a number (e.g. What is the concentration in the final solution and what is its combined uncertainty? All these uncertainties shall be considered in estimating the combined uncertainty that shall be the basis for estimating the smallest significant difference between two results. The result of a measurement shall always give information about an interval within which the results can be expected with a given probability. Assuming such a dispersion also applies to patients results, then a result could be in the form x y (95 % confidence), where y = 2 SD (i.e. As we know from looking at QC results, individual results for the same material contain different magnitudes of error, which is why we see a dispersion of results. MU data should be periodically updated. Precision means how closely individual measurements agree with each other, and accuracy means how the experimental measurement agrees with the true or correct values. The reason is that the uncertainty in measurements will include a contribution from calibration etc that affect the bias as well as estimates of the imprecision and any pre - and postanalytical uncertainties. The An experimental procedure for characterizing the size-of-source effect (SSE) is proposed. The combined uncertainty will be shown in cell C25, the relative in E25 and the interval calculated with a coverage factor 2 in the cells K25 - L25. Reportable Range Calculator: Quantifying Errors, Reportable Range Calculator: Recording Results, Dispersion Calculator and Critical Number of Test Samples, Approaches to Clinical Laboratory Utilization Art Eggert. %PDF-1.5 % Usually k = 2 is chosen, to provide a more useful 95.5 % coverage of the dispersion of results. Although the wavelength has a small uncertainty this will be the dominating source of uncertainty. result rounding). The sample was diluted 1 + 9 and the absorbance 1.35. However, as a consumer of results of measurements we would prefer a concept that would include both the random and the systematic error for a single measurement i.e. 8.7 mL. The width of this inner interval is twice the standard uncertainty 2 u(xi). This means that the laboratory has ~95 % confidence that the true value lies in the range 33.1-36.1 mmol/L. The precision of a result (standard error of the mean) can be improved by increasing the number of observations whereas the trueness of the result cannot be influenced this way. <<34c862ff71b36e4e9eac805a35de4430>]>> The generic rule for the combination is based on partial derivatives but we will use an approximate numerical method for solving partial derivatives. The quarter weighs about 6.72 grams, with a nominal uncertainty in the measurement of 0.01 gram. State the uncertainty like this: 4.2 cm 0.1 cm. For capillary sampling it is reasonable to add a little, 5 %. Theories are usually expressed in the langu age of mathematics -- this expression of a theory is referred to as a mathematical model. multiply with the result of measurement and divided with 100 if the CV is given in percent or multiplied with the square root of the number of observations if the confidence interval or SEM (standard error of the mean) is given. Move the cursor to cell C21 under the label Nominal and enter the formula = C9+C10. The standard uncertainty will thus demarcate an interval where we can estimate that 2/3 of all the results will be found. Explanation of random and systematic effects . MU is therefore an essential parameter of the reliability of measurement results. Terminology and nomenclature are cornerstones of science and a citation from L Carroll Alice through the looking glass might be appropriate to consider: When I use a word Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean? The probability for each result within the interval is the same, provided the dice is fair. Thus, the interval represents a rectangular distribution of possible results. Since patient results are reported to one decimal place, the expanded MU (U) is similarly treated i.e. AG = (1.12 + 0.12 + 1.22 + 0.82) = 1.82 mmol/L; U = 3.64 mmol/L. Uncertainty of Measurement provides a quantitative estimate of the quality of a test result, and therefore is a core element of a quality system for laboratories1. In case no coverage factor is given then the combined standard uncertainty covering about 2/3 of the result is given (k=1). If a calculated parameter includes divisions and/or multiplications (e.g. It is often reported as the standard deviation of the replicates: Spreadsheets and calculators have two alternative functions for standard deviation, and it is important to know which one to use. In our model we assume that the uncertainty sources are independent. Imprecision is usually estimated by measuring QC materials in different analytical runs spread over sufficient time to include as many as possible of the above routine changes in measurement conditions. Measurement is the process or method that we take to obtain the value of a measurand (quantity to be measured). When a calibration function is established one must estimate the uncertainty of the value assigned to the calibrator. a bias of 0.1 mmol/L for plasma calcium measurements is obviously significant, whilst a bias of 0.001 mmol/L is unlikely to be considered so. Would you like email updates of new search results? MU is concerned with estimating an interval of values within which the true value of a measured analyte is believed to lie, with a stated level of confidence. For example, the CODATA 2006 estimate of the value of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant is = 5.670400 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4, with corresponding standard measurement uncertainty u() = 0.000040 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4. The chemist can review the result and select the steps that require improvement in an orderly and reproducible manner. For many analytes the magnitude of pre-measurement variabilities swamp those associated with the measurement process. The "Information leaflet for lab customers concerning the quality of chemical analyses", developed by SP, provides a simple explanation of measurement uncertainty for laboratory customers. Throwing a single dice will give results belonging to a rectangular distribution. Uncertainty in Addition and subtraction: In these operations first of all we have to place these numbers in such a way that they have the same exponents. Measurement bias is therefore important. The value and results of both approaches are treated similarly but the type A is recommended whenever possible. Post analytical If the measurement is made with an instrument that really measures B - Glucose this source of uncertainty is not interesting. Epub 2016 Oct 18. 0000006548 00000 n For values around QC Level 1:c = (0.02362 + 0.122) = 0.1223 mmol/L, Level 2: c = (0.02362 + 0.732) = 0.730 mmol/L. the qualitative and quantitative description of a chemical reaction and calculations of concentrations and amounts involved. In contrast to TE, MU is not concerned with estimating measurement error. We make the same assumptions regarding the uncertainty of the lengths as above, but since the vessel walls are not quite even we must add the uncertainty this contributes. Therefore, the total error of a measurement result cannot be exactly known. An experienced chemist may directly disregard some of the uncertainty sources because the experience is that they are very small or because those remaining are much larger. There is therefore uncertainty as to what the true value is. Let us assume that this uncertainty is multiplicative and optimally 1 but with the uncertainty 3 %. The deviations of the measurements are 7.3 mg, 1.7 mg, and 5.7 mg, respectively, which give an average deviation of 4.9 mg and a precision of 4.9 m g 457.3 m g 100 = 1.1 % Before What types of laboratory measurement should use MU? Calculating the total uncertainty resulting from all sources involves first estimating the contribution from each source and then determining how these will combine to give a combined standard uncertainty. If a value for the bias in a measurement procedure is known, why does the Total Error approach include it in the calculation of total error rather than eliminate or minimise it by either re-calibration or application of a correction factor to raw results? 0000001874 00000 n An official website of the United States government. Accessibility In this study we aimed to compare the reporting unit size used by Australian laboratories for routine chemistry and haematology tests to the unit size Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies In a Gaussian distribution about 2/3 of all results will be found between -1 SD and +1 SD counted from the mean of the distribution. J Chromatogr A. Sum the results of the resultant calculations. Regardless of the value of the factor it is attached to an uncertainty, let us assume 5 %. Often this formula presents itself easily but it can sometimes be rather complicated and require deep thoughts. If bias cannot be estimated, then its magnitude is unknown and it cannot be addressed. primary tube sampling or sample preparation to result output. Careers. There are many factors involved in this example and let us argue like this: We must somehow translate the uncertainty in wavelength to uncertainty in specific absorbance. Since the MU approach requires that known bias is eliminated or minimised, or ignored if unknown, we are left with: For most measuring systems the magnitude of the intermediate reproducibility imprecision is large relative to that for bias correction, and therefore for most measurement procedures MU is simply the intermediate reproducibility assessed using QC, usually expressed as 1 SD or CV %. The approach is not suitable when considering the uncertainty of individual results. and transmitted securely. Christina ROOS*1, Etsuro SHINKAI*2 and Keiji FUJIMOTO*2 . Addepalli S, Zhao Y, Erkoyuncu JA, Roy R. Sensors (Basel). Examples of sources of uncertainty in our field are the measurement of volumes, weighing, reaction temperature, purity of reagents, and value assigned to the calibrator. 0000488243 00000 n If it is an attribute of a general analytical test procedure it is at least as high as the inter-laboratory reproducibility. In our role as analysts we are interested to find not only the random error but also the systematic error. If several levels of QC are used the MU should be calculated for each, and a judgement made as to whether they are sufficiently different to warrant their use with patient results that fall in the range considered to be covered by each QC level. Before embarking on calculating MU, it is essential for a laboratory to set clinically acceptable MU targets for each analyte e.g. Are "Scientific Statements" the Scientific Truth? Every measurement has some uncertainty, which depends on the device . This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Saving money by applying TEa and Six Sigma for internal QC. 4.6, 1 x 10-9) and a reference (e.g. The capillary sampling is difficult. The clinician asks the laboratory: Is the first result definitely high and is the second result really higher than the first? Sometimes, and particularly in complex measurement procedures, we do not have access to or we are not able to estimate the variation from repeated experiments, which is a prerequisite for the estimation of the SD. In cell C21 the formula will be: =final weight-weight of empty vessel (tare). Leung GN, Ho EN, Kwok WH, Leung DK, Tang FP, Wan TS, Wong AS, Wong CH, Wong JK, Yu NH. %%EOF Dabalus Islam M, Schweikert Turcu M, Cannavan A. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The volumes V 1 and V 2 should be added and thus the reaction could be written. Therefore inaccuracy will include both the bias and the imprecisio n inherent in a specific result. mmol/L, dimension one) e.g. The TE approach identifies systematic error (Bias) and random error (Imprecision) as the two components of total measurement error. Brief summary: Explanation, on the example of pipetting, where measurement uncertainty comes from. The standard uncertainty in the reference method is 3 %. neither more nor less. Appropriate rounding gives an expanded uncertainty of 4 mmol/L. Suppose we want to measure 500 mL, and assume a reasonable interval to be 3 % or (485-515) mL. In summary, although measurement error cannot be exactly known, the Total Error Concept is of theoretical value, and in practice is useful in situations where setting an acceptable upper limit of total error for measurement results is required e.g. MU is not concerned with estimating the total error of a measuring system. Patients results in the range considered monitored by: QC level 1: x1 0.2 mmol/L (95.5 % confidence); QC Level 2: x2 1.5 mmol/L (95.5 % confidence). 2 x c = U). Each example is solved on the attached diskette where also you will also find a template for the calculations. This is abbreviated uc (y). Measurement uncertainty of measured quantity values The laboratory shall determine measurement uncertainty for each measurement procedure in the examination phase used to report measured quantity values on patients' samples. If a bias value is unobtainable, then bias is unknown and cannot be addressed. The standard uncertainties are added but not as such but as their squares: The combined uncertainty is then obtained by taking the square root from the sum, in this example 8.7 mL. You might think that well-made rulers, clocks and thermometers should be trustworthy, and give the right answers. The SD and the standard uncertainty will therefore have the same size. cocaine. how the final result shall be calculated from the input variables. CV12 + CV22 + CV32 + etc). 0000000016 00000 n It is not a mere repeatability but it is at least as high as the intra-laboratory reproducibility. Provide rules on the expression of measurement uncertainty. The uncertainty of a measurement tells us something about its quality. The patient shall be fasting. We need to calculate the uncertainty of the value of 0.1 mmol/L. The square root of this sum is the value of standard uncertainty. endstream endobj 78 0 obj<. MU is the appropriate approach for meaningfully comparing measurement results with reference values and previous results of the same kind. The expression which goes into cell C21 will be a mathematical expression and shall therefore, with the Excel nomenclature, begin with = (equal sign). One cannot avoid a varying addition of interstitial fluid etc. This is because of measurement uncertainty. PMC legacy view We need to calculate the uncertainty of the value of 0.1 mmol/L. Then, enter the algorithm and drag the contents of C21 as far to the right as variables have been entered. by re-calibration. Measurement uncertainty of platelet concentration using the Sysmex XN automated hematology analyzer Scand J Clin Lab Invest. Between batches the manufacturers may allow as much as up to 8 % imprecision. The SD is a description of the precision and can always be calculated from 2 or more results but the interpretation of this value requires knowledge of the properties of the distribution of values. hb```lB eaXp_S;BI@"3SOm\-Yx i0^2240a(0^ a{10wipg10?@ $p The procedure of measurement shall then be described in mathematical terms to illustrate how the different variables affect each other and how their uncertainties can be joined in a combined uncertainty. 3. Google Scholar JCGM 100:2008 (2008) Evaluation of measurement data - guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM 1995 with minor corrections). Let us add a slight complication to example 3. If necessary you can change the configuration to automatic under Tools-Options-Calculation and check Automatic. endstream endobj startxref A convenient abbreviation is D=3 uc (y). So that the uncertainty is linked to the amount of confidence. 2. I.e. FOIA Formal accreditation of laboratories and measurement procedures or methods according to the ISO standards 15189(1) and 17025(2) requires that the uncertainty in measurements is estimated. Therefore, there is not necessarily any symmetry in the concept of uncertainty. by re-calibration or by adjusting raw results with a correction factor. Measurement procedures are often automated black box systems that do not permit components (e.g. 2021 Sep;413(23):5811-5820. doi: 10.1007/s00216-021-03561-8. A word of warning: sometimes the variation is given as a coefficient of variation (CV) or confidence interval rather than SD. Let us increase the complexity of example 1 above. Joannis C, Ruban G, Gromaire MC, Chebbo G, Bertrand-Krajewski JL, Joannis C, Ruban G. Water Sci Technol. Which is the smallest difference in results that, with a given probability can be assumed to be different? A patient report shows serum rhubarb results on two samples collected a week apart as 3.1 mmol/L and 3.3 mmol/L; upper reference value: 3.0 mmol/L. The following text will describe how these steps can be systematized and performed in a pragmatic manner. compare the result with our manually worked example. Results should therefore be reliable and accurate, but in practice they suffer from error. The concept of uncertainty can also be used for other purposes than measurements and it can include for instance preanalytical and post analytical sources of uncertainty. Uncertainty: A calculable range that provides context for the accuracy of a result. If a bias value has been estimated, the uncertainty of the value used for bias correction has to be considered for inclusion in the calculation of the overall MU for results produced by a given measurement procedure. Measurement and Uncertainty. This email address is being protected from spambots. Discuss what happens if the slope increases or if the uncertainty in the volume measurements is changed. Learn a practical approach to measurement uncertainty (MU) applications, based on fundamental practices. The standard uncertainty in the slope (b) is 2 % in the intercept (a) 5 % and in the signal 0,01 units. How much water should be added? about navigating our updated article layout. The laboratory purchases a vial of CRM and measures it 10 times under repeatability conditions. Before and after release of the GUM several national guides have been produced which aim to provide practical advice for those equipment users who are more likely to be at technician level rather than scientists. The other is a confidence level, and . haematology-lecture-notes 3/20 Downloaded from on November 2, 2022 by guest are well in the quantum regime and whose measurement is essentially limited in precision by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. How much substance did the sample contain and which is the combined uncertainty of the result? A hitch-hiker likes to keep things simple, have an easily understood map and reach the destination with minimal discomfort. Whatever approach is used to determine a bias value for a routine measurement procedure, the MU approach assumes that known bias is eliminated or minimised e.g.
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