It will be devoted to building a modernized and higher-standard open economy in the next five years. Multiple China-linked disinformation campaigns were documented in the United States, and in Taiwan there was an almost constant barrage. The Chinese government, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, is accelerating a massive campaign to influence media outlets and news consumers around the world. The intruders, who were believed to be tied to Chinese intelligence services, sought to access reporters emails and Google Docs, including drafts of articles.3 This dynamic of greatly increased CCP investment offering comparatively modest returnsand even triggering a more active democratic responseis one of the key findings that emerged from the study. One journalist said, I was told at the time to be less harsh on reporting [about China] because there is a danger they will pull advertising. Multiple investigations and research studies in recent years have also revealed disinformation campaigns linked to China. a Malaysian news outlet mapped the introduction of false information about Hong Kong protesters into the local Chinese-language media ecosystem,2 The European Parliament resolution adopted last month voiced concern over human rights violations in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuel projects. 2:47pm. The effort by Chinese state news outlets and other CCP-linked entities to disseminate their content in foreign media is massive in its scale. Democracies are far from helpless in the face of the CCPs influence efforts. Protests begin to diminish in scale in early 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic; The Hong Kong government declares that most street demonstrations have ceased since the Hong Kong national security law came into effect in mid-2020; Location In Australia, the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme has been credited with shedding light on foreign entities activities in the country, but it has also been criticized for lacking reporting requirements on foreign-backed expenditures and contributing to an atmosphere of suspicion affecting Chinese Australians.6. Moreover, despite the aggressiveness of Beijings campaign and the cash-strapped state of traditional media in most countries, a growing number of outlets have discontinued previous content-sharing, advertorial, coproduction, and programming agreements with Chinese state media since 2019. This pattern is likely to continue, reinforcing the need for ongoing efforts by governments, technology firms, and independent researchers to enhance transparency and rapidly detect inauthentic activity. Third, CCP-backed content providers have made considerable progress in placing material in local broadcast media. Destination Flavour China Bitesize. Foreign direct investment (FDI) into China has expanded from $111.7 billion in 2012 to $173.5 billion in 2021. Faced with implicit or explicit threats of lost advertising, reduced access to China or Chinese diplomats, harm to relatives residing in China, or damage to bilateral relations, journalists and commentators in 18 countries in this study reportedly engaged in self-censorship or more cautious reporting on topics that are likely to anger the Chinese government. China-made TBMs have been exported to over 30 countries and regions, with the value of newly signed contracts increasing 58 percent year-on-year in the first six months.. China's production and sales of new energy vehicles (NEV) have In Nigeria, one journalist who had traveled at the Chinese governments expense subsequently started the Africa China Press Centre, which takes a pro-Beijing line and signed a content-sharing agreement with Xinhua in 2019.1 This was in light of the recent global market correction. Aus S9 Ep6 Todd McKenney (PG) 105. One of the few exceptions was in Mexico, where free content from the CCP mouthpiece Peoples Daily that was republished online by the mainstream outlet Reforma was considered by several experts to be one of the leading sources of news on China in the country.3. Protests begin to diminish in scale in early 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic; The Hong Kong government declares that most street demonstrations have ceased since the Hong Kong national security law came into effect in mid-2020; Location One of the most common vulnerabilities identified by the analysts and interviewees consulted for this study is a low level of independent expertise on China in local media, especially regarding domestic Chinese politics and CCP foreign influence. China will be investing in the Republic of Congos Special Economic Zone. Drawing on media investigations, interviews, scholarly publications, Chinese government sources, and on-the-ground research by local analysts, it covers developments in 30 countries during the period from January 2019 to December 2021. In some settings, such as Argentina and Italy, new partnerships coincided with the country joining Beijings Belt and Road Initiative. This came from upper management.3, Corporate self-censorship in the media sector was not limited to news pages, but also affected sports, fashion, and advertising content in the countries under study during the coverage period. Ugandas energy minister on Tuesday slammed the European Parliament for seeking to delay a massive and controversial East African oil project over human rights violations and environmental concerns. Paid content from Beijing-backed sources can reach potentially massive audiences, taking advantage of the circulation of newspapers and wire services that are read by millions of people. Many of these common themes are augmented with customized details intended to resonate with local audiences, and they are delivered in a wide range of languages. Nearly four years after the first campaign was detected, China-linked disinformation campaigns are clearly a recurring, persistent tactic, though their impact to date should not be overstated. Owned by Warner Bros. Chinese officials refer to such techniques as borrowing the boat to reach the sea (). In Chile, opinion leaders explained that they preferred not to address sensitive topics or criticize China because they fear it might impact their opportunities in the country or cause them trouble when they try to do business there.1 The CCPs own actions often undermine the narratives it seeks to promote. Such articles, while clearly labeled as coming from Chinese government representatives, allow them to speak to local audiences without the mediation of a critical journalist or interviewer. While some political leaders in 23 countriesincluding presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers, and members of parliamentechoed CCP talking points in their own comments to local media, other elected representatives in more than half of the countries in this study publicly expressed concern over the covert, coercive, or corrupting aspects of CCP influence campaigns, including in the political, media, and information sectors. and smears aimed at US-based critics of the CCP.2 For example, a Kiswahili Facebook page in Kenya with 35,000 followers obscures its ties to CRI and posts videos of people from East Africa making positive remarks about Chinese engagement in the region.6, In the United States, Chinese officials attempted to pay or otherwise cooperate with existing influencers who would post videos echoing pro-Beijing talking points to their usual followers.7 CNBC also was added to Dialog TV in Sri Lanka. The private sector in democracies also plays an important role. Following on from the success of Worldwide Exchange, another joint production, Capital Connection was launched. Nigeria and China signed a deal to build an oil refinery in Edo State at a cost of R30.1 billion. Squawk Box has had reports from Jeffrey James (a former Business Presenter with Deutsche Welle DW-TV) who was also the original anchor of Squawk Australia. It has also developed two international standards for high-speed railway infrastructure design and power supply, which has been published by the International Union of Railways. Scholar: Africa is not a pawn. Audience data for the Beijing-backed programs was difficult to obtain, but the mere fact that they are aired on otherwise popular stations increases the likelihood of viewership compared with what Chinese state media might achieve on their own. China-made TBMs have been exported to over 30 countries and regions, with the value of newly signed contracts increasing 58 percent year-on-year in the first six months. The Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) (Korean: ; Hanja: ; RR: Han-guk Bangsong Gongsa; MR: Han'guk Pangsong Kongsa) is the national broadcaster of South Korea.Founded in 1927, it is one of the leading South Korean television and radio broadcasters. Given the potency and popularity of television and radio in many countries, as well as the paucity of content labeling in those formats, the potential reach and impact of such content placements are arguably greater than with print publications. Se i soggetti o gli autori avessero qualcosa in contrario alla pubblicazione, lo possono segnalare alla redazione che provveder prontamente alla rimozione delle immagini utilizzate. In many countries, Chinese state propaganda includes a standard package of messages showcasing Chinas economic and technological prowess, celebrating key anniversaries or the benefits of close bilateral relations, and highlighting attractive elements of Chinese culture. In addition to these examples from countries where tensions with China have intensified since 2019, journalists or commentators in France, Italy, Spain, and the Philippines also encountered online verbal abuse from pro-CCP trolls. CNBC Asia is a pay television business channel. In 27 countries, even outlets that continued publishing Chinese state content also published more critical or unfavorable news about the Chinese governments policies at home or in the country in question, providing their readers with relatively balanced and diverse coverage overall. 105. The possible future impact of these developments should not be underestimated. 24 April 2007. The regimes investment has already achieved some results, establishing new routes through which Chinese state media content can reach vast audiences, incentivizing self-censorship on topics disfavored by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and co-opting government officials and media owners in some countries to assist in spreading propaganda narratives or suppressing critical coverage. New and more sinister tactics have been added to the long-standing practices of heavy surveillance and restricted travel to sensitive locations like Xinjiang, Tibet, and protest sitesall of which have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. In seven countries, meanwhile, news outlets or journalists suffered from cyberattacks that could be reasonably linked to China.1 In Malaysia, the Home Ministry in late 2019 denied a publishing permit to a Chinese-language newspaper that was critical of the CCP, citing the need to protect bilateral ties.5, Chinese embassies are not the only Beijing-linked actors engaged in intimidation and censorship efforts. In 21 of the 30 countries, local outlets specifically covered CCP political and media influence. Expanding the presence of Chinese state media and diplomatic accounts on global social media platforms has been a highly visible priority of Beijings foreign propaganda investment over the past five years, even as the same platforms remain blocked in China. By contrast, diplomatic accounts in Kenya, Panama, and India were more subdued and genuinely engaged with local users. Its programmes originate from Singapore, Hong Kong and Sydney. Foreign investors have grasped new opportunities from Chinas industrial and consumption upgrade, with FDI inflow into the service industry and high-tech industries up 8.7 percent and 33.6 percent respectively in the first eight months this year. Uganda minister slams European Union criticism of mega oil project month voiced concern over human rights violations in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuel projects. Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images But it can also take the form of regularly scheduled programming, such as a weekday news slot on Kenyas national broadcaster, the daily segment Mundo China on the Brazilian station BandNews, and almost-daily morning broadcasts on Metro TV, one of Indonesias largest stations.3 Discovery Sports, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Foreign correspondents have been subjected to mass expulsions or visa rejections based on nationality, attempted interrogations in connection with national security charges, and questionable lawsuits by sources who had explicitly agreed to be interviewed.1 The CCP regimes efforts to use threats, bullying, and economic leverage to suppress disfavored reporting extend far beyond Chinas borders. The campaigns tended to target women of East Asian, including ethnic Chinese, descent, and they were often catalyzed by Chinese state media reports or other official comments that called out the affected individuals by name. Many participants reported perceiving an implicit or explicit expectation that they would subsequently publish articles favorable to the Chinese government. Chinas space dream: A Long March to the Moon and beyond Savage Nation; No more excuses: Just 2 minutes of intense exercise every day could extend lifespan Study Finds; Thousands commemorate Italys fascist dictator Mussolini Strange Sounds; The Morning Report 10/31/22 Cut Jib Newsletter Youre shooting a gun! The channel also offers podcasts free-of-charge. Owned by Warner Bros. Accounts run by major state media outlets like Peoples Daily, the Xinhua news agency, China Global Television Network (CGTN), and China Radio International (CRI) have appeared in multiple languages and garnered tens of millions of followers worldwide. Chinese state media have created seemingly unaffiliated accounts that publish pro-Beijing content and narratives. This phenomenon has intensified since 2019, as many accounts shared blatantly misleading narratives to counter negative global attention on the Chinese government in connection with the prodemocracy protests in Hong Kong, rights abuses in Xinjiang, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But there was also a disconcerting trend of meddling in the domestic politics of the target country. This was further extended in 2002 when US programming started at 20.00 SIN time uninterrupted on weeknights. Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images Still, in multiple countries across all geographic regions, authentic user engagement and virality often involved mockery or criticism of posts published by a Chinese diplomatic account. 2:47pm. Started from 30 March 2014, CNBC Asia changed its picture format to 16:9 as a standard broadcast format. Partnerships between a Chinese provider and a local news agency or syndication service are a crucial avenue for large-scale content dissemination. Lastly, Chinese state-affiliated actors adopted stridently anti-American or anti-Western messaging to rebuff local concerns about Chinese state-linked activities, including those related to investment projects, opaque loans, or military expansionism, by attributing such concerns to a Cold War mentality or a misguided US-led attempt to contain China.. 19506. This appeared to have a beneficial deterrent effect, as media outlets sought to avoid the reputational risk of publishing CCP propaganda.2. Although the precise mixture of tactics varies from country to country, a global perspective reveals several noteworthy trends: Beijing retains heavy influence over content consumed by Chinese speakers in much of the world, as the CCP considers potential political dissent among the global diaspora to be a key threat to regime security. At the center of the Chinese governments strategy for controlling international news coverage about the country and its rulers are the tight restrictionsand increasing intimidationapplied to China-based correspondents for foreign outlets. Originally a joint venture between the European Broadcasting Union and Sky In many countries, journalists and civil society groups have led the way by ensuring diversity of coverage, exposing coercive behavior and disinformation campaigns, and instilling both vigilance and resilience in a new generation of media workers, researchers, and news consumers. However, the ticker is not available on CNBC Asia's live stream at (both freeview and CNBC Plus) and is instead replaced by a similar looking static strip which says "CNBC" on the top bar and its tagline "First in Business Worldwide" on the lower bar. [4] At other times, the stream can be accessed by subscribing to CNBC Plus, which costs $9.95/month or $99.95/year. But since the early 2000s, acting on instructions from top leaders, CCP officials have invested billions of dollars in a far more ambitious campaign to shape media content and narratives around the world and in multiple languages. This is a testament to the resilience of a free press in the face of Beijings authoritarian belligerence. The country has made the worlds largest tunnel boring machine (TBM), which can be used in building transportation mega projects. The network can be viewed on multiple platforms including high definition, video on demand as well as on its own website. On 27 September 2007, CNBC Asia announced strategic initiatives to push into the Australian market. I contenuti del portale sono disponibili secondo la licenza Creative Commons (alcuni diritti riservati). In at least 11 of the 30 countries under study, a journalist or researcher exposed behind-the-scenes pressure from Beijing regarding China-related content. Padovanews un periodico iscritto nel Registro della stampa del Tribunale di Padova (numero iscrizione 2072 del 07/03/2007) Editore: Associazone di promozione sociale "Mescool - network creativo indipendente". They build relationships with editors across media organizations.3, Implicit threats to journalists work, such as loss of access to embassy personnel for future interviews or exclusion from subsidized press trips to China, are also used to discourage disfavored reporting. These measures will address Beijings encroachments while strengthening democratic institutions and independent media against other domestic and international threats. Examples of such resistance in France, Israel, and Ghana involved an op-ed published by a Uyghur exile leader, morning talk-show comments about the regimes persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and a political cartoon mocking Xi Jinping. Foreign journalists and media outlets have also faced forms of online intimidation that are more difficult to trace back to the Chinese government, but the circumstantial ties are clear, and these abuses are no less problematic in terms of the psychological and financial pressures they entail. Dengism, also known as Socialism with Chinese characteristics, Deng Xiaoping Theory or Xi Jinping Thought, is an authoritarian, economically debatable (but definitely pro-markets, at least in the short term), culturally variable (but right-leaning since Xi Jinping) ideology with nationalistic tendencies.Dengism saw that for China to adjust to its present economic In recent years, Chinese state media have created accounts on major global platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and produced content in a diverse set of languages, including Romanian, Kiswahili, Hebrew, and Sinhala.4 Nevertheless, Chinas leaders have cast a shadow over news coverage abroad through a combination of actions taken at home, pressures applied against foreign journalists and editors in targeted countries, and incentives that encourage foreign media owners and governments to preemptively obstruct reporting on China-related topics. China-made TBMs have been exported to over 30 countries and regions, with the value of newly signed contracts increasing 58 percent year-on-year in the first six months. This hub is used by presenters to report on Middle East business and is one of the three locations from which Capital Connection is presented. On 14 June 2010, CNBC Asia moved to a new studio inside the Singapore Exchange. While forensic analysis of the campaigns indicates that their implementers are adapting, improving evasive techniques, and creating more convincing persona accounts in multiple countries, their content has not had a substantial effect on public debate or succeeded in creating significant new discord, distrust, or confusion. CNBC also unveiled a redesigned studio in Hong Kong for Squawk Box. At night, the old CNBC US ticker is simulated where only the ticker symbols are displayed instead of the companies' full names. More broadly, since 2019, the CCPs social media influence tactics have undergone rapid changes in strategy, with a turn toward more covert forms of influence and a focus on a broader set of topics that are not directly related to China. In 2021, the countrys industrial robots increased 44.9 percent year on year. Except for Asia Squawk Box and Capital Connection, all of the programmes share the same theme music, which is different from US and Europe versions (each of their programmes have their individual music). Some Chinese-Australian journalists who work in the mainstream English-language media use pseudonyms when publishing articles that are critical of the CCP to avoid government pressure on their families in China. The fund, which is broken down into several parts, will be channelled to projects aligned to the Chinese governments Belt and Road Initiative covering telecommunications, construction of roads, bridges and sea ports, energy, and human capacity development. CNBC Asia was launched on 20 June 1995 along with sister channel NBC Asia. Since then, the practice has become a standard tool in Beijings media influence toolbox. However, some do post frequently and receive genuine user engagement. African Union (AU) headquarters. (China Daily), Addis-Djibouti Railway, constructed in cooperation with Chinese companies (Embassy of Ethiopia), Kenyas largest infrastructure project since independence, Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway. Location: NSW Sydney ACT - Canberra NSW - Sydney NSW - Regional Discovery, it operates two main channelsEurosport 1 and Eurosport 2across most of its territories, and streams on Discovery+.. CNBC Asia also adopted the graphics package that CNBC US and CNBC Europe have been using since 2 March 2010. The project is worth R7.5 billion ($500 million) and will be completed in two phases. In most cases, the articles were not limited to a single outlet but rather were published across a wide variety of platforms. It was originally anchored by Maura Fogarty in Singapore, and Steve Sedgwick in London. Kenyas largest infrastructure project since independence, Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway, was funded by China at an estimated cost of R57.2 billion. Their efforts include both promotion of preferred narrativesabout China, its regime, or its foreign policy prioritiesand more aggressive attempts to marginalize, discredit, or entirely suppress any anti-CCP voices, incisive political commentary, or media exposs that present the Chinese government and its leaders in a negative light. Location: NSW Sydney ACT - Canberra NSW - Sydney NSW - Regional On 1 June 1998, CNBC Asia added CNBC Sports which it aired weekend afternoons and in October 1998, it also started airing selected episodes of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Late Night with Conan O'Brien on weekend evenings as NBC Asia was replaced by the National Geographic Channel. In countries as diverse as Ghana, Italy, South Africa, and Indonesia, influential newswire services regularly used Xinhua content, which was then picked up by other outlets. Ninjago China's Wild Side: Hidden Worlds S1 Ep2 Tibet's Animal Kingdom (G) 10:30am. Staff are based in Singapore unless stated otherwise. Chinese state media have leveraged numerous outlets and social media accounts that produce content in national or regional languages such as Kiswahili, Sinhala, and Romanian. And in the United Kingdom, the British edition of GQ magazine removed Xi Jinping from its list of worst-dressed leaders after managers reportedly intervened.7. In most countries, local media and civil society have been at the forefront of the response. As CCP influence efforts have received more media coverage, political elites in some countries have begun to recognize the potential threat to national interests and democratic values. The country has remained the worlds second largest economy. There had been a slow pace of work on CPEC projects during the tenure of PTI government. A more common reaction was to apply existing laws that either broadly protect press freedom or enhance scrutiny of foreign influence activities in order to support democratic resilience in China-related cases. This report offers the most comprehensive assessment to date of Beijings global media influence and the ways in which democracies are responding. Such agreements deserve scrutiny, including open debate about their advantages and disadvantages, rather than back-room negotiations and vacuous win-win rhetoric. However they manage to do so, many journalists and media outlets around the world have clearly continued to churn out news and analysis that the CCP would likely censor if it could. Location: NSW Sydney ACT - Canberra NSW - Sydney NSW - Regional Beijings actions also have long-term implications, particularly as it gains leverage over key portions of the information infrastructure in many settings. CNBC also launched two brand new shows that replaced Market Watch and the CNBC Europe programme Today's Business. Meanwhile, civil society initiatives are developing a new corps of journalists and researchers to provide a local perspective on bilateral relations, monitor for problematic CCP influence efforts, and share best practices for China-related reporting. ), The Chinese-built and financed African Union Headquarters. CCTV and its international arm, CGTN, faced repercussions in the United Kingdom and Australia during this reports 201921 coverage period for broadcasting forced confessions by prisoners in China.3. James was the first on-camera presence from CNBC since Mark Laudi returned to Singapore from Sydney. Economic data showed that the Chinese economy has secured positive growth with great potential and proven resilience over the past decade, which is still attractive to foreign capital, and that it has been a leading stabilizer of the global supply chain during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outside Asia, the ticker can be seen alongside CNBC Asia programmes simulcasted on CNBC Europe and CNBC World. It is significant that Chinese state entities owning stakes in foreign media outlets, and in! Mainly used ABN 's own graphics scheme rather than transparency, whereas wolf warriors faced pushback from users and governments. Key portions of the 30 countries, local media and civil society donors Was evident observers back home in China or the Chinese economy has transformed from quantitative to qualitative.. 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