Beyond satisfying our natural curiosity about what awaits us beyond the grave, contemplating the next life can result in four tangible benefits in this life. March 2012 That is a parable of the world at any given time. January 2011 Spirituality can perhaps help you connect with your divine self. Similarly, it evokes a sense of social responsibility towards other citizens and the people around you. Sadhguru: "As far as I can see, everyone is striving for happiness, everyone is striving to be free. Some dub this mindset as the Law of Attraction.. No one can have a detached attitude to the things of this life unless there is a strong attachment to spiritual things. When we're spiritually deprived, our body and mind feel its effects. Having a faithful outlook on life can be the right crutch for those struggling with negativity and broaden their perspective on life. One of the great benefits of being spiritually minded is the connection spiritually allows you to feel with others, the sense of belonging that it fosters, and the feeling of community it inspires. Spiritual agreement is in "heart and soul" (Acts 4:32) and involves being of "one mind" so that we are one, just as the Father and the Son are one. In turn, this ultimately provides you with direction and the motivation to face lifes daily challenges. They are not in any particular order. In turn, these feelings could increase energy levels and encourage you to stay more motivated. It also gives you time to become aware of the present, meaning you are more in the now. This brings the ancient Latin phrase mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) to life. "Everybody Is Going to Heaven" may be a popular song but it's also a horrendous lie. This ability to see, feel, and sense the why often creates a sense of peace and ease because it taps into the soul's need to be at one with the Universe and all others in harmony. Have new experiences. This self-awareness allows you to recognize areas in life where you have bountiful gifts to be grateful for, in spite of trials and tribulations. It helps to remember this when we are carried away from reality with some computer ad. Practicing spirituality helps deal with the toughest situations in life. That is why Paul says that he is sorrowful yet always rejoicing (2 Corinthians 6:10). March 2011 It is easier to avoid the weight of the past and the unknown of the present. 6. Thus, long term bonding can become a greater possibility and reward of the process. 1. We are but small cogs in an infinitely complex machine, but each having a small but significant effect upon the whole. Spirituality, by providing answers, provides a sense of purpose and direction. What To Do About Guilt It might even help you to put some of your own struggles into perspective. 1. Only as they came to me with a few tweaks. Marriage Benefits of spiritual health include compassion, love . February 2012 What does it mean to be a spiritual person? I've been having a battle with my state of mind that has been here and there but I know I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me. Your astral body is with your physical body, and you are fully aware in the now. Is he self-denying and focused on God? But I dont think we have to choose. Here, your senses are with you - which is alignment. God has lead the example about what it means to be in one accord. When living more in alignment, you have a deeper connection to your soul-level desires, which often are seated in non-complex reasons for happiness and joy. May 2012 It is not just mind but also attitude. And not just mindset but also attitude-set. It is the frame and disposition of our mind. This is your inner child, or what some call your true soul nature. When we're mentally active and our resilience is better, we're going to better deal with stressful situations. You know there's a lesson to be learned and a reason for everything, and thus you are more accepting of life's circumstances. Paul tells us, in 2 Timothy 3:16, that all Scripture is God-breathed. Moreover, studies say that spirituality can be a predictor of family unity. Mistakes are contrasting experiences that move our river in another direction, usually, an easier one. Why do some people not have a sense of humour? This is not done through prayer beads or chant books necessarily, but can be any activity like gardening, running, baking, knitting, meditating, yoga or tai chi, as long as it is a practice that contributes to your ever-unfolding life on the planet. It is of paramount importance to protect your self-esteem and religious and spiritual practices help you attain that. Finding meaning results in a healthier us and we feel more fulfilled. Last Days It is seen in many cases that those with a strong faith could actually work on themselves and increase the bodys white blood cells. If youre looking for some helpful tips that will move you towards achieving your highest self, perhaps dipping a toe into the realm of spirituality will help you find the direction and inner peace that you seek out in life. It knows how to heal itself. Speaking your boundaries is more comfortable with a bright, open, and centered throat chakra. It is no secret that life can be immensely difficult at times. Videos Please women and men of god don't give up you are more than conquers. February 2011 1. 5 Ways to Keep Spiritually Minded. Being spiritually minded is a matter of life and death. After an explanation of Romans 8:6, the duty of being spiritually minded is described as including . The fifth and most important benefit of spirituality is to make us happier and healthier by being liberated from the constant cycle of death and rebirth which will make us return to earth again and again and to suffer. A growing number of neuroscientists also support the theory that religious and spiritual practices help in the betterment of sleeping patterns. In many faiths, this is known as enlightenment. Relationships and social connections are more important to our health than we may think. Really a true psychology is true spirituality and both are complimentary for our total wellbeing. Research shows there is a major link between spirituality and mental health, particularly when it comes to stress reduction. The mind of Christ is improving ourselves and being captained by Christwhere "all things work together for our good." Romans 8:28 Exercising is the means to tap into a "super energy source" because, after a week of working out, the body begins to believe you truly require more than the usual amount to get up that hill and start looking for these connections to extra energy reserves. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away" (4:14). Recently, the world has taken quite a shift toward a stronger emphasis on mental health and self-care. So I stopped computer gazing and wrote the following strategies for being and staying spiritually minded. Being spiritually minded is a mind that is ruled by the Word of God and controlled by the force of patience. Ultimately, the same stable life will lead you to a blissful and content life. Prayer and spirituality have been linked to: Better health Greater psychological well-being Less depression 5 Less hypertension Less stress, even during difficult times 6 More positive feelings Superior ability to handle stress How to Become More Mindful in Your Everyday Life How to Practice Spirituality Spirituality Gives you Understanding The more spiritual you become the more understanding you have about yourself, the world, the universe, God, and people. My BooksAmazon BooksGoogle Books Kindle Books Kobo BooksPothi BooksPayhip BooksMalayalam BooksFree E-Books, Submit ArticleBook AppointmentChange Your Habits, I Will Check Mail (Inbox & Spam) for New Articles& E-Books, Yes! It also helps in detoxifying the body, which in turn, increases your vibration. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health research suggests that religiosity reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use. Mental Health Benefits of Religion. As you spiritually develop, your ability for third-sight increases. It is , Indifference is also known as apathy where one does not care about or take any action on , There may be a lot of times when you may be confused, disoriented, disorganized or even , Press Play Button Below, Synchronize Reading & Listening "Habits Podcast" *An Audio Blog*, "Relationships are like the weather. Hence, energy boundaries become more essential, and it becomes easier for you to exercise them. Meaning, you can live in a greater state of sublime and bliss, more of the time. Increased fertility. These like-minded employees are aligned with the values in your business and therefore will help you achieve your business goals. Will that not kill all our joys? Reduction in stress Chronic stress is harmful to both physical and mental health. The buzz about the benefits of being spiritually minded is talk thats hard to ignore. 1. Your Body Grows Stronger. You realize you are not responsible for everything that happens in your and other's life. Thus, you agree with redirections, sometimes called mistakes. When you are more spiritually aligned, no matter what the physical circumstances, they may feel more doable. Experiencing more love and joy and a greater sense of unity with all that is? One of the many benefits of being spiritually minded is optimism and the happiness that comes with it. June 2013 May 2010, All Let go of control, and surrender to the present. The positive feelings induced by spiritual practices, alongside the self-reflection that comes with it, helps you become more open and more intentional in identifying the blessings that enter your life. Define spiritual well being in whatever way works best for you. However, the spiritual benefits of yoga address an integral part of your triune being. He shown this through the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Faith July 2011 Additionally, spiritual patients undergoing different treatments are said to have higher energy levels and imbibe a more positive outlook. There are several benefits of being spiritual which may be present and innate in every human being. This is unfolding and happens as a continuous process. The throat chakra is the energetic part of you that enhances your ability to speak your truth. Many of the spiritual practices help people to recover from various types of addictions, due to a spiritual element in recovery. Emotional stability - benefits of being a spiritual person. Helps with reducing stress and high blood pressure: We know what chronic stress and high blood pressure can do to our health. Knowing that actions and thoughts, like pebbles thrown into a pool, create ripples that spread out into eternity. When you feel down and lost, having faith can be just what you need to help you find your anchor so you wont succumb to negativity that comes with lifes trials. Coming into alignment in mind-body-spirit allows you to accept the present as it is. It also gives you a sense of purpose in life as you believe in a superior being. It is setting your thoughts and affections on God. To learn more about coming into the slow and slowing down, check out this post:8 Ways To Slow Down. People who are sunny bring warmth, and people who are stormy bring rain", Psychological & Health Benefits of Spiritual Practices. In fact, very few people are going to heaven if Jesus can be trusted on this subject. Teachings on spirituality have been widespread, and many have shared their accounts of how being a spiritual person has helped them cope with the daily rigors and stressors of a fast-paced modern life. Purpose Of The Church Now, it cannot be denied . So I stopped computer gazing and wrote the following strategies for being and staying spiritually minded. So, be in touch the sacred in yourself and use every occasion towards psychological and physical well-being. Some people let go of control by identifying fears and then releasing them, others throughthe art of detachment. October 2010 It helps you lose focus on the unimportant things and eradicate stress, anxiety and depression. better parent , spouse, We can read and study and work until we're blue in the face, and we can achieve great growth and learning this way. Instead, he adopts a comparatively quiet plan: local teams of sober-minded teachers. And being spiritually minded is more than simply having a good knowledge of the word of God, for a person may know the truth, and yet turn away from God (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26). They are funny. As your heart chakra opens and clears itself of past or future concerns, it can sense more of what is happening at the present moment. This allows you to be assimilated into a group of other like-minded people with the same strong faith. 3. Research has shown that those who indulge in religious or spiritual practices add quality and even years to their lives. At its core, spirituality is believing in something beyond oneself, or having faith in what the universe has in store. Personal development often comes with intuitive development and alignment to your soul path. The exercise of the mind in its thoughts concerning spiritual things; 2. They say that if you want your child to grow up a certain way, it is best to lead by example. Not only does it ease anxieties, but being spiritual also encourages individuals to connect to their own thoughts and feelings. Salvation It leads to self-reflection and you believe what you do is worthwhile. A common example of spirituality is having a strong enough faith in the universe that you are able to manifest the things you want out of life. While health can begin in mind, it usually trickles down to the body and the Spirit. We do lose sleep, have tense muscles, headaches, feel on. By that, I mean your natural intuitive-psychic abilities often heighten and develop. House Church September 2012 Spirituality can help reduce stress and blood pressure by encouraging calmness and experiencing gratitude. Spirituality could give you peace of mind and clarity of thoughts that leads to discovering your higher purpose. Rather than replaying past or future situations, cueing up interactions. February 2013 Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs. Your soul gifts are your spiritual gifts. Welcome to The Spiritual Living Blog, over 50 million readers since 2013. You will understand dharma (way of life) and your role. Here are three tips: 1. Circle by Prenetics. Some are eating lunch and thousands are wailing. And, not to mention how growing from self love, - to love for our brothers, - and the universe is the answer! Here are four spiritual benefits to exercising to convince you of that. Those who have found purpose in life then find life more intentional and meaningful. Fasting is beautiful to let go of your daily activities and devote yourself to pray and meditate. Holy Ghost Interested in connecting with intuition? May 2014 Women, House to House Church Ministry - Home Church Movement in America, I enjoyed your article in reference to The 5 ways to keep spiritually minded. Find a spiritual practice that works for you. It's the power of suggestion. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Having fewer social connections may even be linked to a higher risk of conditions like cancer and cardiovascular diseasebut spirituality . When this happens, it is wise to seek medical help. Such practices help you maintain love and respect within your society. Do we care for even the finest interments of our bodies? Christ being the head of the church, expects us to be in one accord looking unto him as the source of growth spiritually and in size (Ephesians 4:15, Colossians 2:19). Thus, spiritual children are also more likely to develop strong and in-depth personal relationships. Psychology has demonstrated that expressing gratitude is associated with many positive emotions such as optimism, being generous with time and resources, and. By wearing fewer clothes, you'll allow your skin to breathe, which will support its natural ability to detox. Defining religious practices and spirituality in a concrete way may be difficult. Ministry Thus, you may find yourself more open to possibilities, and saying yes to things you would have previously been closed off them. Spirituality is part of life that can help shape who you are and how you live. Then watch what happens to you! It allows your energy body to sense when you are near similar experiences later, guiding you towards more of them. Bite-size tips and latest health-related news from Circle by Prenetics. November 2013 God's Word reveals that everybody is not going to heaven. It exalts Christ and values God and cherishes the Word of God and sees people and things with a relentless God-consciousness. He is author of. Share your testimonies so you can truly know . It creates a "reason for being" in this life and a meaning beyond the physical horizon. Spirituality is also linked to faith, and faith gives you peace of mind about a lot of things. If youre trying to stay positive but still feel down and out, you could even have a nutritional deficiency that impacts your mental health. Excellent. Greater peace and calmness. Photo rainbow ahead of railed pathway in a dryland ecosystem by Frans Van Heerden from Pexels. In doing so, many spiritual people find direction and are able to experience great leaps in the improvement of their self-esteem. I long to be spiritually minded all the time. Moreover, feeling hopeless and sad could be an indicator of bigger health chronic fatigue or mental health problems such as Seasonal Affective Disorder. The way people feel, behave and respond , Agitation is usuallyassociated with aggravation, annoyance and restlessness. Both have been linked to dangerous consequences on our bodies and mind. 2. It should also be mentioned that the spiritual benefits of meditation are not mutually exclusive; in many cases, the benefits are intertwined and one benefit arises from - or is a byproduct of - another. 1. It allows you to focus on the now, and what you can do at present. Everybody is not going to Heaven. Lightworker // Terminology // What Is A Lightworker? Open-mindedness helps you: Gain insight. Successfully Added To Our Mailing List, Check Your Mail (Spam Also) For New Articles Every Sunday & Wednesday, Laughter and humor have subsisted in every society as a means of human well-being. You invest more in your health Paul said in Romans 8:6, To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. The phrase set the mind on the Spirit translates a noun phrase, phronma tou pneumatosmindset of the Spirit. There is no good one-word English equivalent for phronma. 1. Many patients with cancer rely on religious or spiritual beliefs and practices to help them fight their disease. It may or may not have an affiliation with a religious group or institution. 4. But, our greatest learning comes on the spiritual plane. A few posts for identifying your gifts are: 48+ Articles To Begin Connecting With (And Understanding) The Spirit World, 29 Articles For Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts, The Intuitive Senses: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance And Clairsentience. Spirituality. While you may exist as an individual, it is always important to remember that no man is an island and that sometimes, the need for human company is essential. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The attitude that believers have towards the things of this world is a good indicator of whether they are spiritually minded or not. . Needless to say, the devil will do his best to stop you thinking. At this point, you've probably already meditated and connected with your guides about it. This article was triggered by the drift of my mind on Sunday afternoon toward the Apple Computer video ads. That is, if you feel better after praying, then that is all that will happen. Parting Ways Give your chakra system an idea and indicator of what total delight at the moment feels like. April 2014 Second, focusing on Heaven prepares us for the certainty of judgment. Whatever path you chose to align, these are just a few of the signs you are on one. Our hands, as well as, our feet can be symbolic of how much we put into wellness. After Covid-19, What Next? This allows you to stop pushing against and start moving with life. IM HAPPY TO SHARE THIS TO U GUYS ITS BETTER TO START READING A BIBLE ONCE A DAY TO BE SPIRITUALY UP LIFTED SO THAT U WILL KNOW HOW HE OPARATE. Better to be real and sad than happy and fake. Allow your body and spirit space to join you in the now. Meaning, you can sense when something is a good idea, even before it manifests in the physical. This can be attributed to the fact that for some individuals, spiritual practices help in keeping them calm. As you align your spiritual body with your physical body, your heart chakra, and inner wisdom is more alive within you. Some people find physical activities, such as taking a walk in a beautiful park or participating in a yoga or meditation class, to be a spiritual experience. When you have a sense of spirituality in your business, you can: Make better decisions Solve problems more easily Build authentic relationships Be more productive and prosperous Be more creative Experience less stress Peace of mind is a great benefit of spiritual wellness. Deepen social connections. Below, I go over fourteen of the most common benefits to connecting to your intuition and your soul wisdom and allowing yourself to be guided by these sources of wise counsel. June 2010 Cultivating your spirituality may help discover what is most meaningful in your life. You will know how to deal with humans and animals. This post discusses that and more of the benefits of living a soul guided life. Having the "mind of Christ" beings meaning and power to our lives by taking action instead of falling for the trap; "people are more interested in improving their circumstance rather than themselves". Understand human nature. As your spiritual path is revealed, you can choose to follow it more, this creates a greater sense of alignment. But was I doing that? And your five tips for studying and imbibing the Spirit are so fine too. March 2013 Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded Paperback - May 6, 2018 by John Owen (Author) 34 ratings Kindle $0.99 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $27.95 1 Used from $30.33 4 New from $27.95 Paperback $6.99 1 New from $6.99 Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded is a Christian classic. Jesus said, "the words I speak to you are spirit and life" ( John 6:63 ). Exercising allows you to challenge yourself and expand your comfort zone by accomplishing new milestones you set for yourself. We might expect Jesus to appoint world-class executives or entertainers to lead his church. Does he know his holy Book, much of it by heart? Spiritual people have more trust in what positive things the universe has in store for them. When moving into alignment, you tend to gravitate towards those who are going the same direction. The need to find and reach out to some sort of guidance for navigating life is instinctive. Don't let YOU get in the way of you and heaven. You're buying less of what you don't need because you know belongings don't bring happiness. Audio The popular song "Everybody Is Going To Heaven" could not be more wrong. The impact of spirituality and religiosity stretch further on making oneself aware of his surroundings and make him more responsible towards it. While you are hungry, your concentration raises a lot. However, your thoughts and actions can block this flow of healing and further create an imbalance. And religious or spiritual practices fulfil this purpose in every way. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We don't have to wonder what the apostle Paul means when he uses the descriptive phrase "spiritually minded.". Spirituality is all about being connected to ourselves. According to renowned motivational speaker and life coach Tony Gaskins, Arguing isnt communication its noise. Whether its with our partner, our mother, Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, which is why protecting your heart health is so important. Keeping this in mind, the benefits listed below should be taken as being 'spiritual' in the broadest possible sense. Your relationships with those who are willing become deeper and more meaningful. Your health and wellness hub created for like-minded individuals. After all, its not what you say that creates an impact, but it is what you do that matters. Then, when pinnacle life moments happen, you will feel them more, causing the heart chakra to spin in delight, activating the other chakras. Thus, spiritual wellness supports healthy mental and physical well-being. 5. He came to be crucified, that he might hang the sins and sufferings of those he loves with him there. Thus, your intuitive gifts are available, more of the time, allowing you to use them and, in turn, strengthen them. When you spiritually align, you connect to your soul purpose, and generally, on some level, you step into the mystery. It causes a great deal on our self-image and confidence. The meaning of SPIRITUALLY-MINDED is having the mind set on spiritual things : filled with holy desires and purposes : spiritual. You encounter a slope, you swing the next direction and move on. Stay connected to God and the things of God and don't be moved for nobody or anything it's not worth missing heaven. It may not have a sanctioned label or a definite word to describe how you feel within the space of your heart. In turn, doing so can deter bad thoughts from being manifested into physical illness. They are also likely to find meaning and value in their own lives. The question will not be, Is he quick-witted and fast-talking and clever? The question will be: Does he pray a lot? The inclination of the mind in its affections towards them; and, 3. How To Pray For America Imitators of God. When you believe that you deserve all these great things, you do not sabotage your chance at happiness and open even more doors for opportunities. Business So you tend to meet more of your soulmates and kindred Spirits along the way. Evangelism Thanks for the valuable information and for your obedience to the prompting t, What Is The Mind of Christ? 7. (Romans 8:6, N.K.J.V.) April 2012 Hence, families that practice spirituality are said to experience and foster stronger family ties. I just completed my high school education and am at home. You understand the need for every part of nature and are more vigilant towards its preservation. For many, spirituality has no religious connotations at all, and its more about reaping the benefits of being spiritually minded. Or was I drifting into the very fascination and desire that makes God feel remote and the Bible unattractive and heaven irrelevant and hell inconceivable? Almost all of us experience the consequences of unresolved trauma. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and misery, you could use the hardships as fuel to keep moving forward. 2. Updated 2020.04.05 with new links and resources. Usage of spiritual tools lets you gain access to positive thinking. You know the value and importance of being true to yourself. Because you know that's what matters, and while money can buy happiness through greater physical comforts, some of the excellent feeling stuff in life is often free. The man himself explains it. You will understand life is like a water flow where you need to go downstream instead of upstream. Studies have shown that individuals with healthy relationships with their friends and peers, who are members and involved in communities, live better and more fulfilling lives. God snatched me. That's really cool. Engaging in spiritual thinking gives increased understanding of God's ways and ensures discernment when facing hard situations. Slowing even temporarily allows all parts of you to catch up to the current. I did this last week and it had, as always, a sobering effect and blew away much worldliness from my mind. They look different for all of us, and there is no one right way to do it. One part of the Christian armour is the helmet, which illustrates divine protection for our minds. Print length 206 pages Language English Publication date Read on below for more tips on how to get and stay there. I long to be spiritually minded all the time. Mary Kay, a self-made entrepreneur, once said that a clear sign that you take care of yourself is manicured hands. 1. Focusing on a higher power can be challenging if you are addicted to alcohol or drugs. Being part of a spiritual community or having close community ties can help boost self-confidence and mental outlook, which in turn can lead to taking better care of yourself. 1. The last benefit of staying mentally active is resilience - it helps us to respond better to stress, so your personal sustainability. Do we care about the details such as fingernails? December 2010 Living a life of spirituality not only allows you to be more in tune with yourself but also stimulates you to be more attuned with your surroundings, especially the people around you. Focusing on Heaven Reminds Us of. In other words, when in spiritual alignment, you are more able to see the bigger picture. Mindfulness With less flow going to non-returning directions, you naturally build and generate more of it, and hang out with others who are sending back energy, too. It Gives You A Sense Of Purpose There are so many ways to make yourself useful and get your exercise done at the same time. Dr.Purushothaman [LivingInWellbeig], (Visionary & Director, Centre for Human Perfection, a Centre par Excellence for Mind Programming & Applied Life Themes), M.B.B.S; D.T.M&H; MS; PhD (Psycho) is currently working as a General Surgeon, Spiritual Scientist, Positive Psychologist, Life & Happiness Coach, Positive Health & Wellbeing Trainer, Mentor, Motivator, Master Mind Programmer,A Writer & Consultant to various National & International Organizations.
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