Many large historical figures did so and chose not to be confined by the church. It is authorititative simply on the basis that it is the word of God. It is also he who make you wonder. The Jews knew this. Also, every one has a different experience with God. Thanks for sharing your thought. I think it is wonderful that you were able to build a relationship with God and Jesus without depending upon any biased intermediary. If you want to be a better Pagan, stop worrying about what you or anyone else believes,. If our online resources haveblessed you,please supportReasons for Hope* Jesus. They would not be honoring the Son as they honor the Father. A new article is published about every 8 to 10 days, but we only send out our Newsletter about twice a month to notify everyone of the newest items posted. Christians can believe in reincarnation if they choose to do so. Do these two reasons nail it? In a similar, but very modern thought, Frank Lloyd Wright,7 the famous American architect, is credited with construction of more than 500 homes and commercial buildings, most of which still stand today. we will be either right or wrong. Circumcision in the Bible: What was it really all about? Im not really sure how clothes rise from the dead, so everybody may be naked, but try not to think about that. Answer. Did God become Jesus, or did God still occupy the heavenly realm, while Jesus was on earth? Most people pray to God; some to Jesus, and a few to both. Was a previous civilization destroyed? I am the way, the truth and the life. This is not a Got Questions? You see, the earth was once a paradise. The trinity does not matter, that is if you do not have that additional knowledge that it is not something the Apostles practiced let alone even knew of. Glad to have come across this article today. But no, not once has the spirit that dwells in me been glad to hear of the trinity, only highlighting the scriptural contradictions of the doctrine. This is the same as the so called Christian Religions. An Orthodox Jew, if he follows his own theologians, believes that if his good works outweigh his bad works, he will have a blessed eternity. We sent you an email. The saying "Outside the Church there is no salvation" is credited to St. Cyprian (third century). I dont believe rejecting the Trinity has anything to do with salvation. Thanks! A Remez In Psalm 22?Who do you need to reconcile with today?Who Killed Jesus?Since Jesus was the Passover LAMB, Why Didn't God Provide a Lamb in Genesis 22?Did Pilate Proclaim Jesus to be God?Was Jesus Forsaken by His Father?The centurion's song from the foot of the cross:Surely This Was a Righteous ManJourney to the Cross: Maundy Thursday and Good FridayHow Do We Know Psalm 22 Is About The Cross? Thank you very much for your website and for posting your excellent article. No. Just click the proper button at the end of each article. In saying that, I realize that such an answer is going to not only impact people that you may have witnessed to (like Mormons), but it also applies to some in the broader Pentecostal movement, called United Pentecostals or "Jesus-Only" Pentecostals. Please be aware that, although the majority of posts found on this website are for general audiences, there may be certain controversial, mature, or adult content. Like you, I do believe in Jesus and that he died for my sins. So traditionally, and theologically, the answer to your question is: No, there is no way for someone to theologically be aligned with both Judaism and Christianity. Jewish thinking using a Greek word. To these people, truth is more important than tradition. Because we dont want you to incur expenditure for which you are not prepared, could you please confirm whether you are willing to pay this charge, if necessary? He lived and was put to death by the hands of the Jewish chief. Please be aware that these items are sent out from our office in the UK. While many people now regard Jesus as the founder of Christianity, it is important to note that he did not intend to establish a new religion, at least according to the earliest sources, and he never used the term "Christian." I am happy that you derived some personal peace from this article and I pray that you can use the studies you had with JWs to advance your relationship with God and his son. I am still figuring out what to label myself when it comes down to my beliefs and where I stand with religion. Nothing New Under the Sun Since the fall of man, there have been people who do not believe God's words. The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. Jesus, unlike the founders of all the other religions in the world, did not claim to be a person who could point the way to God; he claimed to BE the way, and the only way to God. Thanks for sharing your point of view and your experiences. The Bible is the History of the Christian Religion and also whom God is through His Son, Jesus Christ, for if You know the Son, you will know the nature of His Father, God. And the Holy Spirit? Jesus always credited his Father with creation (see Matthew 19:4). The more research I do, the less I agree with the doctrine of most established church organizations. A single verse does not explain an entire gospel. There are others out there who believe like you do, but most are afraid to admit it. focus against which everything else is measured: MAKE DISCIPLES of mine, Jesus says. I think you can. Do what you are comfortable doing, there is no disrespect. We have essentially said, "You can be a Christian without . After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: Father, the hour has come. Surely, after all this time getting to know my Saviour I would have come across the concept. Please pray for this man. And believe me, they impose that sternly! I believe this interpectoral Doctrine comes from the early Priests (1000s years ago ) not wanting to loose credibility over a doctrine that is difficult to explain and defend. I believe He was our Savior, I believe He died on the cross for everyone's sins. Your generosity is both a blessing and encouragement. When people say that girls are emotional and cry a lot, I think that was true, much to my surprise, of myself this year. Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance. Click here to read. Please help us share God's truths and hope in Christ. I think he's talking about not living a lifestyle of sin. If the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence: and from this it is evident, that there was a time when the Son was not. Where he went wrong is to believe Christ pre-existed. Ive been on a quest on finding truth about the trinity since its not really in the Bible. While it can be said that the Holy Spirit reflects personality (that of God and all who display his attributes), it is obvious, from scriptural research, that the Holy Spirit is not a person. Your research should be valuable for those interested in an educated point-of-view. I believe too many Christians believe that judgement is how to get people to see Christianity, when all it does is make people feel unloved and discriminated against. And I pray also, despite the burden, you find a comfort zone. The most common answer, found in the non-Christian religions, is that the solution is to do better. Most of my life I studied on my own, continually debating much of what was being taught in my formal education. I do, however, wish to present some evidence to give you something different to think about, because while most large modern denominations claim God is part of a Trinity, not all think that way.1 Although some theologians glean the idea of a Trinity in the Gospels, it wasnt an idea that was taught. Write about anything you like on your own individual blog. Recently I have been challenged on this, although had never heard of the trinity. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Even the demons believe thatand shudder." So, if a person simply believes that there is a God in heavenand that's the extent of his faiththen he has exactly the same faith as the demons of hell. No. Is She Now in Heaven? We keep your email address private we do not give, trade, share, or sell it to others. So, I really find nothing unscriptural in their religion, but rather just of a different interpretation than my own. When it was time for the savior to appear to the world, Gods son had the job of being born a human being. PLEASE HELP us spread Bible truth by telling others about this website. John 10v30 says I, and the Father are One. It is evident that you have not only given this idea much attention, but studied the scripture as well as newer scientific knowledge, too. Abrahams Bosom? And he died on the cross for you for your sines. Don't look at me, it's in the Bible! Please consider signing up, or if you have any questions about being an Angel, use our staff application form. ReactionaryCalvinist 20 days ago. The Son of God is Jesus Christ, begotten by the Father. How is Jesus Like a Worm? Thanks for sharing your opinion. The Basin & The TowelMaundy Thursday until Easter Sunday (video)Whats your Judas experience? I still cant get over the fact that they (some of them) cant believe that Jesus at least existed. Over my life, I have found that none of them are 100% right. Maybe you could even ask Him to speak to your boyfriend, to draw him closer, or even to help him believe. If you are focused on what you believe, not what you do, you are thinking like a Christian. Together these three make one God or Godhead. For being the firstborn,8 Jesus was Gods only direct creation and, thereafter, he used Jesus as the instrument through which everything else was created. What Does it Mean to Taste and See that the Lord is Good? That is what I have called you to be about. I do accept him as my savior. Register. Why? But whether you, or I, or others believe in the Trinity really isnt critical to being saved. And Gods righteousness is infinite, so God couldnt just forgive us or teach us how to do better. I believe in Jesus. I get several private emails and letters on this subject and here are a few related articles I suggest. Your very own blog. Surely, it would be my Fathers will for me to know this. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 While that verse is used by Trinitarians to strengthen their cause, there are many more verses indicating the opposite opinion, but that verse, and others, will all have to wait for another article, because the research would make this essay much too long. All that matters is that we admit that we are worthless trash, but that Jesus likes us anyway. There are countless examples of famous scientists, both in the past and today, who have professed their faith in God. Answer: I would answer, "No." If you don't believe in the Trinity, then you don't understand who God is. What do you say? . But it was in the . Also you cant enter heaven. Jesus is coming back soon. The answer Kristof seems to want is, "No, you can be skeptical about the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection and still be a Christian.". It denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are unable to submit yourself to God. At the same time, though, it is only through the Bible that we learn about Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection on our behalf ( 2 . Im going to share with you a recent Facebook post from a minister who denies the resurrection. It declares that three days after Jesus died on the cross, he was. But the most precious gift awaiting you both is the possibility of an eternal life. That God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God bless us all. I cant stand John MacArthur because he said, rejecting Trinity attacks the nature of God and cuts you off of the possibility of salvation.. Paul! One: God understands your unbelief and He has the solutions for it. I began to type "I am a Christian," because that is what I've claimed to be my whole life. The people most convinced that they are Christian are commonly those who know only dogma and literal interpretations of parables and allegories. When they fell away, it does not say they are lost, it says they did not bear fruit. And by that point, I hastily hurry up to finish lest I start crying again. Where did OT saints go at death? Since the fall of man, there have been people who do not believe Gods words. I am not only for gay marriage, I am a gay rights activist. I tell people that if they are uncomfortable with going to a church service, then dont go. John 1:14-17 helps to clarify John 1:1. Such a person will say that to me, but they cant give me a straight explanation of this three-in-one doctrine. The evidence indicates that God Almighty is the Father. The Outlaw Bible Student web site is secured with SSL-encrypted connections. So God invented cancer and hemorrhoids to punish human beings for our treachery. Thanks for sharing your feelings. First, we must ask ourselves if the Bible indeed God's Word. As you may have guessed by now I have no place of worship except in my heart at home. They are all the same and are all equal. We are a soul a God breathed human pneuma living in a human physical body. Use PayPal or a Credit Card for safe, secure giving. I am in a somehow complicated situation and would really appreciate advice To share, I am currently following Islam but my partner has difficulties to accept and follow that particular belief and hence she proposed why not look into christianity together. Not the other way round. We are committed to writing about what God wants you to know not what some churches only want you to hear. Describing God and his Son Not who, but WHAT are they? "Can you still be a Christian and not believe the whole Bible except the part of Jesus?" Believe what seems right to you and don't be too fussed if some people don't think you are "really" Christian. According to these verses, the answer seems to be yes! There are many reasons why some sinful people are drawn to a certain group of character because they want to be saved as well, just like how many sinned were drawn to Jesus. The word exegesis literally means to lead out of. That means that the interpreter is led to his conclusions by following the text. Of course, this is a hard thing to learn at Christmas time. Please contact the publisher to obtain copies of this resource. Unable to face those who wanted to help me, Id just send them messages of false-reassurance, saying that I was fine, and I was just crying to calm down. Much more than once, I have been told that I cant be a real Christian unless I accept this fact of the Trinity. We are not saved by believing in the inspiration or inerrancy of the Bible. Why on the 8th day? It is easy to print, download, and email articles. 'If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him . In one study, 32% of atheists said they grew up in a home with parents who didn't believe in God. So let's focus on living our best life . I know that I am preaching to the choir here, but we all need to remind ourselves of the great gift we have been given. There is a disconnect with The Organization they follow. (Reflect and Prepare short video)Have You Sat At The Masters Table? I hold nothing against people who do, or do not believe. Im happy you enjoyed the OBS website and hope you will visit again. Usually, in the Bible, it is translated from Greek and Hebrew to mean wind or breath and by several extended meanings: dominate feeling, spirit persons, and vital or active force. It is important, also, to understand this word has been used from ancient times to describe the experience of divine power working in, upon, and around men, and understood by them as the power of God.9 A popular Bible dictionary states that the Holy Spirit is the power or presence of God in nature or with individuals and communities, inspiring or empowering them with qualities they would not otherwise possess,10 as in the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Should I Give Up Something? Even when He was not ready to go down the road of Calvary, he received strength through the Holy Spirit. Many have the same opinion, but are afraid to express it. The advances and discoveries over time that increase our understanding of our brains and bodies (which God enables) need to be respected and acknowledged by people of faith. Many people claim to be Christians, but dont reflect Gods attributes, however many do. Can you become a Christian if you deny the Trinity? Jesus has saved my life, I read a lot of the gospels in some difficulty of my life. . I would answer, "No." Theyre simply myths, they claim. The Greek for God is theos ([Strongs] Greek #2316) and the definite article is ho (Greek #3588). No trinity. For an article titled Hebrews 6:4 Can We Lose Our Salvation? see this link: Such individuals hold to a kind of modalism, where God is sometimes in the mode of the Father or the mode of the Son or the mode of the Spirit, but Hes never all three at the same time. It is clearly evident that Jesus was not a trinitarian. Can you give me advice on how to manage this if I really would pursue christianity with my partner together? Because we belong to Jesus, we are called Christians we are His and He is ours. In Jesus, we were reconciled to our Father God, and we became adopted into a family that consists of people from every tribe . I cant find a church to attend. Please pray for him. Yet in actuality, I hadnt moved on, at least not really. Just know while you all are enjoying the heavenly banquet, I will be:rotating on the rotisserie of the reprobates,bobbing in the boiling broth of blasphemers,and weeping on the wok of woe. Was Queen Elizabeth a Christian? I can believe that a dude named Jesus existed and tried to do good in the world. In fact, we dont have to do a single thing Jesus commanded us to do. Puzzle Solved: Here is Jesus Birth Date, and the Date of Marys Conception, too. They all have bits and pieces of truth, but none have it all. Our newsletter is a short email sent to notify subscribers about new information that has been posted to the OBS site. As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. Most so-called unscriptural practices in any religion depend upon the beliefs of the person criticizing a particular religion. Now, the first thing many will say about not believing in the Trinity is that one can't be a Christian if you do not believe in it, but when asked, they can't show where in the Bible that claim is made. Thus, their entire system of worship would be shown to be a fraud. 2022 Grace to You. How about the bible being the inerrant word of God? to Reasons for Hope*Jesus(a501c3 Ministry). Who's flaming? If you dont receive the verify page, please try again after adjusting your email filter to recognize the email address containing: It is like a puzzle, where the picture gets clearer as more pieces get put together. I believe we all will be saved at the end. The Spirit testifies along with the water of Jesus baptism, and his atoning blood. A sincere Christian, following Jesus teaching, will eventually arrive at the truth. All will become clear, one day . I then spent 18 years as a Jehovahs Witness only to once again walk away from that religion as it too is fraught with legalistic, and unscriptural practices that oppress the ancient, and simple message of our God, and of our Savior. You can also send a message to your friends about an article just by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, or other Social Site buttons. But it's so popular it ranked among the top pages viewed: Reasons for Hope* Jesus is donor supported. In each case, someone attempts to provide a barrier to further conversation about the gospel and its effects upon the . All church organizations teach somewhat differently from each other. Whats the Crimson Worm? In John 14:6 Jesus declares, "I am the way and the truth and the life. TruNews refuse to admit in their report that in every single case where . First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of ones own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will. (2 Peter 1:20), But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions. I think what you have said in this article is True and Factual. Discussion in 'General Theology' started by timewerx, Feb 8, 2014. While many people in this group may be suffering from church wounds, we also know from past research that Christians who do not attend church say it's primarily not out of wounding, but because they can . But the truth is, Christians are not only followers of God, but believers in the Bible. The groups that are Non-trinitarian ALL have some kind of outlandish beliefs. After death and resurrection, he again returned to Gods presence. (video)Whats the Meaning of the Folded Napkin in the tomb?Keep Easter Alive in Your Heart: He Came Back (video)The Only Soul-Saver, Sin-Forgiver, Chain-Breaker, Pain-Taker, Way-Maker, Hope-Giver: JesusKeep Looking UpPraise God, Hes AliveChristian Internet Forwards? I am a firm believer that Jesus would want everyone to feel loved and accepted by His followers. I am awe stricken to have found this article, specifically because of my lack of understanding about the trinity. I have searched high and low throughout my life since I was the age of 8. When speaking with others in private, it doesnt hurt to throw out some tidbit of your thought process to test the waters it could develop into a private bible study group. But we can judge his fruitboth his words and his actions. Many things they are required to follow are not Bible requirements. Your kind comment is appreciated. How to Close Your Eyes and Really SEEJesus! I look forward to being corrected, if necessary. At one time, when I was young, I felt uneasy, because I was unable to grasp the idea that was being presented to me. Ask God to put people in his path who will open the truth of the Scriptures to him. I did not know so many religions has Trinity too. What Do Nightmares Mean Spiritually Collective Wisdom Initiative. If Jesus had not risen from death, He would have been both a liar and a fraud. Even sadder is that he is in a position of teaching others and he is teaching heresy by denying that Jesus rose from death. He exhorts them to . We continue to reach people worldwide with the truths of God's Word and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Id been an infant in christ for so long, my friends have challenged me and continue to challenge me, yet I am unmoved! <. CLICK TO DONATEto Reasons for Hope*Jesus(a501c3 Ministry)Use a Credit Card or PayPalfor safe, secure giving. Lord have mercy on this man. But God has a son named Jesus who asked God to abuse him instead. This man seems to think we need to be loving and kind like Jesus to be saved from Gods wrath. Jesus said, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect (Mat 5:48). Any human should believe in it because it is the truth handed to them by their creator. Messianic Judaism is not Rabbinic Judaism. However his created son (before being born as Jesus) appeared many times in the Old Testament as a godlike being, doing the work of his Father. This was done to solve a theological debate, and rejected by the Oriental Orthodox.
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