We grow up steeped in it, but we can use it as a tool and stay ourselvesunlike the Sith. And sometimes, they write for StarWars.com! Ren | Most are left in the wilds to die, but some manage to survive. Mother Talzin was content, with this attempt on his life, she foresaw that Dooku would now be more anxious to get himself a new assassin and bodyguard to protect him. Captain Gilad Pellaeon | Toro Calican | It aired on January 7, 2011. The Dark Side Coven was a dark side organization that was dedicated to gaining control of the Nightsisters and eventually taking control of all of Dathomir.They were created after Shanti Rimia stumbled across of cache of artifacts from the Sith's time on that world. Darth Desolous | [10], Years before they were wiped out, the Nightsisters practiced their magick inside the Witches Horn, a cliff high above the cave of the chirodactyl Gorgara. A Starwind addon. Garindan Ezz Zavor | Commander Gideon Hask | The Dark Side of the Moon 1973 3 , . Senator Lott Dod | ALL OF YOUR STAR WARS FAVORITES NOW STREAMING ON DISNEY+, "The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance. While Daka concentrated on her resurrection spell, Talzin prepared her own spell using a lock of Dookus hair she had kept in a silver orb, that two Sisters brought to her. My understanding is that the Nightsisters are dark side wielders and maintain a balance unlike the Sith who are completely consumed by the dark side. The Nightsisters' magick was dark in nature, and Jedi that found themselves on their world often described feeling the presence of the dark side. Pan Eyta | Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. Back in their abbey, Mother Talzin examined Savage and said he was a perfect specimen filled of hate and sear power then she rendered him unconscious and placed him on a altar. Following a gunfight, the spirits possessed Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren's bodies when they entered the lair. Roland Durand | Email: TheLoreMasterYT@gmail.comAll music used in this video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMfHSkuXUZ1Zsd1UIOslQ3gaIKKQVjWOCCreator of the Intro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemUTJH6ByMSSp_PB3w178wSome Music by Machinimasound: Website - https://machinimasound.comLicensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 Unported License Known as "spirit ichor," the substance was manipulated by the Nightsisters in service of their gods: the Winged Goddess and the Fanged God. That balance is what you must learn.Asajj Ventress to Quinlan Vos, By tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from Dathomir's depths, the witches could harness a power[32] they referred to as "magick. They learn to use . Leaders Mother Talzin was clan mother to the Nightsisters of Dathomir as well as mother to Maul, Savage, and Feral. Sometimes called the Witches of Dathomir, the Nightsisters were the dominant race on their red planet. Minister Veris Hydan | Star Wars has never been . The Nightsisters had strange traditions for tapping into the Force. Nightsisters and Jedi do not travel together butsurvivors. Much of the music was characterized by lyrical verses and dark reverberations that imbued the music with a sense of mystery. Nightsisters is a group of witches that use the dark side of the force. The Nightsisters also used special blades. Soldiers With the power of dark magic, Talzin transforms Savage into a hulking warrior ultimately loyal to Asajj. As seen in 'Massacre' the Nightsisters have demonstrated similar feats of necromancy before, though in that case it was in animating their own mummified dead as cannon fodder. In this way, a sister never truly leaves us. The Nightsisters are an ancient race of witches strong in the dark side of the force. [25] Maul and Talzin conspired to eliminate Darth Sidious and Dooku, but Talzin was killed in the eventual confrontation. Due to this mindset, they could avoid the passions and rage that swayed those in the Sith while wielding powers that the Jedi feared tapping into. Maul ultimately sought to discover the location of his old nemesis Obi-Wan Kenobi by recovering the last fragments of the holocron's visions from Ezra Bridger's mind and brought him to his lair. The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magics.The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the Dathomiri.These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . And that one night - they shared our fight.Asajj Ventress to Quinlan Vos about her culture. Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters welcomed her back with opened arms. The spirits of the Nightsisters. EV-A4-D | The creatures of the planet are similarly threatening, most notably the rancors, for which Dathomir is known, and the chirodactyl, a giant, carnivorous, bat-like creature. She was a formidable dark side user and capable of resurrection through her twisting of life-forces. Darth Krall | Nightsisters Arc - The Dark Side is a cycle of betrayal. Bossk | [12] Sidious ultimately betrayed Talzin and took her son Maul from her. Gar Saxon | The dark tones in the music represent the Nightsister's connection to the dark side of the force. Klaatu | The Nightsister spirits attacked and possessed Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren. Aspiring Nightsisters had to undergo a trial before they could fully dive into its powers. Asajj Ventress | Their leader (according to Star Wars Canon) is Gethzerion, found on the second floor of the Nightsister Stronghold. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage | The Seventh Sister | She is suspended between sky and soil, because she is truly of neither. [35], Before placing dead Nightsisters in burial pods, Nightsisters went through many steps to prepare a funeral. Supreme Leaders The Sisters could do divination by using a Nightsister crystal ball created by Mother Talzin and was owned by the Nightsisters who kept it in their village lair. By entrapping the Count, Talzin hoped to restore her physical form and claim far greater power than she'd lost. They were ranged weapons used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Shenda Mol | Deva Lompop | Clone Wars season 4, episode 19, Massacre. [14], In 50 BBY,[20] the clan was forced to give up the young Asajj Ventress to the Siniteen criminal Hal'Sted as insurance for protection. Cad Bane | Officials and Military Officers Talzin went so far as to raise the dead, awakening deceased Nightsisters from their long slumber to aid the living in their attempt to avoid extinction. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. darklordoftech Force Ghost. Old Daka | She gives you his location, and sends you to bring back his heart. Tactical Droids Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | The Dathomir Witches were originally warring covens that all battled each other for dominance until 31 BBY when a Clan Mother named Zalem united the covens together and appointed herself Queen of Dathomir and had plans of galactic destruction and Nightsister domination until she was defeated by the Jedi and killed by her own daughter, Ros Lai. Members A small group of Dathomirian Zabrak males who lived on the planet Dathomir, the Nightbrothers had a highly acrobatic fighting style and partly drew from the Dark Side of the Force. Mother Talzin (succeeded Zalem)Gethzerion (Legends), Old DakaKarisNaa'lethLuceTalia and her twinAsajj's mother (appears only in flashback)ShelishYennaMerrinLegends:MighellaRos LaiSai SircuYansu GrjakKycina. [22] However, their scheme would earn them the ire of Dooku, who would later dispatch General Grievous to Dathomir in retaliation. She was taken from her clan mother, Mother Talzin, and her biological mother in infancy by the bounty hunter, Hal'Sted, who raised her on Rattatak. Scorch | They also appeared as the main antagonists in the Season 3 episode "Visions and Voices" of the series . Mods | The Nightsisters of Dathomir were both a clan and an ancient order of Dathomirian Force-wielding witches and mistresses of the dark side of the Force.They were a neutral group acting sometimes as antagonists in the Star Wars Universe and TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars series Season 3-6. ". Thurible | 3713504: 2385 - Bronzium 2 110 48 Member Mista H. General. [12], I believe the old alliance can again be what it once was. Black Krrsantan | But Ventress survives Dooku's assassination attempt, and the jilted former apprentice vows to take revenge, enlisting the aid of . After a long brutal test and wiping out the selection of men, Ventress chose the Zabrak Nightbrother called Savage Opress and brought him back to the Nightsister fortress. Their opposition to the measure, however, soon makes them targets for intimidation and attacks by hired guns. The Nightsisters and Dathomir were said to have a significant connection to one another, where the witches drew on the dark energies of the planet to fuel their magick. However, years later, Jerserra betrayed her master, covered up her death, and took her double-bladed spinning lightsaber. . The harvested remains would then be converted into the Water of Life, a major component of Nightsister magicks. The first Nightsister seen in the Star Wars universe appeared in the movie Star Wars: Ewoks: The Battle For Endor. I'm finished waiting. [38], Tricia Barr, author of the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Dark Side, extrapolated from source material that the Nightsisters had enough magick and technology to reproduce without the necessity of the Nightbrothers.[39]. Context: Star Wars: The Clone Wars. A grieving Quinlan laid her to rest in the waters on her homeworld of Dathomir alongside her sisters. I don't see how it is different from force, it is a bit more powerful than normal jedi, but why is it banned and a taboo? Padm, Bail Organa and Onaconda Farr attempt to rally Senators in opposition to a bill that would appropriate funds for millions of new clone troops and have disastrous financial consequences for the Republic. Snoke | Dooku's advanced skills in the Force, however, make him a formidable opponent. After the extinction of the Nightsister coven, the crystal ball came into the possession of the former Sith Lord Maul, Talzin's son. Black Krrsantan | The resulting battle ended with a CIS victory that essentially amounted to genocide, and the assault led to the extermination of almost every Dathomirian Nightsister. Count Dooku Dathomir was also . Lama Su | Agent Tierny | Captain Phasma | requires Starwind-remastered . Tatootine Klatooinian Family | The assassination failed with Ventress and the other two assassins returning to Dathomir. 741 , 949 200 . Alone in the forest, Ventress spoke to a specter of Talzin and learned of their clan's slaughter, while also being told of a new destiny by the Clan Mother before leaving her. Admiral Garrick Versio | The Nightsisters were not just trained in the art of spell-casting but also the form of sword fighting and warrior training. The trial tested their will and control of the dark side of the Force. Another powerful Nightsister, Axkva Min, is also situated in the Stronghold (in the caves beneath the area, entrance is outside the gate) under very heavy guard, and slaying her gains . His body began to float and warp increasing Savage's strength and ferocity, lengthening his horns, turning him into a hulking brute, and putting him under Ventress' complete control. Kylo Ren Archduke Poggle the Lesser | Darth Momin | When you face one Nightsister of Dathomiryou face us all!Merrin, to Taron Malicos and Cal Kestis. Kisma Uttersond | Old Daka and all the other Nightsisters were slain, except for Mother Talzin The channeling of spirit ichor often came in the form of green smoke or mist. Commander Pyre | The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the . Savage questioned what happened to the Sisters and Talzin responded they were wiped out, but she assured him that she and her culture would survive as they always have. Azmorigan | Nala Se | Krix | TAGS: Star Wars Inside Intel, The Nightsisters, TM & Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Since they were most powerful on their home planet, they rarely ventured off-world during the height of the Galactic Republic. Ramy | Malicos told Merrin lies that the Jedi were responsible for her people's extinction in order to manipulate her into learning the secrets of Nightsister magics. "[33] The most powerful of the Nightsisters could use that ichor to create objects out of thin air,[22] transform people into ghostly versions of their true forms,[7] or even reanimate the dead. Captain Chesille Sabrond | Members When Asajjs original assassination plan failed with the use of the invisibility potion, Mother Talzin organized a competition amongst a selection of Nightbrothers. The powerful Talzin could speak to the Spirits and conjure objects from another realm. Embo | Her work finished, Talzin vanished once more leaving the Nightbrothers to begin forming an army with which they could rival Talzin's enemy Darth Sidious. 8D8 | Hondo Ohnaka Ventress was hit in the shoulder, and Grievous prepared to cut her down, but was overrun by Nightsister zombies saving Ventress but after having seen so many comrades fall that day, she retreated from the battleground and into the jungle mist, abandoning her coven. General Kalani | Any initiate who gave into their fear, such as Talia's twin sister, would be dragged down into the depths and killed. General Whorm Loathsom | These groups remained a concern for Sidious, who ordered a small garrison of the Imperial Military to report if any tried to make it off world. A stranger crash landed on Dathomir and Merrin confronted him who turned out to be a Jedi survivor of Order 66 named Taron Malicos. ""Such a generous offer, Count. After her betrayal by Count Dooku, Ventress returned to her people and sought their help for revenge against her former master. [5], Ventress later returned to her people after being betrayed by Count Dooku, seeking their help for revenge against her former master. The Client | Jango Fett | TA-175 | During the lockdown of the Anoat sector[8] between 4 and 5 ABY,[31] she taught the ways of the Force to a smuggler from Burnin Konn who ultimately emerged as the leader of the Uprising. . Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki! We bathe her in a sacred pool, then enclose her in this pod. The task would be proved with a limb from the creature. Colonel Kaplan | Morley | Skad Chi Cho | They fought in gladiatorial-style trials before one, Savage Opress, edged out the competition. Lom Pyke | [10], Around 2 BBY,[30] two spirits of the Nightsisters were summoned by Maul and Ezra Bridger in order to break their Force-bond. The most powerful of them could use that ichor to summon objects out of the thin air, transform people into ghostly versions of their true forms, or even reanimate the dead. Hi. Captain Faro Argyus | Ghirra Starros | Wooof, Nihil Dooku, feeling the pain of the Nightsister magic, ordered Grievous through hologram to kill Talzin before she killed him. At the time of the Clone Wars, Talzin started to sell her Sisters' services as mercenaries to the galaxy's wealthy citizens, also fulfilling Zalem's dream of spreading the Nightsisters' ways across the universe. MUNCIE, Ind.--. The Nightbrothers were not wiped out as they managed to survive the massacre and Merrin took them as servants. Did you learn something new about Nightsisters? Their magic was called Spirit ichor and was the base for all magic employed by the Nightsisters of Dathomir during the Clone Wars. Beilert Valance | Some were medicine, while others were poisons. Officials and Operatives The attempt failed and the living sphere shattered releasing the Living Force and an explosion occurred killing the cultists and Talzin vanished. According to old history records, the first Nightsisters were trained by the Jedi Allya in the ways of the Force when she was sent into exile on the mysterious world of Dathomir. Turk Falso | Marchion Ro | Lord Nyax | 4A-7 | The sisters ruled unchallenged, gifted with the power to wield dark magicks. Drengir | Jabba the Hutt | While Ventress believed Opress needed more training, Talzin assured her that he was indeed ready and they could not keep him secret for much longer. Doctor Pershing | The Dathomir witch confronted Darth Sidious exchanging blasts of Force and Magick lightning against the Sith Lord who had betrayed her. However, its not all rocky theres an abundance of flora on Dathomir, albeit, ominous and unusual, such as the seemingly impervious fire lichen that latch onto rock faces and an abundance of fungi. Since the spirits were unable to leave the cave due to the altar being their source of power, Ezra and Maul were able to escape outside. Grievous first killed one of the Nightsisters who brought Talzin the orb then turned towards Daka. Magistrate Passel Argente | They were a neutral group acting sometimes as antagonists in the Star Wars Universe and TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars series Season 3-6. Generations of genetic drift and exposure to the planet's power from the dark side of the Force . But despite their power and abilities, Talzins Nightsister clan met its demise. Like all Nightsister magicks, the spell appeared as a green mist. Executive Separatist Council Barb Mentir, Garnac's Hunting Guild Commander Darts D'nar | One final act of magic that could only be used by an experienced elder Nightsister was called the Chant of Resurrection. The Sixth Brother | . "Nightsisters" is the twelfth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' third season. Unknown to either of them, a lone Nightsister named Merrin and another named Shelish survived the carnage. Elite Praetorian Guards | These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . After Savage was selected to assist Asajj, Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters used their magicks to enhance Savages physical strength, putting him under a spell that forced him to obey their directions. .. "/> AssassinationWarmongeringCurse afflictions. Finally, the bodies were cleansed with fragrant oils and placed in the newly created burial pod[10] and mummified. Check out Nightsisters with Attitude Roster and accomplishments on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Prince Tal Merrik | Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters are a group of dark side users who are some of the most fascinating women of the franchise. Senator Tikkes | Lieutanent Sun Fac | The few remaining Nightsisters that defended their village were massacred by the battle droids, who carried out the onslaught without hesitation. Major Baron Elrik Vonreg She is always near, always part of the clan. Thok | They are known for keeping male slaves. Commerce Guild | General Maximilian Veers | Razoo Qin-Fee | She was a Dathomirian Nightsister who lived on her homeworld of Dathomir before and during the Imperial Era. Mandalore the Great | Detachment: The Flagship Eclipse Detachment. The Nightsisters opposed this technological invasion, forming a symbiotic alliance with the rancors, in order to drive out the colonizers. However, as the Nightbrothers weren't wiped out. However, the Jedi Council had no records of an exile named Allya, and the Nightsisters themselves had other, contradicting tales about their origins. This is what G.L. Governor Tiber Saxon | Even if she was not the founder of the sisters,[5] Allya also wrote the Book of Law that taught the sisters to dislike the Jedi. Commander Crosshair | Now the Nightsisters aren't Sith, but this may be a common belief of dark side users who are more inclined towards a selfish outlook. Zam Wesell | The Tenth Brother Senator Bec Lawise | Their leader (according to Star Wars Canon) is Gethzerion, found on the second floor of the Nightsister Stronghold. Gamorreans | King Sanjay Rash | Whereas the Nightsisters wielded magick, the Nightbrothers were warriors. The witches used their energy bows against the droid invaders while Talzin used her magicks to summon a green bubble as a shield and unleashed lightning upon the droids. Merrin is a supporting character in the 2019 action-adventure video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Talzin has Asajj secretly select a warrior from the distant Nightbrother village: Savage Opress. Military Officers Ratter | These Dark Side users were able to perform their arcane magicks that were taught to them by Savathn, the Witch-Queen by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of the planet. From murders at the Ball Brothers factory, to encounters with a headless horseman, there is no doubt that Muncie and Delaware County have had some scary hauntings and happenings in their past. Darth Phobos | They also worshipped two of the Mortis gods, Morai the Daughter who wielded . There was no explanation for her origins, but it was implied that she harbored a lot of Dark Power. Daves contributions to Star Wars, including the Nightsisters and beyond, have had great impacts on the galaxy far, far away and will continue to do so for years to come. After Darth Maul, her lost son, escaped captivity on Stygeon Prime, Talzin sensed the endgame of her feud with Sidious and his minions were approaching. Imperial Navy Troopers | Talzin released the child to Sidious, who raised him as his Sith apprentice, and became known as Darth Maul. Check back bi-weekly to learn something new about the Star Wars galaxy! Founder of the Sith | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Neimoidians | Guavian Death Gang | General Cassio Tagge | At some point, a female Inquisitor found Jerserra, a member of the Nardithi Nightsisters, and took her as an apprentice. Mok Shaiz | Their bows were imbued with dark sorcery. Commandant Osi Sobeck | The crystal ball could predict and give glimpses of the future and locate people and objects. [36] In Legends, they are depicted as a splinter faction of the native Witches of Dathomir; descendants of the fallen Jedi Allya and appeared in multiple Legends works. [5], The Nightsisters used spells once intended to help plants and animals thrive, to create incantations of dark magic that gave supernatural strength to their best warriors, imbuing them with ichor. It is a reasonable deduction that the sheer amount of magick needed to reconstruct Maul left him with a unique and powerful connection to the dark side. Syril Karn, First Order Lady Carise Sindian In reality, the Nightsisters conceived the plan to give Dooku a new apprentice from the Nightbrothers, and his loyalty would belong to the witches. [17] At the time of the Clone Wars, Talzin began to sell her sisters' services as mercenaries to the galaxy's wealthy citizens. The most powerful witches could even raise the dead. Officials and Operatives The Nightsisters are a coven of witches that lived on the mysterious world of Dathomir. Taron Malicos | The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the Dathomiri. Commander Fox | "Dark Underlord" | Nightsister Spirits, Shadow Collective Fennec Shand Goron | Boba Fett | Prime Minister Almec | Sidious bombarded Talzin with Force lightning causing her to release Dooku's body, as the Nightsister had enough strength to regain her bodily form. When Count Dooku calls upon the Nightsisters seeking a replacement for Ventress, she and her kin seize the opportunity to exact revenge. Protectorate Gleb | Sochek, Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users The music associated with the Nightsisters in Star Wars is dark, ethereal, but not necessarily malignant in nature. 8D8 | How the N. Old Daka began an incantation over a glowing orb calling forth green smoke that flew into the jungle and the remains of the dead rose from their burial pods as howling, charging undead warriors and joined their living Sisters. The Nightsisters magick was dark in nature, and Jedi that found themselves on their world often described feeling the presence of the dark side. Talzin later contacted the Count and told him how she heard he had lost his former apprentice and reminded him that Ventress was once one of her people. by Stripes. But the Nightsisters would not go down without a fight. Together they fought Maul and Bridger. [24] She orchestrated the kidnapping of Bardottan Queen Julia to make her more powerful than the Jedi and the Sith. She conducted the tiny totem to her magic through and tormented Dooku into rescinding his attack or else suffer an agonizing death. Nightsisters is an Ally in Asajj Ventress' Villain deck. The Nightsister shaman Mother Talzin gained the allegiance of the blood-thirsty Frangawl Cult and under her orders, the cult abducted Dagoyan Masters from Bardotta and drained their living Force placing it inside the living sphere. The Nightsisters used their mystical powers in a chanting ceremony with green smoke surrounding him. The undead sisters mindlessly ripped through the Separatists' ranks, smashing through everything in their path. The Sisters held bowls of Waters of Life and began chanting causing the water to turn into steam that surrounded Ventress who recalled earlier memories. The living sphere was created by the Nightsisters and given to the Frangawl Cult who used it in their sacrificial ceremony murdering several Bardottans in the process. Although their understanding of it was unique to their world and culture, the magick the sisters wielded was seemingly connected to the Force just used in a vastly different way than the Jedi or . The three later crash landed on Christophsis and were attacked by Republic forces. More experienced and powerful Nightsisters could use Force sorcery to hide their movements. Drawing strength from their connection to the planet-or more accurately, the altar they had built in one of its caves-the Nightsisters ruled over Dathomir and over a clan of Zabrak males known as the Nightbrothers. Unknown to them, Dooku had harbored vengeance against the magic-wielding witches for their betrayal and ordered General Grievous to Dathomir to eradicate the Nightsisters. Star Wars' Nightsister Magick Works Away From Dathomir. "The Nightsisters are their Sith." Han Solo, explaining the relationship between Nightsisters and Dathomiri Witches The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magicks; although they used the dark side, their powers and. She then delivers Opress to Dooku, where he will serve as his secret Sith apprentice in a plot to overthrow Darth Sidious. The Grand Inquisitor | Stormtroopers | Meritt Col | Although humans and Zabrak have been born, lived, and died on Dathomir, the truly unique Dathomirians are near-humans who practice a strange blend of magicks and alchemythose who make up the clans known as the Nightsisters. Military Officers Durge | Grievous tracked down the origin of Talzin and Dakas magic by following the magic mist and marched to the Nightsister fortress, pressing through the warriors and zombies guarding the village. Bazine Netal | Aurra Sing | Prefix: DS. These Dark side users were able to perform their arcane magicks by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of their planet. Viceroy Gar Saxon Pong Krell | Emperor's Royal Guard | "The swiftest path to destruction is through vengeance." Troubled by Asajj Ventress' growing prowess with the dark side of the Force, Darth Sidious commands Count Dooku to eliminate her. Unlike the Jedi or Sith, the Dathomir Witches wielded the Force by using hand gestures and chants. [2] Since their power was at its most potent on their home planet, the Nightsisters rarely ventured off-world during the height of the Galactic Republic. Zeldin attempted to manipulate Caldoth into causing his own death out of revenge, but Caldoth was aware of Zeldin's presence, exploiting their connection before trapping her consciousness within his mind. A member of the Jedi Order was exiled to the planet of Dathomir, a place that 1000 years BBY had an active Sith Temple, and the Dark Side of the force was strong in the surrounding area. By tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from Dathomir's depths, the witches could harness a power they referred to as "Magicks". Though she was heavily wounded, Talzin still had hope as Maul returned to Dathomir with a captive Count Dooku where they performed a ritual with the Nightsister unleashing her magick upon the Count stealing his living energies that would allow her to return to the physical world. [14], The Nightsisters mummified their dead before placing them in pods of animal skin decorated with tassels, which were hung on structures made of branches, bones, animal skins and shells. FN-2199 | But first, she thinks you needs to eliminate your "predecessor" as her slave, who she says has been plotting against her. Regeneration: +1. One program was held in hopes of providing the Muncie area with some of its scary history. Near the end of the war, she encountered Quinlan Vos a maverick Jedi tasked with assassinating Count Dooku. The Fifth Brother | Morgan Elsbeth | Viceroy Nute Gunray | Salacious B. Crumb | Ideally, the best choices are Phoenix or zMaul/First Order, while saving the other team ideas for offense. Grievous then knocked over the cauldron that had been maintaining her Voodoo magic breaking the spell, subsequently ending Dooku's torture. While that book has fallen into Star Wars Legends territory, the Nightsisters have prevailed!
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