Items are created with all stats, but they are not displayed if they are 0. Once you've chosen a template, you'll need to add game objects to it. If the integer is set to 1, it's player 1's turn. To better understand why we take vectors with specific values, look at the diagram below:-. The next character wins the game on their own, repeating until one side has won. Before we can pick up any items, we have to create a basic item class. Also, decide whether you want it to be a browser game, a mobile game, or both (a native web game). Role Playing. Moreover, turn-based games have an advantage in upgrading your characters' abilities. Well you can choose between using the browsers LocalStorage and storing things on a server. I was afraid of using objects, for example. For taking turns, you'd just have an integer value to determine whose turn it is. At a high level, a player's turn could be the start of a new state, followed by all the possible actions that are allowed during that turn. I have a javaScript example where the focus is to work out some things that I should have in such a project, and I also have a canvas example in which I touch base on this topic. Scenes, scene management and interaction, events. This can either be done manually or be done in-game via a command. I don't wanna answer the question. // is out of bounds and false if it is not. updating pool data here is not so great, // 'map' for the game in action, and 'menu' for the circle options menu, // pool of objects used for the circle menu, // used to find out if we are dealing with a long press or not, // get remaining Enemies helper used to update game.remainingEnemies in 'end' process turn state, // process turn method used in gameMod.update, // if moveCells array length of all units === 0 the move state is over, // for end state step game.turn and set game.turnState back to wait, // preform what needs to happen for a player pointer event for the given pixel positon, // create a menu for the current game state. Now, we also need to provide some space/gap between the game scene and the map that we create, so lets go with row size of 12 and column size of 11. A hack & slash would need a lot of careful balancing, and so on. Here is how your empty project and config object should look: Loading assets in Phaser 3 is very easy, you just need to add whatever assets you need to the loader. (Already released or still being worked on.) Or else it wouldn't make sense! In this section I will be writing about that main game module that is used to create and mutate a main game state object, as well as the library that I use to draw various parts of this state to a canvas element. Youll have to figure this one out yourself. If the object is huge, you can even define the object first as a variable like: Skill mana costs are per boss level, because if they were at the player level, Id punish players for leveling up. Scenes in Phaser 3 are managed by the Scene Manager and as we will see in the next part of this tutorial you can have more than one active scene at a time. For now, in our game we will start with two scenes Boot Scene and World Scene. In this tutorial we will learn how to create and use multiple scenes and how to switch between them. class Item { constructor (name, description, value) { = name this.description = description Used to get adjust goto point for game.toMap object, // return a toIndexOptions array for the given map position in the current game map, // if player cell x equals 0 ( left side ), // if player cell x equals map.w - 1 ( right side ), // if player cell y equals 0 ( top side ), // if player cell y map.h - 1 ( bottom side ), // get a toMap object that can be set to the game.toMap propery, // get a move path in the from of a path created using mapMod.getPath that is cut, // based on the maxCellsPerTurn value of the unit in the given start cell if any, // get a slice of the raw path up to unit.maxCellsPerTurn, // place a unit at the given location in the current map, // any old cellIndex that may need to have walkable, // set new cell to not walkable as a unit is now located here, // place a ref to the unit in the map cell, // place player helper that is called when setting up a new game, and when the player, // get a toCell ref if we have a pos in game.toMap, // move a unit by way of any cell index values in unit.moveCells, // !!! We will be using