CharosetDerived from theHebrewword cheres, which means clay, its a mixture of fruit, nuts, and wine eaten as part of thePassoverseder. To ensure that Israel, which at that time had a small economy and scant foreign currency reserves, could provide for the immigrants, a strict regime of rationing was put in place. Est ne oratio mentitum sapientem. The Israeli government built 260 new settlements and 78,000 housing units to accommodate the immigrants, and by the mid-1950s, almost all were in permanent housing. (The text of the blessings, in both Hebrew and transliteration, will be available for your use at the Torah reading table.) AshkenaziHaving Jewish family origins in Germany or Eastern Europe. The first are the commandments given in theTorah. KetubotPlural form of theHebrewword ketubah, meaning document, a legal document that is both a prenuptial agreement and a certification that a Jewish marriage has taken place.Alternate spellings:Ketubos. ChazanHebrewfor cantor, a member of the Jewish clergy who leads acongregationin songful prayer.Alternate spellings:Chazzan,hazan,hazzan. DreydlekhThe plural form of theYiddishword spin, four-sided spinning tops played with during the Jewish holiday ofHanukkah. Videos, a step-by-step guide, and our interactive Blessing Trainer will help you prepare. DvarShort for dvarTorah,Hebrewfor word of Torah, a lesson or sermon based on the weekly reading of the Torah.Alternate spellings:Dvar. The majority, belonging to theHovevei ZionandBilumovements, came from theRussian Empirewith a smaller number arriving fromYemen. Written in Aramaic, the Mourner's Kaddish is the prayer traditionally recited in memory of the dead, although it makes no mention of death.It is included in all three daily prayer services. Minyanmay also now refer to group that meets for prayer service, similar to a synagoguescongregationor ahavurah. Traditionally its recited individually in silence, then repeated aloud as acongregation;some congregations omit the silent recitation and/or abbreviate the repetition.Alternate spellings: Shmonah Esrai. {{ email }} The Talmud does not appear to separate these two functions, referring primarily to the latter (Meg. There are manymitzvotsuch asshmita, thesabbaticalyear for farming, which can only be performed in Israel. ShabbatTheHebrewword for the Jewish Sabbath, from sunset on Friday to nightfall on Saturday.Alternate spellings: Shabbes,Shabbos. Gifts in Israel Shekels are Tax Deductible in Israel. Creating Community ~ Celebrating Tradition Temple Aliyah is an egalitarian Conservative congregation in Needham, Massachusetts, with a warm and inviting atmosphere. KasherHebrewfor fit (as in, fit for consumption), the action of making somethingkosher(like cleaning a kitchen). (Imdaveningat services tonight.)Alternate spellings: Davvening,davening,davvenning. HaMotziHebrewfor brings forth or expels, the first unique or identifying word of the blessing over bread (brings forth bread from the earth). TheHebrewname is Pesach. TheYiddishname is Peysakh or Peysekh.. It usually involves the honor of analiyah(saying the blessing over theTorah). Some communities have the paradoxical custom of also reciting Barekhu at the conclusion of the daily morning and evening services when there is no Torah reading, for the benefit of those worshipers who arrived too late to hear it at the opening of the service. Who[is there]among you of all his people? This is also referred to as making a shiva call and is considered amitzvah(a good deed or commandment).Alternate spellings:Nichum avelim. Its a spring holiday commemorating the Jewish peoples triumph. For example, the first two days of Passover are a holiday, but the next days are not; on the first days, work is not permitted according to traditional Jewish law, but on the intermediate days work is permitted.Alternate spellings:Chol hamoed,hol hamoed,hol hamoed. Since 1929, The Jewish Agency for Israel has been rescuing Jews in danger from around the world and bringing them to Israel, and we continue to do that critical work every day, from conflict-torn Ukraine and terror-stricken Jewish communities in Europe, to South American communities strained by catastrophic economic or political upheaval, and Middle Eastern enclaves where we must work in secret. Torah:the scroll containing the first five books of the Bible. This was followed by more violence during the "Great Uprising" of 19361939. Derived from theHebrewword for insolence.Alternate spellings:Chutzpa,hutzpah. ZionistA supporter of the ideal that Israel be defined as a Jewish nation state. Ketubah:for more information on wedding documents, readChoosing an Interfaith Ketubah. USYUnitedSynagogueYouth, the youth group of Judaisms Conservative movement in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Strictly speaking,mezuzahonly refers to the scroll itself, not the case in which its housed.Alternate spellings:Mezuza. TanakhHebrewacronym standing for Torah (Five Books of Moses), Neviim (Prophets), Ketuvim (Writings), a name used in Judaism for the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Tisha BAvSummer holiday that includes a fast, commemorating the destruction of the ancient Temples in Jerusalem. RabbiHebrewfor my master, the term refers to a spiritual leader and teacher ofTorah. * receive a hardy "Yasher koach!" for a job well done! BubbeYiddishfor grandmother.Alternate spellings:Bubbie,bubby. Moses implored the Israelites to choose life. Traditionally its recited individually in silence, then repeated aloud as acongregation;some congregations omit the silent recitation and/or abbreviate the repetition.See also:Shmoneh Esreh. MishnahHebrewfor repetition (from the verb meaning to study and review), it refers to the first major written redaction of the Jewish oral traditions (Oral Torah). Original Judaic Hebrew calligraphy artwork by Alan Najman. TallisYiddishfor prayer shawl, a ritual item that is worn and has knotted fringes(tzitzit)attached to the four corners. Barekhu is also recited by each person who is called up for an aliyah during the reading of the Torah, and it is followed by the same congregational response.Some communities have the paradoxical custom of also reciting Barekhu at the conclusion of the daily morning and evening services when there is no Torah reading, for the benefit of those worshipers who arrived too late to hear it at the . Methodist Wedding Vows Sample 1: United Methodist Declaration of Consent. Although now everyone at an Ashkenazic service says both verses together, at one time only the person who raised the Torah may have recited the first line, while the second was the congregational response. 633 Third Avenue, 21st Floor TempleReform synagogues are often called temple. The Temple refers to either the FirstTemple,built by King Solomon in 957 BCE in Jerusalem, or the Second Temple, which replaced the First Temple and stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem from 516 BCE to 70 CE. In response to the ever-increasing tension between the Arabic and Jewish communities married with the various commitments the British faced at the dawn of World WarII, the British issued theWhite Paper of 1939, which severely restricted Jewish immigration to 75,000 people for five years. The Jewish Agency for Israel helps Jews take greater ownership over their stories in a very special way: we bring them home. ShloshimHebrewfor thirty, refers to the thirty days of mourning following the funeral of a family member. KiddushinHebrewfor sanctification, Jewish marriage is often referred to asKiddushin,as one partner (traditionally, the bride) becomes sanctified (dedicated) to the other partner (traditionally, the groom). Theimmigration quotasof the United Stateskept Jews out. With the completion of the port atHaifaand itsoil refineries, significant industry was added to the predominantly agricultural economy. Isn't it better to pray alone, without distractions? Shortly after their rise to power, the Nazis negotiated theHa'avarot or "Transfer" Agreementwith the Jewish Agency under which 50,000 German Jews and $100 million worth of their assets would be moved to Palestine. Aliyah Day falls on the first day when Israeli Jews start praying for rain. Kol NidreAramaic for all vows, the opening words and name of the first prayer that begins the evening service onYom Kippur. Eumas ne utamur expetenda posidonium, duo in quodsidrum vivendum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Transliteration. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. In Zionist history, the different waves ofaliyah, beginning with the arrival of theBiluimfromRussiain 1882, are categorized by date and the country of origin of the immigrants. Shanah TovahHebrewfor a good year, a typical greeting on or beforeRosh Hashanah.Alternate spellings:Shana tova,shana tovah,shanah tova. The service ends with the blowing of theshofar.Alternate spellings:Neila,Neila,Neilah. SukkotHebrewfor Booths, its a fall holiday marking the harvest, like a Jewish Thanksgiving, complete with opportunities for dining and sleeping under the stars.Alternate spellings: Succos,Succot,Sukkos. The plural form is tallitot.. Plural form is brachot.Alternate spellings:Beracha,berakhah,bracha,bracha,bracho,brakha,brakhah. It can mean the act of being called forward to read the Torah in the synagogue, and aliyah can also refer to a Jewish person's move to the land of Israel. I think it is important for Christians to be familiar with this central prayer of Jewish religious life. In particular, a small immigration wave from Poland, known as the "Gomulka Aliyah", took place during this period. This custom has carried over into English by some, who write God without the vowel (o) and replace it with a hyphen. Global Service Center provides services in six languages. The symbol has origins in theTorah,and has been used as a symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism in Europe since the Middle Ages. Alternate spellings for plural:Berachot,brachos,brachas,brakhas,brakhosbrakhot. Often, but not always, arabbiis the leader of asynagoguecongregation. Gut vokhYiddishfor good week, a customary greeting on Saturday evenings after the Sabbath ends (when the new week begins). Birkat NissuinHebrewfor the wedding blessings, also known asshevabrachot(the seven blessings), are blessings that are recited for a couple as part of their marriage ceremony.Alternate spellings:Bircat nissuin,bircat nisuin,birchot nissuin,birchot nisuin,birkas nisuin,birkat nisuin,birkot nissuin,birkot nisuin. The Global Service Center is a call center and service provider for those who are interested in immigration to Israel. NeshamahHebrewfor soul or spirit, the word literally means breath. In modern Judaism, it is believed that a person receives their soul from God with their first breath (based on Genesis 2:7). ShamashHebrewfor helper, a candle used to light all the other candles in theHanukkahmenorah. Pronounced: seh-FAR-dik, Origin: Hebrew, describing Jews descending from the Jews of Spain. Thank you for chosing to support us and our work. Many of the Jewish immigrants were ideologically driven pioneers, known ashalutzim, trained in agriculture and capable of establishing self-sustaining economies. Magen DavidHebrewfor shield of David, it is more commonly recognized as thestar of David,a six-point star. Gather and submit your documents as you begin the application process. Star of DavidKnown inHebrewas magen David (literally, shield of David), it is more commonly recognized as thestar of David,a six-point star. UlpanHebrewterm for a school or institute for the intensive study of Hebrew. Where do you begin? The practice of "completing" the Torah reading with a passage from the Navi, called the haftarah, is mentioned in the Mishnah. olot). Dollars are Tax Deductible in the United States. The earliest immigrants received desirable homes in established urban areas, but most of the immigrants were then sent to transit camps, known initially asimmigrant camps, and later asMa'abarot. Between 1904 and 1914, 40,000 Jews immigrated mainly fromRussiato southwestern Syria followingpogromsand outbreaks ofanti-Semitismin that country. SandeketFemale version of theHebrewword sandek, which means godfather, the word is specific to the role of holding the baby during abritmilahceremony. Although these activities do not require the recitation of a blessing, hagbah and gelilah are considered religiously significant roles. The recitation of Barekhu and the practice of standing during it may have originated at the time of Ezra, based on the verse in Nehemiah (9:5), Rise, bless the Lord your God who is from eternity to eternity: May Your glorious name be blessed, exalted though it is above every blessing and praise!'. It has two parts:Mishnah(redacted c. 200 CE) and Gemara (c. 500 CE), an elucidation of the Mishnah. The feminine form is mohelet., MoyelYiddishfor circumciser, the person who performs a ritual circumcision. Barekhu is not included in the afternoon service, since the Shema is not recited. Included in theMishnah,its the only tractate dealing exclusively with ethical and moral principles; there is little or no Jewish law included in these teachings.Alternate spellings:Pirkei Avos,Pirkei Avoth. Some worshipers raise the edges of the tallit toward the script and then kiss the tzitzit, though the halachic (Jewish law) requirement is merely to bow toward the open Torah. Pronunced: TORE-uh, Origin: Hebrew, the Five Books of Moses. Having summoned the congregation to praise God, the prayer leader repeats the response to indicate that this obligation is equally incumbent on him (or her). I would like to make a donation in the amount of: Vim ei omnis facilisis, vix ut augue euismod assueverit, modo porro cum ad. Another word for rabbi.. TorahportionOne of 54 sections of theTorahread, duringShabbatservices, in order on a weekly basis throughout the year. You then bring the tzitzit to your lips as an expression of love for the Torah. It is recited during every prayer service. Sifresays that themitzvah(commandment) of living inEretz Yisraelis as important as all the othermitzvotput together. You will now be redirected to our U.S. charity, Jewish Agency for Israel North American Council (JAFINA). The terms are commonly used as a short-hand for the bar/bat mitzvahs coming-of-age ceremony and/or celebration.Alternate spellings:Bnaimitzva,bnaimitzvah,bnai mitzva. MitzvotPlural form of theHebrewword mitzvah which means commandment, it has two meanings. EtrogHebrewword for a yellow citron, used ritually in the holiday ofSukkot. OnegShabbatHebrewfor Sabbath joy, the term for the light refreshments served after aShabbatservice. You have given us a Torah of truth, and planted within us everlasting life. The story is told through the biblical Book of Esther; the namesake heroine, a Jewish woman, marries the Persian king. It refers to products that are both made from one of five types of grain and have been combined with water and left to stand raw (rise) for longer than eighteen minutes.Alternate spellings:Hametz,chometz,chumetz,hometz,humetz. If you are from the United States, you may qualify for a tax deduction. Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai Eh-lo-hay-nu meh-lech ha-o-lahm, a-sher ba-char ba-nu mi-kol ha-a-meem, v'na-tahn la-nu et Torah-toh. SephardiHaving Jewish family origins in Spain, Portugal or North Africa. The Israeli government's goal was to get the immigrants out of refugee housing and into society as speedily as possible. There are several different stories for the origin of the word, though most seem to connect it to Old French, chalant (to warm) or chaud lent (hot slow).Alternate spellings:Chulent. Large sections of shattered Jewish communities throughout Europe, such as those fromPolandandRomaniaalso immigrated to Israel, with some communities, such as those fromBulgariaandYugoslavia, being almost entirely transferred. PayotHebrewandYiddishfor sidelock or sidecurls, derived from the Hebrew word peeh, meaning corner or side, these are locks of hair that some Orthodox boys and men refrain from cutting or shaving.Alternate spellings:Payos,peye,peyeh,peyes,peyos,peyot. ), TefillahHebrewfor prayer. The plural form is tefillot or tefillos., Tefillin:This Barbie models both atallitand tefillin. Megillat EstherHebrewfor Scroll of Esther (or, Book of Esther), the biblical book read on the holiday ofPurim.Alternate spellings:Megillas Esther. Inquiries can be sent [1] Chesed shel emetHebrewfor true kindness, refers to burial of the dead.Alternate spellings:Chesed shel emes,hesed shel emet,hesed shel emes. Aliyahis the immigration ofJewsfrom thediasporato theLand of Israel(Eretz Israelin Hebrew). Whether you're taking the first steps toward immigration or you're simply curious about the possibility, The Jewish Agency for Israel is here to provide guidance in the process of coming home. MatzahHebrewword for an unleavened bread, traditionally eaten during the holiday ofPassover.Alternate spellings:Matza,matzo,matzoh,matzos. Smachot BatPlural form of simchat bat,Hebrewfor daughters celebration, a modern term for a naming ceremony for baby girls.Alternate spellings:Smachos bas. SederHebrewfor order, refers to the traditional course of events, or service, surrounding thePassoverandTu Bishvatmeals. Pronounced: TALL-mud, Origin: Hebrew, the set of teachings and commentaries on the Torah that form the basis for Jewish law. Symbolizing the mortar that the Hebrew slaves used to build the cities for Pharaoh in Egypt, its one of the symbolic food items on the seder plate.Alternate spellings:Charoses,haroset,haroses. SepharadOf the culture of Jews with family origins in Spain, Portugal or North Africa.Alternate spellings:Sephardic. The person who lifts the Torah traditionally opens at least three columns of the scroll before raising it up as high as possible, and then slowly turns to show the script to all assembled. Listen to a recording of the Mourner's Kaddish. Fourth Aliyah: Moses told the Jewish people that they have been given free choice to choose between good and evil, life and death. If you have questions, please contact, Rosh Hashanah andYom KippurResource Page, 14 Rosh Hashanah Gifts to Celebrate the New Year, Love Changed My Insecurities About Religion & Cerebral Palsy, Going Virtual Has Completely Changed My Relationship With Judaism, 10 Multicultural Jewish Food Personalities to Follow on Instagram, Lauren Monaco Makes a Culinary Splash with Peranakan, Italian American and Jewish Fusion Recipes, Meet Micah Siva: Recipe Creator, World-Traveler, Dietician & Jewish Food-Lover. Aliyah in Judaism. After Russian-born economist Vladimir Bodovetz made Aliyah, The Jewish Agency set him on the path to a new career in computer science. In spite of immigration quotas established by the British administration, the Jewish population reached 90,000 by the end of this period. The full phrase is said when speaking.Alternate spellings: ZL. KreplekhPlural form of theYiddishword krepl, dumplings filled with meat and usually cooked in soup.Alternate spellings:Kreplach. . Mezuzah:for more information, watch our video onhow to affix a mezuzahor read our booklet,Mezuzahs: Whats on the Door?. Reform Jewish Community of Canada; Nichum aveilimHebrewfor condolence of mourning, a visit made to the mourners during the first week of mourning (the period known asshiva). For generations of religious Jews,aliyahwas associated with the coming of theJewish Messiah. When couples become engaged, a celebration for them is often called a lchayim as friends and family will offer the couple toasts for a happy life together.Alternate spellings:Lchaim,lchayyim,lhaim,lhayim. ParashahHebrewfor portion, one of 54 sections of theTorahread, duringShabbatservices, in order on a weekly basis throughout the year.Alternate spellings:Parasha,parsha,parshah. JEWISH AGENCY UPDATES. For others, Judaism is a culture. Reprinted with permission from The JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions, published by the Jewish Publication Society. Just move your mouse over the word to see definitions.). Torah blessings with transliteration Author: jan Created Date: 9/16/2005 1:03:30 PM . Seven people are called up to recite blessings before and after they have read the the sacred Hebrew text of the Torah from the scroll. TorahThe first five books of theHebrewBible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), or the scroll that contains them. Reference to earlier modern periods as the First and Second Aliyot appeared first in 1919 and took a while to catch on. ShalomRavHebrewfor great peace, the prayer for peace at the end of the traditional evening liturgy. According to the traditional Jewish ordering of books of theTanakh(Old Testament), the very last word of the last book in the original Hebrew (2 Chronicles 36:23) isveyaal, ajussiveverb form derived from the samerootasaliyah, meaning "and let him go up" (to Jerusalem in Judah). In the early 1950s, the immigration wave subsided, and emigration increased; ultimately, some 10% of the immigrants would leave Israel for other countries in the following years. Pronounced: ah-doe-NYE, Origin: Hebrew, a name for God. Strictly speaking,mezuzahonly refers to the scroll itself, not the case in which its housed. See ourRosh Hashanah andYom KippurResource Page. BrachahHebrewfor blessing (and bounty). Over time, hagbah became the more coveted task. The person who receives the aliyah goes up to the bimah before the reading and recites a blessing for reading of the Torah. Commonly represented by horseradish or romaine lettuce. What to expect and how to behave at a bar/bat mitzvah service. The term literally means Spanish inHebrew. ArkA cabinet- or cupboard-like structure that houses theTorah(s) in asynagogue. ShabbatShalomHebrewfor Sabbath [of] peace, a greeting on or before the Jewish Sabbath. Also defined as "the act of going up"that is, towards Jerusalem"making Aliyah" by moving to the Land of Israel is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism.. For much of Jewish history most Jews have lived in the diaspora where aliyah was developed as a national aspiration . MatzahbreiYiddishfor friedmatzah, a commonPassoverbreakfast dish that can be savory or sweet, ranging in style from closer to an omelette to closer to French toast, made of matzah and egg.Alternate spellings:Matzabrei,matza brie,matzahbrie,matzah brie,matzobrei,matzohbrei,matzoh brie,matzosbrei. InYiddish,shul. Reform synagogues are often called temple.. TheFirst World Wareffectively ended the period of the Second Aliyah. (e.g. HanukkahHanukkah(known by many spellings) is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the SecondTemplein Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd Century BCE. Blessed are You, Adonai, who gives the . Between 1919 and 1923, 40,000 Jews, mainly fromEastern Europearrived in the wake ofWorld War I. Today it is used as part of the traditional procedure for converting to Judaism, by Jews who follow the laws of ritual (body) purity, and sometimes for making kitchen utensilskosher.Alternate spellings:Mikvah. . ChuppahHebrewfor canopy or covering, the structure (open on all four sides) under which a Jewish wedding ceremony takes place. Set you up with an Aliyah consultant who will personally guide you through next steps. HAS BEEN REGISTERED TO RECEIVE Occurs during the fall and is marked by a 24-hour fast. AshkenazicOf the culture of Jews with family origins in Germany or Eastern Europe. MinyanHebrewfor count, it refers to the quorum of ten Jewish adults (in some communities only men are counted; in others both men and women) required to hold aTorahservice, recite some communal prayers, and the home-based recitation of theKaddish. BnaimitzvahHebrewplural of bar mitzvah or batmitzvah. In modern Jewish practice, Jewish children come of age at 13. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe. It can also refer to the act of immigrating to Israel. ChasidHebrewfor pious, commonly refers to a member of an Orthodox Jewish mystic movement founded in the 18th century in Eastern Europe by Baal Shem Tov that reacted against Talmudic learning and maintained that Gods presence was in all of ones surroundings and that one should serve God in ones every deed and word. The LORD his God[be]with him, and let him go up. MikvehHebrewfor collection, referring to the collection of water, is a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism. Traditional Jews werekippot(plural ofkippah)all the time.Alternate spellings:Kipot. The end of the period of mass immigration gave Israel a critical opportunity to more rapidly absorb the immigrants still living in transit camps. [Originally published in 2016 and updated slightly for 2022] Today millions of American Jews woke up with the sense of . SimchatBatHebrewfor daughters celebration, a modern term for a naming ceremony for baby girls.Alternate spellings:Simchasbas.
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