I've noticed that many BB coaches are labeling themselves as "Health Coaches," which I feel like can probably be misleading to many potential buyers. And finally, dare. This is truly disguisting, I equate these people to your self-proclaimed psychic medium who preys on the weak and vulnerable and tells them what they want to hear, so they can get paid. Hat is a pretty closed off and self serving opinion u made. I as a registered holistic nutritionist am weary about health coaches from mlm centers. At home fitness. I've really wondered how BB and being a certified trainer go together. And I'll agree that some of the programs are awesome. This falls under an "avisory" label, and these labels are purely voluntary. I came here to get try to get real cons to beachbody since a friend recommended it other than they post too much on social media. I'm authentic and not salesy - I'm hyper sensitive to that fact. We will get to go through her common questions, how does she color her hair from home? To each is own, kudos to those that are making it workand kudos to those who are doing it without Beachbody. It was spooky day vlog | day in the life from October 25, 2021. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and being honest. I'm with ya toostill LOVE the BB workouts! This is how i feel about myself and Advocare. If I my kids were older, or out of the houseI would be all on fire for this maybe. I whole heartedly stand by your post and am glad you posted it!!!! Discover (and save!) I'm being annoying, my friends can NOT afford the challenge packs or really anything on my site. It makes me ill to think that people think they have the right to "coach" people on health and fitness, with no formal training. It seems like every time I try to tell her why I'm not working on it she has a rebuttal to make me think I shouldn't quit. Any tea here on Angie Bellemare? Didnt share a brand. I don't do ANYTHING that will change my life without a TON of research. But I've been living with these two conflicting feeling for almost a year now. Visits a giant modern cottage and a giant modern house in Fort Lauderdale. I just post about my own lifestyle on my page, and if someone asks me what I do, I'll share the details with them. I appreciate your comment! The reason u quit bb is really because u aren't a salesperson, but kudos to everyone else who is making it work. That's two meals I don't have to make because I don't. Cant buy anything he likes despite her mounds of worthless bags, candles, decor, ect. I agree with a lot of others and appreciate how honest and candid you are Courtney! I just cancelled my coach account as well. I don't think you understand what she's saying. I wish you the best - please don't let anyone else's words or lack thereof depress you - life is too short for that, right? I agree with the others on this post- your beachbody coaches are usually out of shape, which is a turn off because why would anyone who wants to build muscle take advice from someone who doesn't have muscle? which we know they are not. It's sad that Beachbody has gotten a bad reputation from some people, because when done sincerely and effectively, it's a pretty amazing thing to be a part of! I hate the pyramid part of it all and I also don't like that anyone can become a coach without any training. 6436 views. Like you, I love Beachbody workouts. It sounds like you're well on your way to a successful journey with Beachbody, Tiffany. AngieBellemare@TeamUpRoar.COM . She added a header to to the photo saying "does anyone know how to clean a gas stove??" "Started beach body very early on. Is it true that the shakes only contain 140 calories? I have even helped people that weren't using Beachbody products at first as the selling is not my focus. Yes, there are absolutely Beachbody coaches out there that shouldn't be coaches for various reasons, and yes, there are coaches out there that are only in it for the money (sadly!) Sorry for the rant I am just so sick of the whole mentality. BUT I would still encourage you to continue being authentic in your own way. Angie's entrepreneurial experience is [] And in the meantime my "friend" kept talking to my customers (such as they were) behind my back and never quite giving them full disclosure on prices terms etc so when they found out they would complain to me. Im getting into fall/Halloween mood and this video was good for that. 90.4k Followers, 464 Following, 855 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Angie Bellemare (@angiebellemare) angiebellemare. Love it. Marketing, that is all it is, the more over the top the package the more Angie showcases it on her stories while gushing like these candles are absolutely the greatest thing ever. like they recommend. I am a full-time working mom, and those programs fit ideally into my life. (It's just on screen vs in person). Yes I would agree with you. Hi Suzanne, I'm a Beachbody Coach. I've always been a fitness and health "enthusiast" however the whole Beachbody coach thing really goes over my head, as does the incessant push for Shakeology instead of eating real, healthy food. The purpose of my blog is to share my own personal knowledge, opinions, and experiences with food, fitness, and life. I agree with Jess. For me, when I read about these intense personal challenges that are immediately followed by a plea to hop on the band wagon, I feel really conflicted. The Shakes get mixed reviews, but even if you like them you can get all the ingredients at a local suppplement shop or online for much less. Over the top lifestyle with endless hauls of crap goods. People need to start taking personal responsibility now days! So the planners have a Rae Dunn font with stolen movie quotes. I appreciate that you are always honest with your readers! EMAIL. Next thing I know my I'm having zoom calls every other day with somebody or other, telling me I needed to be going to coach university every day and doing this and doing that. :/ I'm just relieved that my team doesn't operate like that. Hello They've become my best friends. And for the products I do love, I'd just post affiliate links on my blog. She sold her home in the city and with her equity bought a fully renovated home with all the bells and whistles in a smaller town. I feel like a lot of people are upset that people are spending money on Beachbody and not on their programs. I realized soon after, selling myself and pushing/selling products is not my thing. So greasy. There comes a point in your life when you're starting a family and your just over posting certain things on social media, let alone being on it all the time. Millions of people work out without a personal trainer to show them how to do the moves properly and millions more are at risk because they don't dedicate any time in their life to working out or eating healthy. I've been blogging for about 7 years and have gotten nowhere, lol. If not and you think it still might happen, it probably won't. The difference between a gf claim and a certified gf claim is that the certified group has to contain 10ppm or less, and the product has to be frequently inspected by a licenced inspectorwhich is expensive. I've personally chatted with Carl Daikeler, the CEO and Founder of Beachbody, and what I appreciate about him is that he always leads with HELPING people. And trying to sell that shake is nearly impossible for me! A snack with 140 calories sounds reasonable. :) People who are passionate about fitness post a lot, which is okay, except that it makes us (who aren't quite as passionate) feel like we are the minoritywhen I guarantee we aren't. Hey Ashley I agree with you wholeheartedly! (Unless, of course, the BB coach is also a certified fitness professionalmajor props to those that seek that distinction. It's also way to expensive for me to ever justify! But I'm not trying to push them to order anything. This answer is very misleading as all manufacturers have to adhere to gmp standard, wether their product is gf or not. I seriously want to cry! One showed up on my YouTube home page and I just watched it and it was actually really enjoyable. :). Getting in shape never ends, and changing up my personal program depends on the changes in my life. And I'm not in a depression anymore but I recently started interacting with the team again and starting to feel like a loser again. I don't want to be responsible for other people's success in the business. But Angie has developed much more than a winning brand. Reading blogs is like walking through the perfume section of Macy's. :), I've been a coach for 5 years. I had heard some women who started using the BB products, got fit, and had tons of their friends and family get interested and TADA they started making money quickly, without having to go through months/years of unsuccessful challenge groups, constantly asking friends to join you and/or try a product. You keep it real and are kind to those who disagree with you. Sure u can motivate, help someone to achieve a weight loss goal, but to say u disagree with someone who has valid concern regarding the dark side of it..kindof undermines the motive behind it. I definitely relate! But you can't sell that kind of stuff and have that level of success unless it's a true passion (which it is for this friend and her husband.) I would love to have a personal trainer and a dietician to help me, but I'm on my own. But I was hoping for some advice on how to handle this. As usual, well written and very honest. I can't stand how my "Coach" is constantly breathing down my neck about my posts and saying how I should have deleted a friend of mine's comment and how I'm my own brand and blah blah blah. Beach body ruined my friendship with her because she was so obsessed and ridged. But true health coaches study long and hard for that title, and have to pass the test to prove that they are capable of taking other people's wellbeing into their own hands. There is so much danger with the way it is structured. Shame on you people. Instagram: @angiebellemare & @thedailygrindplanner. I know they have helped but I am not a cardio person because my muscle metabolism is so poor. In turn your current and potential clients are following u as a role-model essentially. Unfortunately, I had my daughter at 40, so for that, I'm doing this program to get myself on track to live longer to be in her life. This post was an excellent, honest and well thought out illustration of your personal experience. But I am now in research and I don't have the time or passion! Vega sports protein is looking good so far. Thank you so much, Aileen! Thanks for the refreshing candidness Courtney, but you are good at selling yourself. obviously no real Dinos but like this disney park seems fun if you like Disney and Im sure they could do the same with dinosaurs , Universal studios has Jurassic world rides. "Buy this, buy that, smell this, smell that" Angie Bellemare has built a hugely successful lifestyle brand and business by helping women (and some men!) In my experience, Doctors and specialist can only do so much. She said something about a spot(s) in her room and one in the hallway.. thats kind of alarming >.>, She shows us the gross water from the carpet and is very dramatic about it >.<. I'm sure you didn't mean to come across as negative, I think my heart just wanted to say something to all the negative comments on here to give hope that not all Beachbody coaches are spammy or salesy! "Contrary to popular belief, [my husband] was actually the one. On the flip side, I do have to say that I am part of a GREAT team of coaches and I really enjoyed helping to lead challenge groups and helping people make a change. <3, You said it best, My social media feeds have become saturated by it. If coaches are doing that, I don't agree with it. Like you, I love the workouts but when I see others posting about it on social media, it feels so forced. I know you've become a BB coach and seem to be doing very well with it, and I'm happy for you for that. CONTACT. She shouldn't be pestering you about when you get Shakeology back - to me that sounds like shes missing the volume from your Shakeology, not that she wants to help you. I love the workouts and totally dig 21 day fix, and the food, but the money I would put in for shakes kind of turns me off to it. She got in early enough to create a large down line. She has a very active YouTube channel when she posts over the top decor hauls, early morning routines and overall bullshit with the subtle undertone of recruitment via her fit gym. I am currently a beachbody coach. Best of luck as you continue that journey. Angela Faith Sumner (AKA THE OG QUEEN WITCH) + Lindsay Angie Bellemare / "The Daily Grind Planner" - Week Of Ashley Smith / The Be Brand - Week Of October 31, 2022, Carl Daikeler snark - Week Of October 31, 2022, Press J to jump to the feed. I want to quit and I have wanted to since the 1 months after I joined but I kept thinking I don't want to quit and miss out on something fantastic. Find something else to do where you can continue to inspire others and I'll sign up. I'm not going to post "sweaty selfies" and pics of me drinking a shake. Although I saw A LOT of women wearing those stupid tennis dresses and if made me suspicious bc I thought maybe it was her downline isnt she supposed to have them over her house at some point? Let's be honesty Mallory rasied a good point. "Im also a professional trainer holding certifications (NASM, ACE, CPR and most current graduated from Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coaching)" If someone knows enough to say to anyone "I have a eating disorder and certain physical problems", you can bet they have already seem a dr or specialist to help. because i want in on THAT! I would love to help out!! However, I much prefer to build the relationships with people, FIRST this is what Jesse Regan teaches. That is pretty greasy! daily goals AND 3 needle movers inthen all those things you'll to do to "feel amazing"? Angie's full time job is being a Beachbody coach and leading her team of coaches. I love it. Then I looked into personal training, too, and I knew almost immediately I would struggle with the selling aspect (just like you!). You are still active and healthy, and if anything, it's just one less thing to stress about day-to-day ;), Agreed! :). Upline is janelle summers. You "didagree" with thr dtatement because it affected u positively? Instead I got a blogger who somehow finds what She does not the same even though it took forever for the page to load due to ads. Also, I am a new reader and I love your blog. She what?! There are 2 sides to the coin, the other side being the dangers it is causing for weak/vulnerable ppl. My motto: work smarter, not harder! I miss you buddy. This is so how I feel about being a beachbody coach.I'm struggling with it and have been for awhile with the business side of it. Not what I wanted to read, but exactly what I needed to read. I didn't stand a chance! Before and after pictures are just laughable. The amount of super-expensive and completely unnecesary stuff - Disney and others - she buys is insane and I find it very difficult to believe they can afford all their shit and build a house in Golden Oaks through being fitness coaches, odd little sponsorships here and there and discount codes or whatever. coach wrote an entire novel to get her point across lol. I think I may find another mentor. So much so that I've considered going back to beachbody, but for myself- like you mentioned,f or the discount. When I got 10 goals staring me in the face then everything else life is throwing at me.. That's my take, and as of next week, I am so DONE with Team Beachbody. 85 And of course like I said this almost millionaire leader is a total bitch. So I know a LOT of very successful Beachbody coaches who do this -- attraction marketing -- instead of the traditional "cold messaging" and challenge group thing. Do not encourage anyone to contact anyone else and do not discuss or post any communication that you may have had with this individual. While I do enjoy the shakes and the workouts (LOVE PiYo and both 21 Day Fix workout plans), personally I'm just cannot get into the sell part of the 'business'. Your answers are quite close-minded. I think there are so many people (in blogging and all these direct sales products) that are just doing what they need to do to make fast money. Great post! The self-realization I had today is that her followers believe her nonsense, becaue they want to. I want to show that it works for me and it MIGHT work for you. I've seen plaenty of people in the gym who appear in good shape but have horrible form when exercising. I appreciate this because I feel the same way - a little jealous of all my friends that are killing it! If you set up an auto response on fb, it will show you get back to people within minutes. What a classy response Courtney. I discovered someone I know is a bb coach via fb. It is systematic; I see the same formulated post from a BB coach in SC that I see in Guam. Click here to see a list of the categories of personal information we collect and what we use them for ("Notice at Collection").. Privacy Policy Do Not Sell My . People with self worth are confident wether they have a "beachbody" or not. I was also very hesitant b/c the LAST thing I wanted was to be selling stuff to my friends and family. Tara, Channel Type Howto. I disagree with Jess and Tracey, all u are saying is what your intention is for posting your workout regiments, not to demonstrate form. Makes sense right? The premise behind Beachbody is helping people - Carl and company reinforce this daily. I quit BB for almost all of the same reasons that you did. They don't want to help people, they want to get paid. Being a Beachbody coach is not about teaching any kind of workouts to anyone. It was actually very complimentary to BB while still being authentic. I'm debating stopping the coaching myself for all the reasons you mentioned. I really joined so that I could get a discount on Shakeology as I was training for my first marathon and HATED all the spammy selling techniques that were presented to me, so after my marathon, I quit coaching. Always have, always will! It doesn't have to come in a bag with Shakeology on the label. That statement isn't meant to knock the bloggers who don't have families or "regular" jobs, it's just that I can't relate to them like I can you.