I just tried to clean out her ears. While you may find tea tree oil recommended for treating ear infections in dogs, you should avoid this natural treatment. Before you try any home remedies, consult your doctor. When left untreated, an ear infection can develop into a chronic condition. My Dog Has Dry Flaky Skin and Scabs. To keep your dog safe and healthy, you should inspect your dogs ears and clean them weekly. Ear infections within dogs are mainly caused by a buildup of bacteria or yeast in the ear. Do you know that there are Natural cures for all common diseases? Add the ingredients to the jar and stir to mix. Toxicity to pets Tea tree oil is often found in varying concentrations and high concentrations should never be used on pets. Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infections Apple Cider Vinegar. Required fields are marked *. You can also put a few drops tea tree oil in a humidifier. As per your comment, we are unsure of which method you are specifying. Apply the solution to your ears via a dropper, allowing each side to rest for four to five minutes before flipping over onto a Being that I randomly experienced ear pain and sore throat, I diagnosed myself with either IEI, or tonsil stones. Heres how to make a solution to clean your dogs ears:-Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to a tablespoon of either grapeseed or olive oil. Ear infections can be caused by everything from wax buildup and food allergies to fetal alcohol syndrome, genetic defects, and internal injuries. Start with a cotton ball and wet it with our homemade dog ear cleaning solution. The best thing about using tea tree oil is its all-natural and doesnt contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic materials. It is easier if you start training them for the process as a young pup. To use the oil of oregano to treat an infected dog ear, take half an ounce of aloe Vera juice and warm it. Do you recommend the coconut oil for his now sore ears? There are many herbal products. Make sure to dilute it before application as direct application can cause irritation and burning sensation. Be cautious when choosing OTC medications for children. One of the natural remedies discussed later in this article, witch hazel, has properties that help dry out the ear canal. Depending on the severity of the ear infection, it may be necessary for your dog to take a prescribed oral antibiotic to clear it up. Youll also discover why theyre so popular! I dont care to put drops in my ears. Warm cup of water and stir in 3 drops tea tree oil. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) includes home remedies and other natural wellness solutions. Can you do the steam a few times a day? Use 3 Use a syringe or dropper to gently pour the oil into the ear canal and Its toxic if ingested. Had been given 3 rounds of steroids and antibiotics. They may be based on Eastern medicine principles, or old-fashioned tricks that grandma and As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. And there are scientific studies (such as here and here ), that prove that it has some antibacterial and antifungal properties. If your dogs ear infection persists, its always best to book an appointment with their vet to have it checked out. They restore the mineral balance in cells, which is vital for proper body function. Theres a chance youve landed here because youre looking for a more natural way to treat your dogs infection. Essential oils such as tea tree have also been found to reduce fear and anxiety in dogs so hopefully it will help them relax during the ear cleaning process! A hot cup of honey-infused tea can soothe a sore throat. The anti-inflammatory properties of diluted tea tree oil may help your dog if he has an irritated area on his skin that he cant stop itching. The underlying condition should determine the dosage and frequency of medication. Always check to see if the symptoms are getting better or worse. Second, dont forget to consult a pharmacist. Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cavities Remedies That Actually Worked for Me, Home Remedies Gingivitis Remedies That Actually Worked for Me, Eyelash Dandruff Home Remedies Remedies That Actually Worked for Me, Miscarriage Home Remedies Remedies That Actually Worked for Me, Home Remedies for Toenail Infections Remedies That Actually Worked for Me, Tachycardia Home Remedies Remedies That Actually Worked for Me, Home Remedies for Scabies Tea Tree Oil Remedies That Actually Worked for Me. Now I put it in left ear undiluted wow what a sting, but over all feeling better it has only been 30 minutes. Are you looking for natural remedies for common ailments? The Complete Guide to Dog Separation Anxiety, including pimples or dermatologic symptoms. It is important to prepare everything before you start the process of cleaning your dogs ears. You can use it second time as well or you can prepare the solution by reducing the quantity as per your requirement. If you have to wait a few days, some of the natural remedies can help make your dog more comfortable in the meantime. However, complementary and alternative therapies do not. Wipe the outside of the ear and the parts insideof the ear that you can see and reach on the outer flap. He explains how to select and use Bach remedies for different health issues. It is not regulated by the FDA and is recommended for mild to moderate depression. It kills the bacteria that cause ear infection. The first thing to do is clean your dogs ears keep reading for further info on how to make an ear wash for your dogs ears. Although the terms complementary or alternative medicine are often used interchangeably with each other, they refer to two different areas. And I know this because clinical trials have yet to work out the best concentration of the oil to use! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'qualitydogresources_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-qualitydogresources_com-medrectangle-4-0');Not only do breeds such as these have comparatively bigger ears but the actual ear is hotter because it is covered in all that hair! Its not fun or fair for our dogs to suffer needlessly. Sorry about that. I have put tea tree oil on a cotton at the entrance of my ear ( to treat eczema( and now I got pain all along the ear conduct, what can I do ? If you have a different method that works for you, I hope youll let us know. I just read that it needs to be diluted. To prevent stagnant water from causing an infection in your dogs ear, there are several precautions you can take when they go swimming or have a bath. I pray it gets better I hate DRs, How can I use the tea tree oil for fungal infection on my skin? They are also a great addition for your medicine cabinet or pantry. The National Cancer Institute (NCCAM), focuses on alternative and complementary medicine and its role in fighting cancer. Weve pulled together some natural dog ear infection home remedies so you can help treat your dogs ear infections without the expense of a vet visit. Lavender essential oil - 5 drops. Consider your personality, current emotions, and any case studies that you have read to help you choose the right Bach remedy. Pour a few drops of warm water (no more than that!) Here are some of the best examples. I feel like bad dog mom. Tea tree oil is a natural remedy, derived from the Melaleuca Alternifolia plant. They are only a way to alleviate minor health problems. Next, wipe the outer part of the ear canal with a cotton ball or cotton padding so that you finish cleaning the ear. Mineral salts are often not absorbed by cells. Remember that TLC is just the same as OTC drugs. This will make sure the solution works its way deep enough to fully clean the ear. After youve diluted your hydrogen peroxide, youll want to use a bulb ear syringe to flush your dogs ear with the solution to dislodge any debris. Youve probably already noticed discharge in your dogs ear. Many remedy producers offer a pre-mixed combination of Bach remedies that arent effective. Its true! Many people resort to DIY home remedies to cure their illness. Home remedies are effective for some people but can actually make the illness worse. Mix equal amounts of margosa oil with tea tree oil, olive oil, and eucalyptus oil, then pour the mixture into the infected ear with a dropper. Not only can this product help dog ear infections, but it hasplenty of other health benefitsas well. Its very important to avoid using it at full strength, though. Gently massage a few drops into the ear. It was thought that the ingredient responsible for this is thought to be 1,8 cineole. Schuessler salts support the function of the human body, unlike many other treatments. To make sure you are buying safe products, consult a qualified herbal practitioner. Your dog will be happier without the shock of a cold product being put in their ear. As the bacteria and yeast grow, they lead to a nasty infection, usually noticed when your dogs ear starts oozing brown, smelly, gunk. Many of these products are made with herbs, which have been used for centuries. Did all this before reading you site. In terms of how to physically clean the ear, watch this video. Especially if your dogs ear is painful, red, has signs of discharge, or smells, you should schedule a vet visit. And the way to do this is to dilute it with another carrier oil such as olive oil or sunflower oil. This can also be diluted to use as a cleaning wash for your dogs ears. However, what about home remedies like hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera gel? Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infections. How do I use tea tree oil to clean my dogs ears? I think my dog requires the vet. One item you probably have around the house (even if you dont use it much) is apple cider vinegar. Care should be taken when applying tea tree oil to your dogs skin or coat - never apply it to an area where your dog can lick. Now turn your head to allow the liquid to drain away. You should seek professional help if your dog is experiencing persistent discomfort from an infection. Schuessler salts can be an excellent addition to your healing arsenal. Use it to clean the ears of dogs who have frequent infections. They may be based on Eastern medicine principles, or old-fashioned tricks that grandma and grandpa passed down. And combined with the heat from being enclosed, damp inner ears can be a great breeding ground for infections. While it can be very effective at killing the things that are causing your dogs ear infection, it doesnt discriminate. Unfortunately, ear infections are a common problem in dogs. If you see dark brown or black debris that looks similar to coffee grounds (or white dots in the debris), then your dog most likely has ear mites. Sinus pain, BV, cold sores and yeast infections can be treated. Left untreated, your dog may suffer permanent damage. These home remedies have helped preserve domestic healthcare traditions and support alternative medicine and mainstream science. As with many of the other potential natural remedies for dog ear infections, a large amount of this product used at full dose can dry out a dogs ear too much and cause unintended damage. However, in its natural form, it might burn your dogs ears. Repeat 4 times a day until infection is gone. Valerian, for example, is used to treat depression. This is because the ones sold in stores are diluted with other ingredients. Everyone knows how sensitive a dogs hearing can be so it is no surprise that they hate us squirting liquids in there. After massaging the ear canal with the solution in it, allow your dog to shake their head to loosen any further debris. But these studies have been very small, there havent been many of them and to my knowledge they have all been trialled on humans not dogs. Its healing properties include the reviving of tired muscles, easing pain, nerves, and reducing swelling due to muscle spasms. Squeeze bottle to release enough drops to partially fill the ear canal. Instead, try using just 5-10 drops of witch hazel in your dogs ear to dry it out enough to prevent infection. To reinforce my point, you must never use 100% tea tree oil on your dog. Mix garlic and mullein with 2/3 cup of olive oil. Thanks. Is it safe to do several times a day? After flushing the ear canal to remove any excess debris, you should massage the base of the ear from the outside. No spam! This comprehensive resource covers many common conditions, as well, including headaches and colds. Repeat daily until you get relief from ear infection. Heat until it get warm and pour the solution into a dropper. It would be great to put a cone collar on your dog so he doesnt lick the oil off of his fur or skin when you apply it. These methods are safe and effective, but also very affordable. Tea tree oil helps remove dirt, excess fluids, and other impurities that clog the ear and lead to infection. Not only can this help promote healthy skin in your dogs ear, but the coconut oil can smother and kill any ear mites that have found their way inside. Dog mites will feed on the dogs ear wax and can actually cause an ear infection in your pooch. Home Remedies for Dog Ear Next, massage the coconut oil down into their ear. There are also commercial cleaners that can moisturize ears as well as remove excess water. Give him a little break, reassure him with pets or treats, and try again later. The tea tree oil which is also a natural tick reppellent, has antifungal properties that are effective at eradicating yeast and fungal infections. Fortunately, there is a safe, natural, and very effective way to treat small ear infections without prescription antibiotics. Use them only for the prescribed time. A prescription is required by law. Which ones worked best for you? Hi Jacque, I'm glad to hear the tips helped. Apparently up to 20 of all dogs are thought to have ear. Herbal remedies can be made at home. Apply it lightly somewhere around the house and let your dog get to know the new aroma. Get a shallow pot, or a small plastic container- much like the one that your take out food comes in. And the dogs really do try and melt into the floor as the cupboard opens. Shaking will loosen ear wax and other debris inside the ear. If a dog has an inner ear infection, the initial symptoms might only be seen in your dogs behavior. This is helpful in small doses, to prevent water from remaining in your dogs ear and leading to an infection. But there is a second environmental factor that makes my dogs more vulnerable to ear infections than other dogs, I think. You can put some of the gel on a cotton ball and wipe it on your dogs ear, or place a few drops in the ear canal and massage them deeper. There are a variety of reasons that dogs may get an ear infection. Hopefully your dog gets to feeling better soon! Stir to combine. In a bowl, mix 5 drops of tea tree oil, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Instead of using full-strength apple cider vinegar, dilute the product with 1 part apple cider vinegar to 1 part water, before using it to treat your dogs ear infection. The primary reason why tea tree oil is used (or suggested for use) for dogs is because it is considered a remedy for certain health problems dogs face, including skin allergies, hot spots, fleas, and ear yeast infections. However, it is not a good idea to use tea tree oil products intended for humans to address these canine health concerns. It is excellent for any infection, and 2 or 3 drops of it should be applied directly every day, even without diseases. It is not only an effective germicide but often helps in relieving the swelling and You can also use tea tree oil to treat the irritating and uncomfortable ear infection that your dog is suffering from. And as the temperature in the UK gets warmer and our winters morph into wet seasons, we will spend longer and longer seeped in mud. You can easily make your own remedy to combat your dogs ear infection using top-grade essential oils. It is very common for dogs to get ear infections, particularly those with long and floppy ears (like cocker spaniels and basset hounds) since it is easier for water and bacteria to get inside the ear. Witch hazel is soothing on the irritated ears and dries quickly. Will rubbing coconut oil and tea tree around and in back of the ear Work to treat an ear infection? If youve owned dogs, youve likely had to deal with an ear infection at some point. My dogs do not like to have their ears cleaned, so I make sure I give plenty of affection during the process. Another common reason for dogs to get ear infections is foreign objects or mites. That was yesterday, and still today he is saying its still throbbing . Hes very uncomfortable. These natural remedies are easy to prepare and can help you save money. Prepare a perfect Tea Tree oil and Lavender essential oil recipe and say good-bye to fleas living on your dog's ears. Tea tree oil is toxic when These remedies are often inexpensive and easy to make. I put tea tree oil undiluted in my right ear for ear ache. Here are some options: The Oxford Handbook of General Practice does NOT mention home remedies. Oregano Essential Oil. Tea tree oil contains a chemical called terpenes that fight bacteria (which can help with ear infections) but is actually toxic to animals. A common item in the cupboards of many dog owners who love home remedies, the staple of apple cider vinegar can help our dogs ear infection heal faster. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant. Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with garlic over low heat to create a marvelous antibacterial concoction! The ear tends to become a moving target if I take too long, so I try to be ready and get it done very quickly. Use a clean, dry cotton ball to wipe it out of the ear. Inspect the ear for signs of dirt, irritation, infections, or parasites. You'll need to allow the oil to cool Since ear infections are prone to recurring, its especially important to determine why your dog is developing ear infections. This leads to symptoms like earache, pressure changes, fever, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, fluid leakage, difficulty sleeping, and an inability to hear properly. 2 Warm this mixture on low flame. However, if you suspect that an infection is just about to start, or are looking for natural ways to clean your dogs ears to prevent future infections, these options will give you some insight. And always check the label. Place your order today. The Pocket Guide to Natural Remedies is a great resource for finding natural remedies to common ailments. Try these home remedies. In addition to physical causes of ear infections, dogs can develop chronic ear infections due to a more systemic problem, too. This vinegar solution works to not only clean the ear, but it also adjusts the pH within the ear so that yeast, fungus, and bacterial infections cannot grow. I dont have any other oils to dilute with, i guess i could use water. Of course, you don't want to apply hot oil to the ear. Were going to tell you how to clean your dogs ears and give you the best dog ear cleaning recipes so that you can take care of your dogs ears properly. Lean over the pot and inhale the steam for 5 minutes. Ear infections are tricky, so you should always consult your veterinarian before trying anything else. Posted on Last updated: September 7, 2022. Tea tree oil (TTO), also known as melaleuca oil, is a popular essential oil that has the longest history of medicinal uses. I just put a small amount on a cotton swab and rubbed in my ear will that work?? After a minute let him shake it out. Your email address will not be published. It is also known for its role in building the strength of the bones, especially after a serious injury. If you have a dog, you definitely want to keep coconut oil on Since my dog has the occasional mite infestation, I can definitely attest that some of these things help pretty neatly, but one should definitely be cautious even with home remedies :). Each Bach remedy can address a specific emotional state or characteristic. Shaking will loosen ear wax and other debris inside the ear. What should I do? If you suspect an allergy is the cause of your dogs ear infection, you should also consider switching their food or asking your veterinarian about checking for environmental allergies. Leave in 10 minutes, then drain and repeat process with other ear. Cure disease but they can become expensive to treat your dogs ear ear can! 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