Do keep in mind that you are bound to bring out strong feelings and reactions in others whether or not you intend to. Your innermost hopes, wishes, and dreams can be a driving force behind many of your actions. Sports with social twist are good too, so you might think about taking up tennis or golf. You're beginning to see old routines, work projects, and ventures in a new light. An eclipse actually appeared one day before May began, on . The 18-21 is a powerful few days for better understanding a matter from the past, especially related to money new information emerges, and you're better off for it! It comes in two parts, the first of which lasts from May 10-October 28, when you'll find new channels for pleasures, romance, or leisure. It can be a time for discovering, developing, and better employing your natural talents. Your creativity will flourish like never before, thanks to Jupiter in Aries. If you've been considering an independent venture or going into business for yourself, you'll be strongly motivated to get going on this now. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Good energy is with you for taking a look at your finances. The impetus is to reach out and communicate more than usual, but there can be obstacles in your way. Your sympathetic nature deepens, and you can thoroughly enjoy helping others. You might decide to begin a new venture or join a group or team. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER. Your Horoscope for Capricorn. Susan Miller Monthly horoscope forecast In Capricorn 2022 monthly horoscope: Most significant astrology trends in the month of Capricorn 2022 for each zodiac sign. The Lunar Eclipse on May 16th reminds you of the need to find a work-rest balance. Increased faith and optimism can help you heal, and you can find new meaning in your duties. On May 10th, Jupiter moves into the sign of Aries, and will transit the sign in two parts: from May 10th to October 28th, 2022, and then from December 20th, 2022, to May 16th, 2023. Your Horoscope for Capricorn This will be a happy month, despite a few cross currents. iMaxTree; Adobe. You may be pushing forward a hobby, romance, or creative pursuit. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to more ambitiously pursue personal or professional goals. However, we should watch for taking any of these things too far, a me-first attitude that can be insensitive, failing to consider others viewpoints and leaving opportunities behind as a result, over-confidence, not learning from past mistakes, and a lack of objectivity. It's a time to put a problem behind you, and you can be quite determined to improve your life further. This lunation occurs shortly after Mars aligned with Jupiter in Aries, and were feeling ready to do something new, enterprising, and courageous. Key players move into your social sector: Venus on the 2nd, Jupiter on the 10th, and Mars on the 24th. While this can be subtle, it can leave you feeling better equipped to move forward. Dear Reader, I am so excited! It can also be a time for rediscovering an old interest or recognizing that a current project, venture, or personal interest is no longer serving you well. It's a strong time for launching new fitness or health programs and work projects. On the 28-29, there can be a connection, incentive, or motivation to get going on a personal or financial matter. It calls you to action, mainly to take better care of daily routines, wellness, and work matters. Monthly News from Susan Miller. You are also one of the most favored signs in love for this month and you will enjoy this aspect from May 10th to June 27th. Your professional sector lights up in May. Your planetary ruler, Venus, spends most of May in your partnership sector, making your connections particularly special. More importantly, you feel proud of your accomplishments, motivating you to shoot a little higher. Domestic matters assume more importance now and in the coming weeks. You're taking care of business and taking more pride in your work, possessions, and ability to earn or improve your life. You could find yourself questioning aspects of your self-concept, including the extent to which inner priorities serve you in determining your pathway forward, and also the extent . It can be about putting a mental focus behind you, particularly if youve been dwelling on a past relationship or problem that has been draining you of energy and keeping you stuck in the past. It also brings out the need to share your ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. It's also a time to listen to your heart and intuition to better judge where to direct your energies, now and in the future, as changes are imminent. Its also a period for considering new ways of increasing our income or earning power. A Solar Eclipse occurred in the sign of Taurus on April 30th, and it was the second in a Taurus-Scorpio set that began in November 2021 with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Since Capricorn likes history, you can relax in front of the Discovery Channel, check out the natural history museum or visit the historical society museum of your city. . If problems are re-emerging, then it's time to look at them a little differently, perhaps by seeing more details or looking at the larger perspective. This is a big month! Void of Course Moon Dates & Times: May 2022 Table. The Sun moves into your work and health sector on the 20th, turning your attention to the important systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being. 2022 Astrology Zone & Susan Miller. This month has two eclipses. This eclipse generates both emotional and mental energy but focusing all of it takes time. Effects of astrology transits and aspects in May 2022 on: love life and relationships; career and finances, money; health and fitness. We can't describe a Scorpio to you better than through these memes, Tell me your date of birth, I'll tell you your personality traits, Horoscope signs that will have the most luck this month. This eclipse aligned with Uranus and harmonizes with Mars, and we may be getting off to a great start mentally as we embark on new beginnings. Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time ofits last aspectlisted belowuntil the Moon enters a new sign. If you need to handle a private matter or deal with an ending or a problem from the past, the first week of May is powerful. This transit will develop further later in 2022 and into 2023. Others notice you, and you feel a little more decided and confident. There can be a stronger focus on personal finances, possessions, resources, and business. Jupiter moves into your solar eighth house on the 10th, and it's the first of two parts of a cycle that's superb for financial improvements and your intimate life. As such, May becomes busier and more connected for you as it progresses. Nse nuk jeni gati pr nj bebush, tregohuni t kujdesshm. It's a fine time to put out a positive message or do some marketing or promotion. Your Capricorn May 2022 Horoscope Predictions Are Here. Jupiter heads out of your sign this month, but it forms a harmonious angle to Pluto before it goes. The New Moon on the 30th can prompt a fresh approach or changes with living conditions, life at home or with family, and getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. You benefit from the involvement or company of others, even if you are pursuing your own goals. This is an excellent time for making resolutions to approach your life in more empowering, positive ways going forward. We can be opportunisticits easier than usual to recognize opportunities because were looking to advance. Even so, this cycle encourages you to explore different ideas, learn new things, or develop current studies and interests. You'll be gaining a better relationship with yourself from the inside out! On the 28-29, strong feelings can stir the desire to pursue a cause, goal, or cherished dream as Mars and Jupiter align in your sector of community. It can also be a time of greater visibility--people seem to hold you a little more accountable for your actions (or lack of action). Living arrangements and conditions are likely to improve. Others may not always come through for you in the usual ways. You're likely to entertain some unique new creative ideas about money or domestic matters, or your novel approach to problems can help you put a negative situation behind you. Events and revelations clear the path for improvements in your life, particularly related to career, reputation, status, home, and family. Read what your sign's . On the 20-21, you're in a great position to see a past matter related to hobbies, creativity, romance, or children in a brand new way. A significant discovery about a financial matter or intimate relationship you make now can set you on a new course. Channel your enthusiasm into fewer, rather than too many projects. This transit begins to unfold now and until October 28th. Aries: You are going into the best time of your life from May 2022 until the end of October. May 2022 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Taurus: You begin the month with a strong sense of starting fresh, dear Taurus. You might team up with someone to do something extraordinary. If a baby were to realize your big dream, it most likely could happen now. Were discovering what it is that truly makes us happy and fulfilled. Ideally, these things redirect you in helpful ways, and the edits you make now support you later. Fortunately, you're learning, transforming, and growing through your connections. T gjitha kto jan ndikimet e eklipseve t majit. There can be excellent, although possibly intense, connections to others through communications. If you have not taken advantage of this brilliant advantage that Jupiter has brought you, you will have to wait until May 10 to act. Jupiter's transit lasts from May 10-October 28, but it will return from December 20th to May 16th of next year. Stay in touch with changing planetary events by joining Susans email list and getting her Newsletter. Astrology; Susan Miller: Scorpio Horoscope for May 2022. As well, the Sun enters your sign on the 20th. We live in the now and quickly seize opportunities. It may be time to upgrade, improve, and innovate. You might gain new insight into recent events, decisions, or problems, particularly related to friends and relationships or a significant project or pursuit in your life. It's an excellent influence on courses, studies, extracurricular activities, and interests. Shnoni datat 14,15,16 maj pasi mund t ndodhin ngjarje t kndshme q lidhen me familjen dhe shoqrin tuaj. Mental and Physical Shape: Mars is retrograde in Capricorn's house of health until January 2023, and between November 15 and 23 the square with Neptune - situated in the house of communication and thinking - comes back into action. You can find a lot to enjoy with your studies, personal interests, and conversations. Tell a few jokes to your friends (if you cant remember any good ones, go to a comedy club and crib a few for friends and family.) You are ready and willing to apply yourself to your projects or work. Translator: Wang Xiaoya. On May 30th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini, prompting us to begin anew, particularly with our communications and mental orientation. If you can keep calm and carry on through this month's eclipse, major romantic and career opportunities await you. Either way, your personal life is embracing one blessing after another, and on May 29, you may feel inspired to embrace a commitment to your family and living space. Your romantic or creative life might heat up. As we connect with our hidden talents or desires, we begin to embrace new directions or pursuits. Its the first Solar Eclipse in Taurus in this set. Before these transits of planets in Aries, it's a good time to examine whether some projects and attitudes have outgrown their value. Believe it or not, your Capricorn May 2022 horoscope is looking *very* juicy, and although it's full of drama, you know you love to spice things up! The New Moon on the 30th is celebratory. For months you have been the most favored among all the signs when it comes to buying, selling, renting, renovating or redecorating properties. JunE 2022. However, with these planets moving into your intimacy and sharing sector, relationships in your life may deepen, or you gravitate to more absorbing projects. Big emotions, reactions, and opinions tend to push you in a new direction, as taking action can be a real drive. Its a time for strengthening our sense of security and re-evaluating our relationship with money and possessions. An empowering Jupiter-Pluto transit boosts partnering or gaining new perspectives that improve your life. The need to overcome problem areas is powerful now, so take advantage. October turns out to be another transformative month for you, Capricorn, that once again highlights Pluto in your sign. Discoveries made now may have a magical or private quality to them. Venus visits from the 2-28, and Mars moves in on the 24th. There may be the need to review, redo, or double-check your work. Ideas now can spark a long-term project, but it's all very new and not yet mature, so pay attention but take your time with decisions. If your routines have been stifling or confining, you'll want to break free in some manner. There is more energy in what you're saying, sharing, and doing, and personal magnetism is strong. May can also be a month of transformations and renovations on an emotional level. The Sun leaves your sign and enters your resources sector on the 20th, turning your focus more squarely on your practical affairs, money matters, and building or developing your projects and resources. We might enjoy increased influence, faith, and insight. Your chart is buzzing with activity, and you will see progress on several fronts, many of them in your personal life, but your career (always a focal point for a Capricorn) will bring a sterling opportunity. One of the most positive uses of this transit is taking steps to better ourselves or the world around us. These influences can boost your spirits and bring more spontaneity into your love life, communications, and everyday experiences. It's a smooth, supportive cycle that encourages a more self-expressive, free-spirited approach to your life. Fortunately, these things bring benefits to you. Partners can be distracting at times but thoroughly helpful in most ways. A change of pace or scenery can be beneficial now. It's important to pay particular attention to your work and chores this month, but if you're overdoing this and failing to take care of your need for downtime, you'll get a reminder around the 16th. Your resolve and conviction are likely to lead you to make important improvements. As a lunar eclipse in Scorpio raises hell in your 11th house of community, it could bring hidden tensions to the surface and reveal the way others have influenced you and the way youve influenced others. There can be a feeling of wanting to make your luck and opportunities. You're certainly attracting attention and in charge this month. Laura then introduces a new segment to the podcast called "Hot . The full Jupiter transit comes in two parts, the first of which is this one, lasting from May 10-October 28. Play a game of touch football or start a softball team with your pals (Capricorn rules teamwork), but be sure to bandage that trick knee of yours, the part of the body that gives Capricorns physical stress. You're motivated to work hard to relate in positive, rewarding ways. Mercury's retrograde from the 10th forward suggests the need to take things a step at a time. It appears a VIP will support your aims and help you get to where you want to be. Urani do t jet i pranishm n eklipsin e 15 majit, prandaj nse jeni n nj lidhje mund t reflektoni nse doni nj paus apo do t merrni nj tjetr vendim. Fortunately, you're gaining a deeper understanding of what you need from others and what you're capable of all on your own. You find it easier to accept new ideas and explore new subjects, directions, or activities. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th can bring love feelings to bloom or a romantic relationship to a turning point. Udhtimet n resorte luksoze do t'ju ndihmojn t rizgjoni zjarrin e dashuris nse jeni n nj lidhje romantike. On the 28-29, brave Mars aligns with expansive, optimistic Jupiter at the top of your solar chart. You need to "own" the path you take, and the best way to do that is to get in touch with where you genuinely want to go, without the distractions of other people's agendas and opinions. On the 28-29, you can feel much enthusiasm and independence with learning new things and exploring mental interests. You desire positive change in your personal life, and you're motivated to make life more comfortable or beautiful. Jupiter is not yet finished with your sign, however--it will return to complete its transit from October 28th to December 20th--but moves on until then. Others are drawn to you more than usual. See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month, May 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points). It's possible you need disruptions to routines for your life to move forward. You have a chance to begin anew, and this might involve some reorganizing or even relocation for some. It can also be a super time for promotional or marketing efforts. Indecision is still likely until June 3rd, but it's a good time to observe and set intentions. On the 20-21, you're doing new thinking on financial matters, recent decisions, or intimate relationships. With money, talents, and valuables, you could find yourself better positioned to manage or work towards reaching your goals. You are lucky, so do not lower your expectations at all. The New Moon on the 30th brings the need to begin anew, particularly with your relationships. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although theyre not impossible periods, either. Early May, you could have a mind-opening experience, or it's a time of finding inspiration by branching out and exploring places or topics you wouldn't investigate regularly. A Solar Eclipse has just occurred in this area of your solar chart, and you want to start fresh. After all, it begins with a sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on May 5, shining a light on your talents and strengthening your connection with your creative instincts. If a baby were to realize your big dream, it most likely could happen now. That's still within the area of significance, but exactly on the borderline. You're returning to old problems with a different attitude, taking care of unfinished business, and making refinements to projects that are not quite complete. You gravitate to activities where you can create, compete, or play. You're investing quite a bit into others now, and together, you can accomplish much. Susan Miller Monthly horoscope forecast In Capricorn 2022 monthly horoscope: Most significant astrology trends in the month of Capricorn 2022 for each zodiac sign. This is another month of implied transformational intent, Capricorn, with Pluto remaining active in your first, or identity sector. You stand out for who you are and what you create. Nothing is impossible with the help of Jupiter, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Nevertheless, Geminis ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde for a few more days (until June 3rd), and its best to wait and see. Jupiter's move into your communications sector on the 10th is significant. Also from the 10th, Mercury is retrograde, and there can be some backtracking and delays. It's a fine time to recognize the enterprising side of your nature and the desire to improve, advance, and excel. You are lucky, so do not lower your expectations at all. May 2022 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Sagittarius: May is strong for making helpful adjustments and getting your daily routines and self-care systems into order, dear Sagittarius. You could be a little bolder in business or with money, and you're ready to take action on a matter that has been lingering or stagnating. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Keep in mind that your words have more impact than usual, but Mercury is still retrograde, so watching what you communicate is important. Astrologer's advice for each zodiac sign. You're more proactive, dealing with problems before they get a chance to grow. However, your drive to take care of business builds as May advances. Since Venus is the ruler of this eclipse, its particularly significant. Decision-making may be challenging but probably only requires more time. You want to do your own thing and set your own pace, and you can undoubtedly come up with inventive ways to solve old problems or to perform your duties and tasks. Its effects can be felt for up to six months. With a Jupiter-Pluto transit, you could get the chance (and confidence) to deeply involve yourself in a creative or exciting project. Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. It's a strong time for creative writing and expressing your ideas and affections. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Emily Lundin. For months you have been the most favored among all the signs when it comes to buying, selling, renting, renovating or redecorating properties. If you've been feeling unfulfilled, this amplifies now, and if it causes discomfort or elicits strong emotions, these can motivate you to take action. Capricorn is one sign that enjoys working, and when faced with stress, their instincts tell them to work harder, longer and with more focused intensity. You could be incredibly motivated to sort out your daily affairs, pursue a learning endeavor or study, or push a communications project forward. You could have the chance to shine. The New Moon on the 30th is in your sign, pointing to a brand new beginning. The 30th features a New Moon and a potential new beginning on a financial level. Truths you face now can be about something with you for some time but that you haven't yet acknowledged or fully noticed. You value practical and realistic solutions, and having a cardinal quality, you like to get on with things.