27. _________ is the practice of marrying outside of ones group. Child psychologists Hart and Risley examined speech patterns across families of different social class backgrounds. Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. What are some of the forms of evidence that indicate early ideas about religion? Not enough sunlight penetrates the skin to enable Vitamin D production, The old stereotypes of primates as living in male-centered, male-dominated groups came from 1960's research on, baboon groups led by males, established by force, who provided internal and external defense of the "troop". According to the textbook, roughly 25 percent of black and Latino families renting their homes spend at least what percent of their income on housing? As a result, he got placed in a prestigious law firm. Max Weber believed that __________ was the only means to attain efficient, flexible, and competent regulation under a rule of law. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like race, racism, genotype and more. It overemphasizes the role of education in economic outcomes. ___________ is the sector of the economy that is involved in the provision of services rather than goods. ___________ is the power legitimized on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment that inspire loyalty and obedience from followers. Alex tells Jorge that his favorite team should have picked more black players because they naturally have more athletic skill and everyone knows "white men can't jump." 41. __________ is an economic system characterized by public ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of collective goals, and centralized decision making. How does this affect family life and children in particular? Conflict theorists state that these messages are part of the __________. 32. Anne engages in a __________. agreeableness Through ethnographic fieldwork, anthropologists change not only the lives of those they are studying, but their own lives as well. To apply stereotypical traits to people based on their supposed racial ancestry is referred to as. Place each step in the migration process you would undertake in chronological order. 21. The skin color cline means that, a certain skin color may be more common in one region than another, but the variation is gradual and continuous, Among people who self-identify as "white," one aspect of their lives tends to influence their experience of society and the advantages conferred, more than other aspects. 22. Census data can answer almost any research question you can ask about a particular area. (page 15), The study of living nonhuman primates as well as primate fossils to better understand human evolution and early human behavior. __________ is the concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women. In rational-legal authority, the authority is invested in the __________. Which of the following terms is used to describe real estate agents who preyed upon whites' fears of integration by hiring people of color to appear as if they had moved into a traditionally white neighborhood, in an attempt to get white families to sell their homes for under-market value? Oferecer solues em identificao, oferecendo produtos com design exclusivo e com a melhor qualidade. Identify ways that fieldwork can affect anthropologists. Japanese-American families were so terrified of being accused of __________ that many burned all of their family possessions. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?, Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to, What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? In his book Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Haney Lpez describes three important "moves" of racial dog whistling. In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another? In the context of authoritarianism, military juntas: A __________ has specific geographic territories and borders within which communication and transportation make it possible for people in a larger geographic area to share a common language and culture. Through the use of persuasion, authority, or force, some people are able to get others to submit to their demands. The __________ is also referred to as the military-industrial complex, which is the mutual interdependence of the military establishment and private military contractors. 17. While numerous groups such as Black Girls Code have tried to encourage women of color to enter industries traditionally dominated by white males, such women continue to be underrepresented in top levels of employment in these industries. Which of the following factors contributed to the Great Migration? Religions confer supernatural legitimacy on the norms and laws of society. With roughly one in four votes cast by nonwhites, which presidential election was the most racially diverse in U.S. history? How would a linguist explain what went wrong? Anthropologists take a comprehensive approach to understanding human beings. Which of the following statements about institutional racism and interpersonal racism is accurate? 25. In February 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed __________, authorizing the military to designate areas from which certain people could be excluded. Given the information, Lily's parents are depicting a(n) __________. Complete the sentence using each term once. (page 45), A conceptual framework that sees culture primarily as a symbolic system of deep meaning. Crime is more likely to occur among individuals who have been treated differently b. ____________ is Arlie Hochschild's term for the domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their workday on the job. 36. __________ is an economic and political system that combines private ownership of some of the means of production, governmental distribution of some essential goods and services, and free elections. 30. What was the famous march in which activists walked along a stretch of land in which no black people were registered to vote? What do we call the idea that government policies should favor people born in the United States over immigrants such as Mexicans or Canadians (legal or otherwise)? This may contribute to the less capable students performing poorly and dropping out of school. 4. external locus of control. The term "gerrymandering," which is the set of processes by which elected politicians redraw and manipulate the borders of political districts to secure political advantage, is derived from which two terms? In horticultural and agricultural societies, __________ are extremely important; having a large number of family members participate in food production may be essential for survival. - Color blindness is seen as a solution to racism in the United States. Which of the following families is primarily responsible for regulating sexual activity, socializing children, and providing affection and companionship for family members? (page 40), The theory proposed by nineteenth century anthropologists that all cultures naturally evolve through the same sequence of stages from simple to complex. These protestors most clearly followed in the tradition of which group? In this particular category, people are categorized by what factors? Identify the systems of power and meaning that are studied by anthropologists through intensive fieldwork and the observation of people's everyday lives. Beginning in the 1400s, many European countries began colonial activities to further their economic power. This approach to dividing and categorizing people relies on the assumption that: For the seventy years leading up to 1860, the U.S. Census counted slaves as three-fifths of a person. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In one of the first social psychological experiments ever conducted, researcher Norman Triplett examined the records of teams of cyclists. 43. __________ is the social institution through which power is acquired and exercised by some groups and individuals. However, he believes in principles such as truth, justice, and tolerance for others and seeks to fulfill his true potential by attaining an elevated state of consciousness. ___________ is a form of democracy whereby citizens elect representatives to serve as bridges between themselves and the government. How do foraging societies accommodate any potential conflict between women's work and their pregnancies/childbirth? ___________ is best described as the argument that social and economic differences between races are the result of immutable, inherited, and inborn distinctions. Malaysia was one of the first export-processing zones in Southeast Asia. Muito obrigada pela parceria e pela disponibilidade., Fazem por merecer pela qualidade dos materiais, e o profissionalismo com o atendimento e o prazo! (page 11), A primary research strategy in cultural anthropology typically involving living and interacting with a community of people over an extended period to better understand their lives. According to Max Weber, the term __________ refers to power legitimized by law or written rules and regulations. According to the __________ on religion, religious ideologies serve to support the status quo and inhibit social change. 10. Kevin, a middle-aged man, neither believes in any god nor in any supernatural forces. Du Bois's platforms lacking what? __________ is the family into which a person is born and in which early socialization usually takes place. Identify a true statement about patrilineal descent. Any person with three or four Jewish grandparents was considered a "full-blooded" Jew; those with fewer (but more than zero) were considered "half-breeds" or "mongrels." All Rights Reserved. - Nancy Scheper-Hughes's founding of Organs Watch, which facilitates collaboration between anthropologists, surgeons, journalists, and more on the issue of human organ trafficking, "Nailza's voice would range from tearful imploring to angry recrimination: 'Why did you leave me? Which term refers to laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South after the end of slavery? Which term summarizes this obligation? ____________ is a system of tracing descent through both the mother's and father's sides of the family. What was the result of Reaganomics on the poorest fifth of Americans? In the context of the trends in religion in the United States, over the five-year period from 2007 to 2012, the number of people who considered themselves religiously unaffiliated __________. an individual is more likely to commit deviance when their social links or ties to others are weakened or broken. During the 1960s and 1970s, how was anthropology's role in colonialism viewed, and why? (page 12), The approach by which anthropologists compare practices across cultures to explore human similarities, differences, and the potential for human cultural expression. Which of the following were findings of the Detroit Area Survey? The __________ on education focuses on how classroom communication and educational practices affect students' self-concept and aspirations. What was the impact of the University of California's ban on race-conscious admissions? ____________ is the process by which religious beliefs, practices, and institutions lose their significance in sectors of society and culture. Researchers did not vary the definitions but did vary the race of the students. Why is their boast about their family wealth not quite accurate? 26. From a __________, increased training for teachers and more-stringent academic requirements for students are the best ways to address these problems. __________ is the custom of a married couple living in the same household (or community) as the husband's parents. 14. Aside from the structure of the economy, the class privileges (or lack thereof) of immigrants, and ethnic enclaves, what else does the textbook say impacts how well immigrants fare in America? - receive informed consent from participants. How much has public housing inventory fallen since 1991? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Race relations play out differently depending on a variety of historical, cultural, and social factors. What do anthropologists call community members who guide, advise, and teach the ethnographer during fieldwork? 32. Her family and most people in her village are involved in cultivation and subsist on agriculture. Ethnographic writing techniques have changed dramatically since Malinowski and Evans-Pritchard published their books in the early twentieth century. The cartoon below offers us an insightful look at how ________________ can take form in everyday interactions. and more. __________ is the term used to refer to the concurrent marriage of a person of one sex with two or more members of the opposite sex. __________ is the sector of the labor market that consists of low-paying jobs with few benefits and very little job security or possibility for future advancement. 3. WebRichard Kadrey is a writer and freelance photographer living in San Francisco, best known for his Sandman Slim novels. What was one result of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and the 1980 Refugee Act? In Living with Racism: The Black Middle-Class Experience (1994), sociologist Joe Feagin and psychologist Melvin Sikes write about middle-class African Americans who, despite their class status, continue to face racial discrimination. Which of the following is most likely to work as a form of "cultural capital"? In traditional Chinese society, which kinds of terms did siblings use to refer to one another? (page 70), A system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and institutions that are created, learned, shared, and contested by a group of people. According to the textbook, in 2013 the poverty threshold for a single person under the age of 65 was $11,490; it was $23,550 for a family made up of a couple and their two children. Which of the following immigrant groups were targeted in the 19th and early 20th century as inferior to "whites" (the U.S.'s mainstream Anglo Protestant society)? What perspective is the anthropologist using? Eu no conhecia a Perfect, at que surgiu a necessidade de confeccionar uns cartes personalizados. __________ is the Director of Archaeological Research at Jamestown. What conclusion is shown in the figure below, "2009 Median Household Income by Race"? 1. 32. From the functionalist perspective, this is a(n) __________ of education. In the salsa dance world, which of the following best describes the coming together of people at salsa dance "congresses" and festivals? c. The term is almost always used to refer to poor, uneducated rural whites. ___________ is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest female (usually the mother). 19. What served as the institutional hub of the Civil Rights Movement? What is the most likely reason the seat was reserved for the second applicant? What is one reason why, in 2015, the government of the Dominican Republic began registering the estimated 500,000 (mostly Haitian) undocumented residents and deporting those without citizenship? 37. Sociologist __________ asserted that moral values are the foundation of a cohesive social order and that schools have the responsibility to teach a commitment to the common morality. 18. "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" (1989), Lists and describes various ways whites receive preferential treatment throughout all aspects of life, institutional patterns and policies as well as individuals thoughts and actions that create or reproduce unequal access to power, privilege, resources, and opportunities based on race, Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice was killed at a playground, Eric Garner was choked to death during his arrest, nine people were killed in African Methodist Episcopal Church. The necessary and proper clause do trabalho, do atendimento '' changes in, And reflections on a set of symbols and signs with learned and shared meanings Act DOMA. First person in her village are involved in __________ Egyptians in rural trailer parks often suffer from? 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