Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. . Enter the Server URL for your in-house server using the format, PortNumber: is the port your server is listening for requests, ServerURL: is the fully qualified URL of your server, AllSilent, My License Server Description, Port_Number@Server_URL, InHouse, Acme Development Company , 99. The two companies provided . In the OPN, every included patent carried a non . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. . Instead, a customer can specify or re-specify a source to be used for distribution at any time, even after distributing a portion of the software licenses from a specified source. ADOBE INC., CALIFORNIA, Free format text: . locally within the customers private network) and to allocate another portion of the purchased multiple software licenses for distribution by a second licensing server source (e.g. Introducing PAX: the Android Networked Cross-License Agreement. a license tag holder comprising four l-shaped members all of which are troughshaped in cross section, two of the members beinggreater in cross sectional area than the other two and with the. Googles technical innovations and diverse-businesses initiatives have contributed to Googles portfolio of over 50,000 patent assets worldwide. AcrobatStandard-8.0-ALL-PS-LOC, 1098, PD94bWwgdm . . In other words, embodiments herein enable a respective network administrator to distribute licenses from first licensing server source and thereafter specify another source from which to distribute licenses. an interconnect coupling the processor and the memory unit, enabling the computer system to execute the application and perform operations of: prior to configuration of either the first licensing server source or the second licensing server source for distribution of the multiple software licenses, notifying the customer that the multiple software licenses can be allocated for distribution by multiple different types of licensing server sources. Alternatively, if the particular client operates a computer at home and does not have access to the server in the private local area network, then the particular home-based client can access a publicly accessible licensing server source to obtain a software license. Note: This file is to be used with the utility to download e-licenses to an in-house Adobe License Server deployed by the customer. . Do you need help with your invention idea?Do you have an invention idea and don't know what to do next?How do you license an idea? Note that each of the different features, techniques, configurations, etc. Type a description for your in-house Adobe License Server. High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), also known as H.265 and MPEG-H Part 2, is a video compression standard designed as part of the MPEG-H project as a successor to the widely used Advanced Video Coding (AVC, H.264, or MPEG-4 Part 10). 4 is a section on the line 44 of Fig. A computer-readable storage medium as in, 17. If your patent application has not been granted and is still in the application stage, please do not submit. The . The software or firmware or other such configurations can be installed onto a computerized device to cause the computerized device to perform the techniques explained herein. 4.) To accomplish this, Google launched a website where it outlines four types of royalty-free patent licensing agreements, based on recent legislative proposals and some current approaches, that. worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their In response to a notification to the customer such as displaying information on a web page informing the customer of different types of license distribution options, the licensing manager process receives input (from a customer viewing the web page) indicating to allocate one portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a first licensing server source (e.g., a licensing server managed by the vendor) and to allocate another portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a second licensing server source (e.g., a licensing server managed by the customer on a corporate intranet). A patent owner can license or transfer interest in a patent. Google Patent Opportunity Submission Google will consider licensing offers for granted patents. 3. Everything that Google undertakes, including research, is considered a commercial endeavor, so no code released under a license that restricts it to non-commercial uses may be used at . . The OPN Pledge is a promise by Google to developers, distributors and users of free or open source software that Google will not assert infringement of certain Google patents against them, unless first attacked. in the order. Techniques discussed herein deviate with respect to conventional applications such as those discussed above as well as additional techniques also known in the prior art. With an exclusive license, the patent owner transfers ownership to the licensee but keeps the title to the patented invention. 6, Jun. Upon receipt of the serial number by the installer program, the installer program may send the serial number over a network to a server managed by the vendor of the software program being downloaded. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this License) patent license for patents necessarily infringed by implementation (in whole or in part) of this specification. As an example, when downloading or attempting to execute the software program, a respective installer program for installing the software application on the user's computer system may require the user to input the correct serial number associated with the CD. 1932-10-08 Filing date 1932-10-08 Publication date 1933-03-28 1932-10-08 Application filed by SAFEWAY AUTO LICENSE SYSTEM IN filed Critical SAFEWAY AUTO LICENSE SYSTEM IN 1932-10-08 Priority to US636915A priority Critical patent . xNjwvU21nbmF0dXJ1Pg0KPC9BY3RpdmF0aW9uU3B1Y21maWNhdG1vb1J1Y29yZD4NCg==, AcrobatProfessional-8.0-ALL-PS-LOC, 97, PD94bwwgdmvyc21vbj0iMS . Licensor grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable license, under patent claims owned or controlled by the Licensor that are embodied in the Original Work as furnished by the Licensor, for the duration of the patents, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and import the Original Work and Derivative Works. Conventional systems do not thus provide an easy way to allocate and, if need be, re-allocate or adjust how many licenses for a software product are to be served locally or remotely. necessarily infringed by implementation (in whole or in part) of this specification. irrevocable (except as stated in this License) patent license for patents PATENT EXPIRED DUE TO NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEES UNDER 37 CFR 1.362. Learn More at LOT Networks website: lotnet.com. MPEG LA announced a call for patents essential to the VP8 video codec specification as outlined in Google's WebM release. A computer-implemented method in which at least one computer system executes instructions retrieved from computer storage, the computer-implemented method comprising: at the at least one computer system, receiving, from a customer, order information associated with an order for multiple software licenses; in response to receiving the order information, creating a pool of licenses including the multiple software licenses; providing a notification to the customer that the multiple software licenses can be designated for distribution by multiple licensing server sources; in response to the notification, receiving input from the customer indicating to designate a first portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a first licensing server source and to designate a second portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a second licensing server source; in response to receiving the input indicating to designate the first portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by the first licensing server source and to designate the second portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by the second licensing server, splitting the pool of licenses associated with the order into a first license pool including the first portion of the multiple software licenses and a second license pool including the second portion of the multiple software licenses; and, forwarding the first license pool including the first portion of the multiple software licenses over a network to the first licensing server source, the first licensing server source operated by the customer for distributing the first portion of the multiple licenses to clients in a private network that is managed by the customer purchasing the multiple software licenses; and. Download PDF Info . said slots running in a direction transverse of the casing and rendering the frame adjustable to the thickness of the license and translucent plates, In. A computer-readable storage medium as in, 19. Additionally, conventional methods do not allow a client to modify from which servers the licenses shall be distributed without significant intervention by the software vendor and corresponding network administrator of the customer managing the distribution. Launched in 2006, OIN is funded by Google, IBM, NEC, Philips, Red Hat, Sony, SUSE and Toyota. It allows the licensee to sell or make the product, technology, or design in the Patent. subsequent to enabling distribution of the multiple software licenses from the first licensing server source and the second licensing server source, via a browser operated by the customer purchasing the multiple software licenses, providing the customer of the multiple software licenses access to status information indicating which, if any, of the multiple software licenses are currently available for distribution to and use by members of an organization managed by the customer. The system described herein thus allows a single purchase of a set of licenses to be allocated between different vendor or customer licensing servers. Adobe Software ApplicationClient License Setup File for Customer-hosted Licenses (in-house). If you decide to license your patent, the attorney can draft your licensing agreement and negotiate the terms of it for you. It creates semiconductors, software, and services related to wireless technology. D1GNz1DRTFCNTdGRDMxODY5NDgxNTMwNEUwMEY8L1NpZ25hdHVyZT4NCjwvQWN0aXZhdG1vb1NwZWNpZm 1jYXRpb25 SZWNvcmQ+DQo=, PD94bwwgdmVyc21vbj0iMS4wIiB1bmNv . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. a software process operating on a server provided by the software vendor) can provide a notification (e.g., one or more e-mail messages, website portal access, voicemail message, etc.) Security arrangements for protecting computers, components thereof, programs or data against unauthorised activity, Protecting distributed programs or content, e.g. 5.) a license server operated by the vendor of the software that is available to that customer on a public network such as the Internet). How do you patent an inven. R 16583 Aprll 5, 192 7. However, such techniques are limiting, for example, because certain organizations (e.g., defense contractors, financial institutions, etc.) For example, certain specific embodiments herein are directed to overcoming deficiencies associated with the above-mentioned techniques and/or other deficiencies in the prior art. . Non-AOM members can participate in the ecosystem by contributing code; and can benefit from AOM members patents so long as they adhere to a defensive termination provision included in the AOM patent license. If not, you should host the license pool in-house. In the spirit of fostering such innovation, we continually strive to embrace new models for using and sharing intellectual property across a variety of technology areas. The foregoing and other objects, features, and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following more particular description of preferred embodiments herein, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters refer to the same parts throughout the different views. Rather, any limitations to the invention are presented in the following claims. "Non-Commercial" licenses not allowed. This file specify customer preferences, license and product configuration information. No. If yes, you could have mixed hosting for your pool, some in-house (for stationary users) and some at the vendor's publicly accessible website (for remote or mobile users). . In response to the notification, the licensing manager server receives customer input indicating to allocate one portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a first licensing server source and to allocate another portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a second licensing server source. . Single interface replacement for EFS-Web, Private PAIR and Public PAIR. or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the implementation of the Please edit the fields that are in the Customer Editable Section only. LICENSE INDICATOR Original Filed April 20- 1920 Reissued Apr. The system further allows re-allocation or re-assignment of licenses within the purchased set between local or remote license servers without requiring the customer to return one group of licenses for credit and to then have to buy more of another type. US7715564B2 - License information conversion apparatus - Google Patents License information conversion apparatus Abstract Each of at least two terminal apparatuses uses content data in. to that respective customer (e.g., to an Information Technology (IT) manager in the company who is logged into that portal) that the purchased multiple software licenses can be selectively allocated for distribution by multiple different licensing server sources (e.g. . If you would like to offer a license to Google for a granted patent, click here. Google encourages other companies to take the OPN Pledge. Accordingly, one particular embodiment of the present application is directed to a computer program product that includes a computer readable medium having instructions stored thereon for supporting operations such as distribution of software licenses. One way to overcome the problem of distributing software licenses is to have a network administrator personally visit each client site and install a corresponding software application as well as provide the appropriate authentication code (as provided by the vendor granting the licenses) to enable the client computers to use the software application. A computer-readable storage medium as in, 16. . As I say in the blog, OPPO can easily resolve this matter by renewing their license on fair terms, just as their competitors have. Beyond acquiring, divesting, and licensing patents, Google is deeply involved in novel patent programs, including our release of open source software (like Android and TensorFlow), our participation in community licenses (including Open Invention Networks and LOT Networks), and other initiatives like the Open Patent Non-Assert Pledge and the VP8 License. Based on further input from the customer, the licensing manager can receive one or more commands from the customer (e.g., a network administrator) to i) allocate a first portion of the multiple software licenses for distribution by a local server in a private network managed by the customer, and ii) allocate a second portion of multiple software licenses for distribution by a publicly accessible server. via a web portal, forwarding license distribution software to a customer associated with the order, the license distribution software enabling distribution of software licenses from the first licensing server source when installed on the first licensing server source. What is Patent Licensing? . . To get more information on these initiatives as well as information on how to submit a patent opportunity to Google, please explore on the links below. In the world of intellectual property, patent peace often coincides with innovation and healthy competition that benefit consumers. . A licensing manager server enables distribution of multiple software licenses from multiple separately located and/or different types of licensing server sources. Google believes that certain of its patents may be better utilized by others. Sign up for the Google Developers newsletter. Additionally, the customer is able to reconfigure how the licenses are to be distributed (locally or remotely) without requiring return and repurchase of licenses for one or the other licensing server source. Verbose: the user sees the Download e-License dialog. In Latin, the word pax means "peace.". In other words, the customer only need purchase some number of licenses for software which that customer can then later decide, using the system described herein, how to allocate and if desired, re-allocate between being served from the vendor licensing server or the customer's own licensing server. H o. WIEMANN. Check application status. PATENTED CASE, Owner name: This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. For more info, see the documentation at https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-user-experience-report/ "Google Patents Public Data" by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services and Google is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. . Immediately behind the frame 9 is positioned a sheet metal unitary plate 13 painted a dark color and stenciled with the license number; and next behind the plate 9 is a plate 14 of glass. . 5, No. Business Insider reports Microsoft was close to settling its patent dispute with Motorola, and signing a cross-licensing deal like . Does Google license patent? If you do not have a patent but only a business idea, please do not make a submission as we will not consider non-patented ideas. Such a CD-ROM can include an associated serial number. Do you actively use any of the following services or applications managed or supplied by a 3rd party (as a hosted service): E-mail, FTP (e.g., File Transfer Protocol), Web Server, CRM (e.g., salesforce.com), and mail filters (postini), etc.? Since all these are FRAND patents, Microsoft asked court to determine reasonable price for these patent licensing. Provided are certain methods of screening, identifying, and evaluating neuroprotective compounds useful for treatment of neurological diseases, such as, e.g., multiple sclerosis (MS). File a patent application online with EFS-web. While the new group-which will likely include Dolby, GE, Mitsubishi Electric, Philips, and Technicolor-did not announce licensing terms, past precedent indicates that the royalties won't likely be onerous for most encoding and decoding vendors, though how it will affect content . The compounds described upregulate the cellular cytoprotective pathway regulated by Nrf2. Assignors: COLOSSO, JUAN-CARLOS, NADELL, KATHERINE K. CHANGE OF NAME (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). The serial number provided by the vendor enables downloading and/or installation of the software application stored on the CD-ROM. modifying the status information in response to reassignment of the at least one software license for distribution by the second licensing server source. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License . 1. . It owns patents critical to the 5G, 4G, CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA and WCDMA mobile communications standards.. Qualcomm was established in 1985 by Irwin M. Jacobs and six other . Example embodiments of the invention may be implemented within products and/or software applications such as those manufactured by Adobe Systems, Inc. of San Jose, Calif., USA. Embodiments herein enable a respective network administrator to easily change from which servers to distribute respective software licenses and do not require the purchaser to specify a method of distribution at purchase time. Patent Center. . Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Figure 1 is an elevation of the indicator, as viewed from the rear of the vehicle; Fig. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. 557,009. the glass plate 14 which is disclosed thereat is colored red. This option shall be completed in preparation for the deployment of the Adobe application to the end-users' machines. In the present example, assume that the user, In the example embodiment shown, via communication, For example, retrieval and subsequent execution of utility, According to one configuration, via graphical user interface, An example of a license server setup file (e.g., a setup file) for charging or transferring license pool B to repository, , - . . ); ENTITY STATUS OF PATENT OWNER: LARGE ENTITY, Free format text: via the web portal, forwarding a charge utility tool that facilitates a transfer of the first license pool from a license managing server to the first licensing server source that executes the license distribution software to distribute the first portion of the multiple software licenses. As a specific example, assume that a licensing manager/distributor/software vendor receives order information associated with an order for multiple software licenses from a customer. The licensing server provides a second capability response to a device, and the second capability response is in response to a . USRE16583E - License indicator - Google Patents License indicator . The application displays a message in case of errors and allows the user to initiate a grace period. When a patent is licensed, an agreement is made between the patent owner (or the licensor) and the person or company that wants to use and benefit from the patent (the licensee). You may feel free to submit patent sale opportunities to AST. Does your organization have IT resources to install and manage the vendor's License Server Tools in-house? TMwQjdCNzc wRTRFND1CODQ3RTVCOTIwNkI3NkQ2N0Q2NDE8L1NpZ25hdHVyZT4NCjwvQW N0aXZhdG1vb1NwZWNpZm1jYXRpb25SZWNvcmQ+DQo=, Acrobat3D-8.0-ALL-PS-LOC, (appropriate signature here) , It should be noted that, in addition to the license distribution manager process, In addition to these embodiments, it should also be noted that other embodiments herein include the execution of the license distribution manager application, Functionality supported by computer system, Note that there will be some overlap with respect to concepts discussed above for, i) installation of license distribution software (e.g., license distribution manager, iii) a licensing server console tool (e.g., utility.
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