He doesn't really move, making it a hopefully easy matter to sneak past him to the entrance to the basement and leave the building. What it does mean is that the game's main storyline has been completed, and that all of the Oblivion Gates in the world will have shut permanently; no more Sigil Stones or Daedra Hearts for you! At its root, all you need to perform alchemy is a mortar and pestle (which counts as one item). Here are some of the most common enemies and their special weaknesses: Ghosts, Will-O-The-Wisps: Cannot be harmed by normal weapons; use silver or magical weapons. (The Retreat is also a dead-end.) Will you need them? Well, luckily for you, there's a way for you to obtain the unique spell from Earana, and get the guild recommendation from Teekeeus. When you're done interrogating him, hide in another section of the house, but keep the Languorwine Blade equipped. She's sure he'll eventually be ordered to return the guards to their normal postings, and wants to know the moment it occurs. Head to Ganredhel's house in Cheydinhal for your next meeting with the Fox. You'll see a green arrow on your map, indicating your destination, but you may want to explore the Count's rooms to the southeast, where you can find a jewelry box, as well as a book on the shelves that'll increase your Marksman skills. Ungolim is an archer who's going to be automatically hostile to you when he spots you, so be ready for a fight. Still, paralyzation is an often hilarious effect to pass on to your target, not to mention useful. Caution signs are yet to be hung, but for now, be careful. Benefit: Speed +20 Umnext? Caminalda will die soon enough, allowing you to return to Anvil to complete the quest. Omgwtfbbqkitten Dec 30, 2013 @ 1:55pm. (If you missed her at the Runestone, presumably you'll have to track her down and kill her at this point.) When it's almost dead, cast Soul Trap on it. When undetected in Sneak mode, one-handed and hand-to-hand attacks deal 4x damage, bow attacks deal 2x damage. If you cast Soul Trap on a creature prior to killing it, its soul will automatically be placed in the smallest available Soul Gem in your inventory. Sunday Sunday Sunday: It's Mayhem in Miscarcand! Before she gives you the contract, though, she'll request five portions of ectoplasm. If you leave the Sigil Stone that appears after you exit the gate on the ground and choose not to pick it up, it will continue to level up as you do. She is, of course, a Vampire, and will attack you on sight. You can help this process along by poisoning them with a Fatigue-draining arrow or a Drain Fatigue or Damage Fatigue spell. But it is VERY IMPORTANT that you save your game before you hit the gate leading outside. Note that upstairs in Ganredhels' house, you can find the Dance In Fire, Chapter I book, which will increase your Acrobatics skill by one. She needs you to retrieve the enchanted sword and armor of her grandfather's in order to pay the debt, but it's in a tomb which she's probably wise not to explore herself. Hrota Cave is, as promised, just north of town, and contains numerous thieves of various sorts, from archers and mages to pure fighters. If you're good at sneaking, you can land a powerful blow on Raven from behind, perhaps with a poisoned arrow or something similar. Since the number of recipes you'll be able to make will depend on your skill level, we've broken down a few of the more common recipes that you'll be able to construct based on your proficiency at alchemy. You can use it to make your way to Kvatch, if you wish; or you can just use quick transit to warp directly to the camp outside the city. He'll tell you of three prophecies: one involving a plague of rats, one involving the death of the town's livestock, and one which he doesn't consider fit for outsider's ears. With a little coaxing, he should yield up the cellar key to you, so head back outside and find the entrance. Speaking to the Lord will net you some information: he believes that his daughter might've been abducted by ogres, and asks you to track her down. If you speak to Weebam and Bejeen, they'll claim ignorance as to what you're asking about, but your journal tells you to try and listen in on their conversations when they can't detect you. Apparently, if you place a Grand Soul Gem in an altar, wait until the spectral light shines on it from the skies (which happens one day a week), then cast a Soul Trap spell on the altar, you'll obtain a Black Soul Gem. To sneak, enter sneak mode, and your primary cursor will be ringed with an eye icon. Now that you have the book in your possession, you have a number of options. None of them move or speak when spoken to. When you speak to Modryn again, you'll receive a "mostly off the record" mission. Killing them both will net you some items, as well as a Basement Key and Jearl's Key. She's outfitted with a ton of armor, though, so it'll be difficult to kill her outright. Teekeeus wants to find out why Earana is in town. From there, head South to find Captain Burd near the Oblivion Gate outside the walls of Bruma on the East side. Of course, they do show up in some dungeons. Gains the ability to Dodge blows (if you fight Scamps, you'll see them do this a lot). The problem will usually be the pesky fact that the law kind of frowns on thievery. Go to the campsite on Gnoll Mountain and kill Havilstein Hoar-Blood. Even a pure wizard can raise his or her Strength by five points at each level-up if they devote enough time to raising these skills. The reasons for this are multiple. It's best to go without shoes until you hit Journeyman in Sneak, which eliminates this penalty. No matter what your stats are at this point, he's going to assume that you're not strong enough to run with the big dogs, but will still take you on as a provisional member. This tomb will clue you in to the location of the Lake Arrius Caverns. It's difficult to reach, however; you'll probably have to scout around for Fort Facian, which is located to the southwest of the shrine, and follow the rough path there up to the shrine. The Orb of Vaermina stands on a desk nearby, near the Palla, Volume I book, which will increase your Illusion skill by one point. You can probably sneak in and steal the diary in the middle of the night, when the inhabitants are sleeping (it's in the chest inside), or you can just wait until Methredhel is out and about in the afternoon and steal it then. You're going to have to sneak around a bit to get past them, so now would be a good time to make a game save; if they get on your case you're going to have precious few opportunities to get away, and they are automatically hostile to you. He'll also give you the subquest Newheim's Flagon. Note that not all of the characters will eat your apple right away; you may have to wait a while for some of them to actually consume the poisoned pill. Anything can be used to block, whether it's a bow held sideways across the body, the short end of a warhammer, a shield, or even your bare hands, but the shield is definitely the emphasis here. When you reach the Imperial City, you'll need to find an Elf to talk to. It appears that Heironymous Lex, one of the captains of the Imperial Guard, made a point of taxing all the residents of the Waterfront, presumably as a punitive measure for their complicity in the ways of the Thieves Guild. If you speak to him about Amantius, and offer him five gold, he'll tell you where Amantius lives: on the eastern side of the Temple District! Personally, we say that that's there fault for not being more unambiguously human, but hey. Shields are generally the most well-armored piece of equipment you can own, and can deflect much more damage than other types of blockable items. As you enter the temple here, he'll be seated on his throne, and his children will move to flank him. If you're a warrior, then you'll probably need to wait until you're around level nine or so to go into straight combat with her. Presumably Martin was the target for the Daedric assault, but if you speak to Savlian at the top of the hill, he'll tell you that the last he saw of Martin was when the priest was leading a group into the Chapel inside the city. Nearby gates will appear on your compass; if you approach near enough to the gate, a marker will be permanently added to your map (the marker remains present even if you close the gate). Spellcasters, especially, wont have the strength required to lug around a huge number of heavy potions. At that point, the game is over: you must reload an earlier save game. When the rogue mage attacks, they'll step in and finish the guy off. After sneaking back out of the Basement, make your way to the Arboretum district, where you should have a compass marker. If you can somehow get him to drink a flagon of mead, he'll be much weaker than he would be normally. Reached Master Thief rank in the Thieves Guild. Take the Great Sigil Stone to close the gate. You should save your game while falling and see if you can survive the fall without the Boots on. You may need to finish her off with poison, then sneak out to your nearest Thieves Guild contact to pay off half of your fine for murder. Pretty simple! Since you get the chance to re-choose your race, class, and birthsign here, you can load a save at this point, make an entirely new character each time, and be able to skip all the tutorial stuff without worry. When offered, he'll tell you of your task: enter a special plane of Oblivion and take part in the Tournament of Ten Bloods. Make your way through the Imperial Subterrane, avoiding the guard as he makes his rounds, and infiltrate the Imperial Prison. Start by going either to the left or the right and entering the tower you find there. After you have closed a gate, its charred wreckage will remain, permanently blighting the landscape. If you can't find him in his home, he may be in the Secret Training Room that's hidden under a pile of cloth downstairs. Who knew a little murder could be so profitable Lastly, if you become a vampire and complete the quest to find a cure for a certain NPC, you can repeatedly highlight the "Reward" option in that NPC's dialogue menu and click it to obtain the reward he offers you as many times as you like. Luckily, most ingredients are, in fact, this light, with a few exceptions, such as daedra hearts, minotaur horns, clannfear claws, and ogre's teeth. You'll have to head through the Chapel Undercroft to get there. Head through the gate and follow the last marker to a a room with a locked gate. Wait for him to buy the book and start to walk away before talking to him. Return to Vicente for your reward: the Sufferthorn dagger, with Drain Strength and Damage Health enchantments. While not as physically powerful as a Nord or a Redguard, the balance between strength and magical abilities makes for a well-rounded combat character. When you do finally reach it, kill all four of the mountain lions. Those guards were three days from retirement!'. Mannimarco's headquarters is in the Echo Cave, on the northern edge of Cyrodiil. Or maybe side quests have a bigger role, which we underestimate? I bought the special edition last week, and was surprised it automatically updated with anniversary stuff. Although you do regenerate fatigue more quickly when you increase your Athletics, that alone isn't going to be worth specializing in the skill, especially since it's pretty much always increasing just from running around and swimming. Feel free to try and decipher the code that is embedded into the book, if you wish; otherwise, just wander around and adventure for a day, or just wait for 24 hours or so, then speak to Tar-Meena again. Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done. Not fun! They are easily visible with their surrounding ring of fire, especially at night. There's some shoddy intelligence on this one; the Brotherhood doesn't know where Faelian lives, just that he likes to take long walks. To do so, leave the house, go into Stealth mode, then re-enter. Pushing it will raise the steps to the central pedestal, where you'll find another switch that reveals an Ancient Elven Helmet. Unlocking the pillar here will let you pass through to the dungeon beneath the dungeon. He's unarmed, for one thing, and doesn't have a particularly huge stock of health, so sneak up behind him and sneak attack him if possible before finishing him off. The Battle of Bruma is won! If you just hit one of your fourth levels, though, you're probably going to find it helpful to visit the Infested Mine, up to the southwest of the "The" in "The Colovian Highlands" on your map, which is itself to the west of Chorrol.