Trump planned to join the crowd at the Capitol and became irate when the Secret Service refused his request. The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of Committee events is governed by the rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. "[9][10], The third hearing on June 16, 2022, examined how Trump and others pressured Vice President Mike Pence to selectively discount electoral votes and overturn the election by unconstitutional means, using John Eastman's fringe legal theories as justification. "[286], The United States House Select Committee contracted James Goldston, former president of ABC News, as an advisor to help produce the public hearings and present the findings with a polished televised format. At Trump's request, acting defense secretary Christopher Miller contacted an attach in Rome about the debunked QAnon theory which alleged an Italian defense contractor uploaded malware to a satellite in order to hack the election results and remotely switch votes from Trump to Biden. Here are the latest developments", "Jan. 6 Hearing: Barr Says Trump Was 'Detached From Reality', "Trump releases 12-page response to Jan. 6 hearing", "Jan. 6 Panel: Trump Raised Millions Off His Election Lies", "Donations under $8K to Trump 'election defense' instead go to president, RNC", "Kimberly Guilfoyle was paid $60,000 speaking fee for Ellipse rally intro, Jan. 6 committee member says", "Kimberly Guilfoyle Was Paid $60,000 For Speech At Donald Trump's January 6th Rally, Committee Member Says", "A respected conservative judge is now a critic of his party and former clerks", "Jan. 6 Committee Lays Out Election Theft Scheme That Nearly Got Mike Pence Killed", "Exclusive: Retired Republican judge says January 6 was 'well-developed plan' by Trump to cling to power", "Who is Michael Luttig, who testifies Thursday before the Jan. 6 panel? . [261], In new disclosed videotaped testimony, Pat Cippollone described, among other things, an "unhinged" White House meeting which took place on December 18, 2020, between himself, Trump, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn and Patrick M. Byrne, who he named as members of an outside group pushing election conspiracy theories, and that they exhibited a "general disregard for backing what you actually say with facts. Although details differed, agents confirmed there was an angry confrontation, with one agent relating that Trump "tried to lunge over the seat for what reason, nobody had any idea," but no one asserted Trump assaulted Engel. [271] He said he finally decided to leave the group was when he heard members talking about how the Holocaust was not real. [235][236], According to Time, "Hutchinson's testimony garnered a reaction that no other had received to date. You know, I I'm trained to detain, you know, a couple of subjects and and handle you know, handle a crowd, but I I'm not combat trained. Cuffari was appointed by Trump. "[254][255], On the day after Hutchinson's testimony, the Washington Examiner, a conservative publication widely read by Trump supporters, published an editorial entitled "Trump proven unfit for power again." [124][125][126][127], The third televised hearing examined how Trump and others pressured Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results. The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has postponed a hearing scheduled for Wednesday due to Hurricane Ian . [14], The exclusive witness of the sixth hearing on June 28, 2022, wasCassidy Hutchinson, top aide to former White House Chief of StaffMark Meadows. Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: more from PBS NewsHour at to our YouTube channel: us:TikTok: NewsHour podcasts: First, Rep. Liz Cheney made the case that Trump should never hold office again, asking: "Can a president who is willing to make the choices Donald Trump made during the violence of Jan. 6 ever be trusted with any position of authority in our great nation again?" During his testimony, Kushner claimed that his primary "interest at that time" was to complete as many presidential pardons as possible. Follow NPR's live blog here. [181] They flatly rejected the request as "patently absurd. [277] It outlined efforts to pressure Vice President Pence to reject Electoral College votes from a handful of states that gave Joe Biden his election victory. Herschmann also warned against making negative references to Mike Pence. [263] A former Twitter employee who testified on anonymity also testified that Twitter, which Trump used to help organize the rally, relished in the knowledge that they were also the favorite and most used service of the former president and enjoyed having that sort of power within the social media ecosystem and that he was concerned about Trump's December 19, 2020, tweet which encouraged people to come to the "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. [265], In her closing statement, Liz Cheney stated that Donald Trump attempted to contact an unidentified witness who has yet to appear in the hearings, hinting at the possibility of witness tampering: "That person declined to answer or respond to President Trumps call, and instead alerted their lawyer to the call. 3) Aid to people during the pandemic did not overheat the . [307][308], The January 6 Committee's subpoena for testimony and related documents was formally issued to Trump on October 21, 2022. "[187] Trump then yelled: "Get Ken Cuccinelli on the phone" and proceeded to insist that it was his job, as the Homeland Security deputy secretary, to seize voting machines. [283] Never-before-seen footage of Trump's January 7, 2021 speech criticizing the January 6 attack was also released which revealed Trump's hesitance to make the speech as it was written. It represents Trump's last stand, most desperate chance to halt the transfer of power." According to Quested, they then walked around the Capitol while taking some pictures and observed a sole police officer at the barricades by the Peace Circle. ", "The Case for Prosecuting Donald Trump Just Got Much Stronger", "Washington Examiner: Hutchinson testimony shows Trump should not hold office 'ever again', "Raskin, Kinzinger detail plans for Jan. 6 hearings this week", "Ex-Oath Keepers spokesperson to appear as witness at Tuesday's Jan. 6 hearing", "Former Oath Keepers Spokesman Set to Testify at January 6 Hearing", "Pat Cipollone describes "unhinged" Dec. 18 White House meeting", "Trump's 'call to arms' in an 'unhinged' West Wing", "Ex-Twitter employee to Jan. 6 panel: Twitter relished being Trump's favorite social media platform", "Jan. 6 panel shows evidence of coordination between far-right groups and Trump allies", "How Trump Edited His Jan. 6 Rally Speech To Target Pence", "Jan. 6 committee hearing: Scalia called on Trump to concede", "Ivanka and Scalia's son urged Trump to give up on election but were ignored, according to video", "The January 6 investigators obtained a video of Roger Stone reciting the Proud Boys' 'Fraternity Creed,' the first step for initiation to the extremist group", "Liz Cheney: Committee informed DOJ that Trump attempted to contact a witness not yet seen in the hearings", "Jan. 6 probe: Trump sets rally after 'unhinged' WH meeting", "On the January 6th Investigation - 117th Congress (2021-2022) - 07/21/2022 (8:00 PM EDT)", "Jan 6 committee schedules next prime time hearing for 21 July - Hearing expected to outline 187 minutes between end of Trump's speech and first public response to the attack on Congress", "House January 6 committee will not hold hearing on Thursday", "Jan. 6 committee expected to hold next hearing July 21 in prime time - The committee's chairman, Bennie Thompson, said next week's hearing would be "the last one at this point," but declined to say whether there would be more down the line", "Jan. 6 Committee Is Considering a Prime-Time Hearing for Next Week", "Trump's Labor Secretary formally requested a Cabinet meeting on the heels of the Capitol attack", "DC police officer corroborates story that Trump got in 'heated argument' in vehicle on Jan. 6", "Trump National Security Aide Expected to Testify at Jan. 6 Hearing - Matthew Pottinger, who resigned on the day of the Capitol riot, is expected to be among those at the prime-time session on Thursday, along with Sarah Matthews, a former deputy press secretary", "First on CNN: Former Trump National Security Council official will testify at Thursday's January 6 hearing", "Jan. 6 Panel Presents Evidence of Trump's Refusal to Stop the Riot - The House panel painted a detailed picture of how, as officials rushed to respond to an attack on the United States government, the commander in chief chose for hours to do nothing", "Dramatic details you may have missed from Thursday's Jan. 6 hearing", "Jared Kushner thought Kevin McCarthy was "scared" in Jan. 6 call", "Fact Check: Did Trump Jr Reference The Godfather in Texts to Mark Meadows? Here are 4 takeaways from Tuesday's Jan. 6 hearing. [221][222][223] Hutchinson, who was present at the rally, testified that she heard Trump say "something to the effect of 'I don't F-ing care that they have weapons. "There must be stiff consequences for those responsible. I I couldn't believe my eyes. The missing text messages have now called into question not only whether the Secret Service took steps to actively obscure the investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, but also why Cuffari did not alert Congress about the missing text messages sooner. In one exchange, Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro wrote "We want to frame things so that Thomas could be the one to issue some sort of stay or other circuit justice opinion saying Georgia is in legitimate doubt", and posited that Justice Thomas would be their "only chance to get a favorable judicial opinion by Jan. 6, which might hold up the Georgia count in Congress". During her testimony, Freeman said "There is nowhere I feel safe. [53], On July 27, 2021, the committee held a hearing titled "The Law Enforcement Experience on January 6th [2021]". [327][328] Previously disclosed text messages between Hannity and White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany were presented during the hearing, which revealed a coordinated internal strategy and agreed-upon public messaging campaign with the Fox News host. Lofgren noted most election-related litigation had ended within weeks of the election, yet the requests for cash contributions continued. [11], J. Michael Luttig, a longtime Republican who had clerked for Antonin Scalia and Warren Burger before becoming a federal appeals court judge, testified in-person. Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards also testified live and in-person; she was seriously injured[81] on January 6 while defending the Capitol against initial attacks by Proud Boys and during the mob violence that followed.[82]. The hearing recapped former President Donald Trump's central role in efforts to subvert the. She said White House attorney Eric Herschmann "chimed in" with his input. Pak testified. The House Jan. 6 committee took the extraordinary and theatrical step of voting to subpoena former President Donald Trump on Thursday. [332] After his video testimony aired, Donald Trump Jr., who testified that he was among those tried to encourage his father to denounce the attack on the U.S. Capitol, was greatly mocked on social media for misinterpreting what The Godfathers line "go to the mattresses" meant;[333] Newsweek journalist Tom Norton even noted that "Such descriptions arguably paint Trump in the same brush strokes as a crime boss. And while Trump undoubtedly has been the focus of the Jan. 6 hearings, he remains a top figure in the Republican Party. Later that day, in a meeting at the White House with top Department of Justice officials, Trump openly considered a move to replace Rosen with Clark, saying "What do I have to lose?" ", "Trump Adviser Seemed To Know His 'Fake Elector' Plan Was Garbage", "10 Important Moments From The Third Jan. 6 House Committee Hearing", "Giuliani conceded on morning of Jan. 6 that Pence did not have authority to overturn election, lawyer says", "Jan. 6 Was More Harrowing Than Mike Pence Ever Imagined", "8 takeaways from the January 6 hearings day 3", "Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal", "Politico Playbook: What Judge Luttig told us about Jan. 6", "Trump a 'clear and present danger to US democracy', conservative judge warns", "Trump team orchestrated 'fake electors' to try to overturn election, Jan. 6 committee details", "Trump campaign knew 'fake electors' scheme was fraudulent, panel argues", "Jan. 6 Hearings Day 4: Panel Ties Trump to False Electors Plan", "Trump campaign documents give inside look at fake-elector plan", "Raffensperger: 'The numbers are the numbers. [6] Cheney said the hearings would present evidence showing that Trump used a seven-part plan, culminating in the January 6 attack on the Capitol. He also testified that Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs called him on the morning of January 6, asking him to overturn the Arizona results. [191], According to The New York Times it was Rep. Scott Perry who had first introduced Trump and Clark, because of Clark's "openness to conspiracy theories about election fraud" and willingness to do the president's bidding. Committee member Zoe Lofgren and the Select Committee's senior investigative counsel Amanda Wick described how Trump used false claims of election fraud by a "left-wing mob" to solicit donations for an "Official Election Defense Fund" beginning days after the election. [184] Donoghue testified that during a phone call with then president Trump on December 27, he was told to "Just say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen. Trump then asked "why don't you guys seize these machines?" [280] Robinson stated that he was told firsthand that Trump got into a "heated discussion" about wanting to go to the U.S. Committee hearings and meetings are often available to watch LIVE via webcast, below: **Please note that live webcasts are only available when Committee hearings are in progress.**. [278] This hearing shared information revealed by Pat Cipollone during testimony. Trump was subpoenaed by the committee last week to produce documents and appear for testimony next month. "[175], Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum acknowledged on June 21 after the fourth hearing: "The lack of [election fraud] evidence is the huge stunning clear moment here, where these [Republican] people are saying, 'Look, I supported you, please give me something to work with,' and it simply doesn't materialize. The House Select Committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021 voted unanimously to subpoena former President Donald Trump at the conclusion of its Thursday hearing. Richard Donoghue explained that experts at DHS had already investigated and that there was "nothing wrong with the voting machines and no factual basis to seize machines. The public hearings held by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot will have testimony and video footage surrounding last year's attack on the Capitol. Fox News was the first network to declare Biden as having won Arizona in the 2020 election; Stirewalt testified that as the vote count wrapped up, he saw Trump's statistical chances of winning shrink to essentially zero. The Guardian wrote that "Taken together, the new revelations appear to show that the chief watchdog for the Secret Service and the DHS took deliberate steps to stop the retrieval of texts it knew were missing, and then sought to hide the fact that it had decided not to pursue that evidence. Insiders have said former president Trump was not necessarily pleased with this strategy and felt there was "no one to defend" him. He said that participating in Trump's lie would have been "foreign to my very being." At one point, Trump told them that voting machines had been hacked and the election stolen. It takes a little while, but let the truth come out. [24][25] Stone was also shown endorsing "the right to violence. [31] After suggesting the Proud Boys were doing reconnaissance to spot security weaknesses, Chairman Thompson observed that the Proud Boys chose that barricade and breached it at about the same time President Trump directed the rally attendees to march to that same location. Some of this video deposition was shown at the hearing. [279] While he regarded Trump's actions to be "harmful," Scalia told the committee that he opted not to resign because he "thought that trying to work within the administration to steady the ship was likely to have greater value than resigning. Follow the New York Post's live updates of Day 6 of the January 6 committee hearings, after the House select committee scheduled the last-minute hearing to "present recently obtained. [201][202][203] Meadows had provided a large amount of documentation to the committee but then stopped cooperating,[204][205] sued the committee,[206] and was held in criminal contempt of Congress in December 2021. I would have never spoken those words ever in my life, except that that's what the former president and his allies are telling us [that they] are executing that blueprint for 2024 in the open, in plain view of the American public. [280], Sarah Matthews, deputy press secretary in the Trump White House, and Matthew Pottinger,[281] who served on the National Security Council, testified in person. He disputed the veracity of many of her statements and called her a "liar" and "total phony. Garland has vowed to pursue charges for anyone criminally responsible for Jan. 6 and the department's made more than 880 arrests so far in connection with its investigation, but hasn't made any public indications about Trump's fate. [232], In closing remarks, Cheney expressed concern that some witnesses may have been given messages intended to influence their testimony. Key takeaways from the fourth Jan. 6 hearing", "As he oversees Jan. 6 panel, U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger says Trump's 'total disregard for the Constitution and his oath will be fully exposed', "Mark Meadows' associate threatened ex-White House aide before her testimony", "NEXT HEARING: Tuesday, July 12th at 10:00am ET", "January 6 committee members preview Tuesday's hearing on role of extremist groups in Capitol riot", "Jan. 6 panel to hold rescheduled hearing next Thursday", "Jan. 6 Panel Reschedules Final Hearing as Key Questions Remain Unresolved - The committee, whose work has mostly faded from view since it wrapped up a summertime series of hearings in July, is toiling to conclude its investigation and recapture public attention", "Jan. 6 Panel Votes to Subpoena Trump as It Wraps Up Its Case - "He must be accountable," the committee's chairman said as it presented a sweeping summation of its findings. Please check the schedule on the Committee homepage or the Committee Calendar on to verify time and location for the next Commitee hearing or event. [292] Although the committee had already interviewed Ginni Thomas, it didn't feature any of her testimony in this public hearing. Chesebro wrote that Justice Thomas would be the key figure necessary, if the plan were to succeed, because he would be the justice assigned to dealing with any emergency legal matters sent to the southeastern region's Eleventh Circuit court. The House Jan. 6 committee held its ninth public hearing today after a nearly three-month hiatus. U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kelly, at the sentencing hearing for a U.S. Capitol riot defendant, warned of parallels between the Jan. 6 insurrection and the election preceding the U.S. Civil . [284] Former White House advisor, as well as Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner stated in videotaped testimony that House of Representatives leader Kevin McCarthy pleaded for White House intervention during a January 6 phone call and that he thought McCarthy was "scared. The committee showed evidence that President Donald J. Trump was directly involved in trying to put forward the alternate slates of Trump . The blockbuster Jan. 6 hearings from this past summer each focused on a particular topic as part of the overall effort to overturn the 2020 election results. [329][330][331][further explanation needed], NPR's David Folkenflik said coverage of the hearing would have required Fox News to "broadcast flat contradictions of what many leading Fox News personalities have told their audiences in the past year and a half. ", More video of Barr's testimony was presented. "[247] Two months after Hutchinson's testimony, Ornato, who was then serving as assistant director of the Secret Service, announced his retirement. National Security Council records, which identified Trump by his codename "Mogul," also backed Hutchinson's claim that security was loosened, and that orders were made to NSC and Secret Service for "clearing a route". Closing the hearing, Rep. Liz Cheney presented evidence that witness tampering may have occurred. Live blog: Day 9 ended with a Trump subpoena vote . The crucial oversight mission of the DHS OIG has been compromised. [84], It was always known that Pence gave the order. [4][318] Nielsen Media Research estimates that at least 20million households watched the first hearing on traditional television, comparable to the average rating for NBC Sunday Night Football, which ranks as television's number one program. Kinzinger's wife received a handwritten letter that threatened to execute her, her husband and their five-month-old baby. She said a witness, whom she did not name, told the committee they had received multiple such messages prior to giving testimony to the committee: "What they said to me is, as long as I continue to be a team player, they know that I'm on the team, I'm doing the right thing, I'm protecting who I need to protect, you know, I'll continue to stay in good graces in Trump world. "[31], Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, in videotaped testimony, said the White House encouraged him to claim that Trump had ordered the National Guard to respond on January 6, even though it was Pence who in fact gave the order. [309] Under the subpoena, the committee demanded that Trump hand over documents related to communications with Roger Stone, John Eastman, and others by November 4, and requested testimony by November 14. In the end, he found only 74 votes from people who had been ineligible to vote because of felony convictions and only 4 votes in the names of deceased people. As later scenes showed a violent rampage, audio was overlaid of Trump later saying, "The love in the air. [211], Hutchinson said that Rudy Giuliani told her on January 2 that Trump and his allies planned to go to the Capitol on January 6. MSNBC / Getty Images. Their lawyer alerted us. Former Elections Worker And Jan. 6 Witness Received Death Threats After Trump Campaign Conspiracy", "Panel Ties Trump to Fake Elector Plan, Mapping His Attack on Democracy", "Fox News Anchor Calls Out 'Stunning' Lack Of Evidence For Trump Election Fraud Claim", "Brian Kilmeade Becomes Latest Fox Host To Rip Trump Over Baseless Election Claims", "Lawmakers on Jan. 6 committee ramp up their security as threats increase", "Arizona GOP Censures Jan. 6 Committee Witness Rusty Bowers", "Arizona Republicans censure Cindy McCain, GOP governor", "Meadows Pressed Justice Dept. ", "Trump didn't act and didn't want to, plus 4 other takeaways from the Jan. 6 hearings", "Jan. 6 panel weighs new DOJ cooperation after Trump world subpoenas", "House Jan. 6 Panel Faces Key Decisions as It Wraps Up Work - The committee investigating what led to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol will hold its first hearing since July on Wednesday, entering the final stage of its inquiry", "House January 6 committee postpones public hearing because of hurricane", "The Jan. 6 committee votes unanimously to subpoena Trump", "Ginni Thomas' testimony noticeably absent from Jan. 6 committee hearing", "Roger Stone Responds to Jan. 6 Hearing as Video Shows Him Back 'Violence', "Cheney says Jan. 6 panel will hold more hearings in September", "Secret Service cannot recover texts; no new details for Jan. 6 committee", "Secret Service watchdog knew in February that texts had been purged", "Jan. 6 hearings highlights: Committee examines Trump's actions during riot", "The Secret Service texting scandal demands answers", "DHS Watchdog Failed to Sound Alarm For Months on Secret Service's Purged Jan. 6 Texts", "Trump-appointed Secret Service watchdog knew about deleted texts but didn't tell Congress: report", "Watchdog Informs Secret Service of Criminal Inquiry Into Missing Texts", "Top lawmakers renew call for DHS IG to step aside from investigation into missing texts, citing CNN reporting", "DHS watchdog decries 'onslaught of meritless criticism' amid Jan. 6 Secret Service texts flap", "House panels: DHS officials interfered in effort to get lost Secret Service texts", "First on CNN: Jan. 6 text messages wiped from phones of key Trump Pentagon officials", "Phones of top Pentagon officials were wiped of Jan. 6 messages - The DOD is the latest part of the federal government to have deleted official phone communications relevant to investigations into the events of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol", "Jan. 6 panel subpoenas Trump, demanding historic testimony", "Bennie G. Thompson and Liz Cheney to President Donald J. Trump", "Trump subpoena from Jan. 6 committee sets deadlines for testimony, documents", "Trump lawyers saw Justice Thomas as 'only chance' to stop 2020 election certification", "Clarence Thomas was 'key' to a plan to delay certification of 2020 election, Trump lawyers said in emails", "Four reasons the Jan. 6 hearings have conquered the news cycle", "Instead of fizzing out, the January 6 hearings are gaining momentum ahead of prime time testimony", "More Than 20 Million People Watched Jan. 6 Committee Primetime Hearing Live on TV", "Hayes: Fox News coverage of Jan. 6 hearing was new 'level of propaganda', "Newsmax Declares It'll Cover Jan. 6 HearingAfter Star Host Says It Won't", "At Least 20 Million Watched Jan. 6 Hearing", "Only one major cable news channel did not carry the Jan. 6 hearing live: Fox News", "There's still no evidence the FBI incited the Jan. 6 riot, despite claims otherwise", "New Evidence Undercuts Jan. 6 Instigator Conspiracy Theory", "Fox News didn't just ignore the Jan. 6 hearing. Quested testified that he joined the Proud Boys at the National Mall at 10:30a.m., saying "I don't know if violence was a plan, but I do know that they weren't there to attend the rally because they had already left the rally by the time the president had started his speech." "[272][273], The eighth televised hearing was held July 21, 2022 at 8 PM Eastern time,[274][275] after being postponed from the original date of July 14, 2022. French wrote that "Hutchinson's sworn testimony closes a gap in the criminal case Trump is closer to a credible prosecution than ever before. CNN also reported that the DHS Office of Legislative Affairs would make involved agents available to the committee for sworn testimony, at which time they would be prepared to say the incident did not occur.
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