Though I started using pnpm for its renowned performance (and I wasnt disappointed), I quickly discovered that pnpm has many special features for workspaces that make it great for managing a multipackage monorepo (or even a multipackage meta repo). Have you ever worked on a project where each app that was a part of it was in a different repository? Read this link). New JavaScript and Web Development content every day. We can define an .eslintrc.json file in the project root and that will apply to all files in the Monorepo. For this example, well be creating two React apps with Vite for our Admin and Client, and then having a shared project they both use code from. Thats why Im choosing pnpm over npm its so much faster that it makes an important difference in my productivity. Another good example here is the clean script: Theres nothing like trying it out for yourself to build understanding. I will endavour to make this easier in the future and hope that this will encourage more contributions to the project. Normally, to share a package between multiple projects, wed have to publish it to npm, but this would be overkill if the package were only going to be shared between a small number of projects, especially for proprietary or closed-source projects. pnpm supports sharing packages within a project, too, again using symlinks. Here is the simple structure well create: We have a workspace with a root package and sub-packages A and B. You don't want to Open up the file and add the following lines to it. Pushing our commits then triggers our continuous delivery pipeline, which simultaneously deploys both frontend and backend to our production environment. rootDir , outDir and composite settings must be specified. Nothing to show {{ refName }} default View all branches. Its recommended to choose a scope name, such as @suzieq (and it will keep your monorepos node_modules directory cleaner, read more below). From there, it symlinks packages into the projects where they are needed, thus sharing packages among all your projects. First, we should install our root package dependencies. This is accompanied by scripts written in TypeScript that will deploy the lambda using the AWS CLI (templateLambdaExpressDeploy.ts): This allows standing up infrastructure and deploying using simple commands such as (see Infrastructure Commands and Deployment in the Goldstack documentation): Deployments are configured in goldstack.json configuration files that are transformed into Terraform variables for standing up infrastructure and picked up by deployment scripts as required. A: Just delete the node_modules folder and retry to install the package from the monorepo root. In my reference template, I provide an example that uses an Express.js server. In this article, Ill show you how you can setup a monorepo for a Node project using pnpm and TypeScript. The main issue remaing with respect to TypeScript project references is that these need to manually maintained. Go ahead and run. console.log("Debug: Loading ValidateHelper/index"); export function ValidateUserName(name: string): boolean {, # Examine the combined tsconfig-file (this and the root one). Solution 3:Ensure that all the name properties in package.json files has unique names. miss it! Colorful Monorepo can help you to improve the development efficiency of your Monorepo project to some extent. c) Are the outDir setting tsconfig.json matching the main setting in package.json ? We need to add a reference to our shared project and update our project names. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter. Switch branches/tags. This guide shows the step by step to manully setup a monorepo with NPM + TypeScript. Its the same files that will be produced if tsc is run at the monorepo root. Then, the validation library in the backend does the same thing: it rejects the invalid to-do item. As you add new JavaScript libraries and other dependencies to your app, youll need more visibility to ensure your users dont run into unknown issues. Now we can create our actual tsconfig.json. tsc will build in the order listed, so this means you have to have some knowledge around dependencies between packages. I've written a couple of posts about how to set up JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos over the past three years (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7), and I kind of thought I had it all figured out - but I didn't. Theres no doubt that frontends are getting more complex. Usage Workspace. Add some more local packages of any type before moving on to the next section. So npm recommends to use file references: This command will give something like this in the package.json and it doesnt really give any advantages. To see how this is set up, take a look at the scripts section in the root workspaces package.json file: Lets look at the script start:dev, which is used to start the application in development mode. This will enable starting a server locally and automatically reload it on changes to any files in the monorepo (see package.json). This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Thankfully using TypeScript and TypeScript project references makes the intricate problem of using Jest easier since we can make use of the excellent ts-jest Jest transformer. Thats something thatll become more obvious as the size of our project grows and the number of dependencies increases. Its a monorepo because we have packed multiple (sub-)projects into a single code repository, usually because they belong together for some reason, and we work on them at the same time. More information on monorepos and the technology used for this example can be found with the links below. Manlikeakins JavaScript Teaching Challenge, Day21: JavaScript Dates: An Introduction. Note there is a workaround for this by defining a different node linker. You can see in this diagram that the frontend and backend are both packages themselves, and both depend on the validation package: Please try out the full-stack repo for yourself: Open the frontend by navigating your browser to http://localhost:1234/. For bundling a lambda, we will also want to make sure that we use cjs as format and Node 12 as compilation target. Build confidently Start monitoring for free. We are now ready to start adding our projects! caused me some problems in trying to make Svelte work within the monorepo. You can see in the backend code how it uses the validation package to reject invalid to-do items: One thing that makes pnpm so useful for managing a multipackage monorepo is that you can use it to run scripts recursively in nested packages. To demonstrate with the basic example, we'll create a subpackage called A and create a dependency to it from the root package. The TypeScript project also shares a validation library between the frontend and the backend projects. Follow me on Twitter for more content like this! Add this line to your package.json: The updated package.json file looks like this: Now that we have linked our root package to the sub-package A, we can use the code from package A in our root package: Note how we referenced package A. Heres the full command from the package.json: The -r flag causes pnpm to run the start:dev script on all packages in the workspace well, at least all packages that have a start:dev script! Nothing to show I prefer this to the default option, which shows the output from each script separately, but sometimes it collapses the output, which can cause us to miss important information. You can view this in the demo repo, which Ive linked at the end of the article. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on what state your application was in when an issue occurred. You can see the end result under the basic directory in the example code. I wonder if it maybe possible to write a Yarn plugin to achieve the same (there is already one for TypeScript). Follow to join 2.5M+ monthly readers. For a complete example app that includes shared React components and Turbrepo, you can check out my monorepo example repository on my GitHub at vite-pnpm-turbo-monorepo. All we need to do it point ts-jest to the respective tsconfig.json file for each package (see example jest.config.js). Open up the file and add the following lines to it. To make this easier, I even created a little website, Goldstack, that generates modular starter projects. In this monorepo I have a NextJS app that uses a ui-shared package (local shared code, not actually an npm package). ts-jest will also ensure that any error message will reference the line numbers in the source TypeScript files. Lets now create the packages directory and a subdirectory for package A: Now we can create the package.json file for package A: Well create a simple code file for package a with an exported function, something that we can call from the root package: Next, update the package.json for the root package to add the dependency on package A. In addition to this, Yarn 2 ('Berry') gets rid of the dreaded node_modules folder that is conventially used in Node.js to save dependencies locally. To recreate the contents, just run npm install . pnpm has a workspaces facility that we can use to create dependencies between packages in our monorepo. pnpms support for sharing packages in workspaces and running scripts against sub-packages, as weve seen, is also great. First, we should install our root package dependencies. You can try this yourself if you like. Find below an example script (build.ts) to bundle code for a AWS lambda: Many JavaScript/TypeScript projects will want to include some from of frontend and in the JavaScript ecosystem we unfortunately often need to jump through some additional hoops to make different frameworks/libraries work with each other. $ pnpm create vite admin --template react-ts, $ pnpm create vite client --template react-ts, It seemed to be getting slower and slower. Of course, this is the reason we are using TypeScript. It stores all downloaded packages under a single .pnpm-store subdirectory in your home directory. For this, I wrote a little tool that keeps the TypeScript project references in sync with Yarn workspace dependencies: Update TypeScript Project References for Yarn Workspaces magically! If you like, you can bypass the frontend and hit the REST API directly, using the VS Code REST Client script in the backend, to add an invalid to-do item. You can also download the zip file here, or use Git to clone the code repository: Now, open a terminal and navigate to the directory: Lets start by walking through the creation of a simple multipackage monorepo with pnpm, just to learn the basics. Enter the monorepo. To have a single tsc to rebuild changed packages (but keep the others as-is)? Once again, run the app and click the button. ESLint provides sophisticated analysis of JavaScript or TypeScript sourcecode. We need to do one little tweak to our Next.js configuration to make it work with all our local dependencies. So, at the root of our workspace, we can simply invoke this command to start both our backend and frontend in development mode: Its also useful sometimes to be able to run one script on a particular sub-package. Since without efficient bundling, we would need to deploy all code in the repository, even if individual deployments are composed of only some of the source files. Please tell me if Im missing something! This project will contain a simple type and function that we can share between our codebases. It will automatically apply to all packages in the monorepo. Most solutions presented so far for the JavaScript/TypeScript monorepo have taken advantage of common JavaScript tools, frameworks and libraries. I am also certain that new versions of Jest, Next.js, TypeScript etc. You can do this with pnpms --filter flag, which targets the script to the requested package. Before we create those however, we need to setup our base tsconfig.json file. Thats how much of a difference its made for me. A: So the workspace setup seems OK, but the submitted name of the workspace isnt found. With that, the tsconfig.json of a module in the project may look as follows: It is also very useful to define a tsconfig.json in the root of your project that defines a reference to all modules in the project. I thought this was the best way to show the benefits of pnpm workspaces because I can show you how to share a package in the monorepo between both the frontend and backend projects. AWS Lambda is well suited to deploy backend application code from a monorepo. When working with TypeScript, we often need to build our code. That sure sounds relevant, so let's give it a try! If you just want to get started with an already fully configured TypeScript monorepo for your convienience, consider using one of the open-source templates on A great place to add core dependencies is here. A meta repo has the convenience of a monorepo, but allows us to have separate code repos for each sub project. I have a PNPM with TurbeRepo monorepo, used this template. Its a side note, but packages as used for a developer usually refers to packages downloaded from the internet by npm or yarn. If this seems too basic, skip straight to section 3 to see a more realistic full-stack monorepo. pnpm is much faster than npm. To make this work, the following two settings will also need to be configured in a .vscode/settings.json configuration (see settings.json): Generally Prettier and ESLint work very well within a monorepo. Lets move on and examine the more advanced full-stack monorepo. Brock's Bytes is my weekly newsletter where I send an email containing Either devDependencies or dependencies is broken. To add an external npm package to a local npm package, the following procedure must be followed: Go to the root of the monorepo and run npm to install a package in workspace by passing the -w parameter. In this article, we looked at how to setup a monorepo using pnpm. The p in pnpm stands for performant and wow, it really does deliver performance! Unfortunately, running tests in Jest is often more difficult than one wishes it to be due to the somewhat fragmented nature of the JavaScript ecosystem. However, I have always been somewhat unsatisifed with my solutions - with them often involving clumsy workarounds and issues that would prevent them to scale up to larger projects. We dont have to run that full command, though, because thats what start:dev does in the workspaces package.json. Coding tutorials and contemplations on leadership and philosophy. esbuild supports TypeScript by default and will automatically resolve all local references since we have TypeScript project references configured. pnpm. LogRocket works perfectly with any app, regardless of framework, and has plugins to log additional context from Redux, Vuex, and @ngrx/store. will break the template before long so there will definitely be some ongoing work to keep this template working. Well call our project basic, which lines up with code that you can find in GitHub. However, we still need runtime protection from misuse, whether accidental or malicious, by our users, and you can see that the call to validateTodo is still there in both previous code snippets. It turned out that for various reasons it is fiendlishly difficult to develop a JavaScript/TypeScript project that is broken up into multiple independent modules. I spent so much time sitting and waiting for it to finish and thinking, there must be a better way! Given this, I implemented a collection of lightweight scripts that allow standing up infrastructure in AWS using Terraform and perform deployments using the AWS CLI or SDK. Working with more and more code repos meant doing more frequent npm installs. Before we go into the implementation, I briefly want to give a few situations when a monorepo may be a good choice for setting up a project: Yarn 2 workspaces provide a convenient way to manage the packages and dependencies in large JavaScript projects. Here, we will configure all the different projects that well have. We can add package B to our monorepo in the same way as package A. Only potential issue is that running Prettier or ESLint over larger monorepos may take a long time, if there are many files. To use project references, we need to provide a number of configuration parameters for TypeScript. You should try running these build and clean commands in your own copy of the full-stack TypeScript project. Its also possible to use npm, see below. Check out Circuit. There are many ways to develop, deploy and test Node.js lambda functions. Next.js is a very powerful framework for React development and it is not too difficult to make this framework work in a TypeScript monorepo. This also creates the single node_modules directory needed in the entire monorepo. It returns a Promise with the results of the promises passed in. Branches Tags. Its a repo because its a code repository. Otherwise Prettier and ESLint will get in each other's way and make for a poor editing experience. For this, we need to configure the plugin next-transpile-modules. This works just fine, but for the sake of simplicity, that feature isnt used here. The parameter accepts either the name of the package (in this case, @suzieq/validatorhelper) or the path (./packages/ValidatorHelper ). npm will optimizations in node_modules where it removes the scope name from the directory name. But there are also issues with ESM modules that are not yet supported in Yarn 2. Lets start with our admin app. Each piece (read: local package) of the product will have its own folder with its own package.json , tsconfig.json but use the monorepo's node_modules. By declaring these in one central folder, dependencies do not need to be downloaded multiple times. npm also offers workspaces now, and they are usable, but it doesnt seem as easy to run scripts against sub-packages with npm as it does with pnpm. Or maybe you have some code that youd like to share between projects, but dont want to deal with having to set up and manage an NPM package. pnpm has a very efficient method of storing downloaded packages.
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